Friday, August 29, 2014
Special Technology Edition of The Connection
Welcome to a special edition of The Connection focused entirely on technology! Since technology plays such a vital role in our agency, we wanted to provide staff with an extra communication devoted solely to this topic. Please give special attention to all the content we’ve included, as many sections require staff action. Topics are organized in alphabetical order to support using this document as a quick reference in the future.
Care and Feeding of Your Computer & iPad
Staff members are expected to update their computer and iPad system software routinely. To do this, go to the “Apple” menu on your computer and scroll down to Software Update, and on your iPad, go to the “Settings” app.
If you spill anything on your device, notice any cracks or have any accidents in general with your devices, please notify Thanh Le, Electronic Repair Technician, immediately. Please treat your devices with the utmost care and protection!
If you spill anything on your device, notice any cracks or have any accidents in general with your devices, please notify Thanh Le, Electronic Repair Technician, immediately. Please treat your devices with the utmost care and protection!
Computer Replacement Cycle
Approximately ¼ of agency staff members will receive new computers this school year. Deployment of those new computers will begin in early October. New computers will be MacBook Pro Retina models with 13-inch screens. During this year, the current 4-year computer replacement cycle will be reviewed to see if any changes need to be made.
Contact Guide for Internal Technology
The Internal Technology Department Contact Guide serves as a resource for staff when they need to contact someone in the Internal Technology Department. Various technologies, processes, equipment, etc. are handled by certain members of the Department. This guide will help staff know who to contact when a need arises. The Contact Guide is archived on the Intranet > Technology > Contact Guide.
Copiers & Printers
Printing devices (both copiers and printers) are being updated this year. New printers will be installed in every Heartland AEA office, and three copiers are also being replaced. This is part of our routine replacement cycle to replace older models and capitalize on improvements in copier and printer technology. Staff members in each office will be notified when new devices are installed, as it will require us to update our print drivers by using our self service application.
To make decisions about the number of printers to purchase, the Internal Technology Department reviewed current data on the number of printers the Agency currently has in service, the number of staff assigned in each office and our usage. Using an approximate ratio of one printing device for every 30 people assigned in the office as a general guideline, the Agency will be reducing the overall number of printers in use throughout our offices. However, in addition to the new printers, we will leave the best of our existing printers in service. This adjustment will save space, electricity and maintenance costs.
Printing Guidelines or “When do I use the print shop?”
In the past, the difference in per copy cost between a copier and our print shop was significant. While those costs are much closer today, we do not want to have extensive wear and tear on our copiers, nor do we want to tie them up for long periods of time. That said, we recommend staff use the print shop for larger print jobs (100 pages or more) and more complex print tasks that require more time and/or include significant color copying, collating or stapling.
To make decisions about the number of printers to purchase, the Internal Technology Department reviewed current data on the number of printers the Agency currently has in service, the number of staff assigned in each office and our usage. Using an approximate ratio of one printing device for every 30 people assigned in the office as a general guideline, the Agency will be reducing the overall number of printers in use throughout our offices. However, in addition to the new printers, we will leave the best of our existing printers in service. This adjustment will save space, electricity and maintenance costs.
Printing Guidelines or “When do I use the print shop?”
In the past, the difference in per copy cost between a copier and our print shop was significant. While those costs are much closer today, we do not want to have extensive wear and tear on our copiers, nor do we want to tie them up for long periods of time. That said, we recommend staff use the print shop for larger print jobs (100 pages or more) and more complex print tasks that require more time and/or include significant color copying, collating or stapling.
Core Technology Skills
In collaboration with the Internal Technology Planning Council, the Agency’s leaders have agreed to a list of core technology skills that all agency staff should have knowledge of or be able to demonstrate. These core skills were identified after input was gathered from regional and department planning councils across the Agency.
The Internal Technology Department and agency leaders are currently working on an action plan around these core skills, and information about further supports and training will be provided at a later date.
The Internal Technology Department and agency leaders are currently working on an action plan around these core skills, and information about further supports and training will be provided at a later date.
Data Back-up
We know that backing up your critical agency data can be challenging, so the Internal Technology Department has identified a solution to help address this ongoing issue. In the coming months, external hard drives will be provided to all regular full-time and part-time staff members. Having an external hard drive will make it easier for our staff who work in schools and homes to back-up their data, as you will not need an Internet connection to try to back things up to the agency file server.
Dial-Through Phone Service
The Agency has implemented a “dial-through” phone service for employees approved for the Remote Workplace Program (RWP) or for staff who must use personal cell phones to conduct agency business. The service is intended to protect the privacy of staff working in these environments and to ensure that return calls are not made to personal lines outside of business hours.
Using the service consists of calling a toll-free number that works similarly to a calling card. No personal charges will be incurred for this service other than cellular airtime, which may be reimbursed. Heartland AEA supervisors can provide access and instructions for using this service, and the instructions are also archived on the Intranet > Technology > Dial-Through Phone Service Instructions.
Email is a vital work tool for Heartland AEA staff and should be checked and read on a regular basis. Access to the Agency network is not intended to provide staff with personal or recreational Internet or email access. Heartland AEA will monitor the usage (direct or remote) of the network to ensure equitable, adequate access for all Heartland AEA users and compliance with board policy and these guidelines. Keep in mind that as a public agency, our email communications are considered public record, so staff should not assume privacy in any electronic communications. Employee electronic files may be accessed, with just cause, by persons with system privileges. Staff are responsible for the proper use of their email account, so use your best judgment when sending email correspondence!
The Agency strives to provide access to equipment for staff to perform their job duties. Examples of this type of equipment include LCD projectors, extension cords, laptops, audio speakers, video cameras, etc. These items are located across all our agency offices and can be reserved through the online Resource Scheduler program. Access and use of Heartland AEA equipment is not intended to provide staff with personal, recreational or financial benefit.
During the 2014-15 school year, the Agency will be working to establish an iPad replacement cycle in time for 2015-16 budget planning. Technology leadership staff will work with job-alike leads/groups this fall to identify more specifics about needs regarding uses, apps and training. It’s likely that as we replace iPads, we will get models with greater storage, and this year the Internal Technology Department will continue to work with staff individually or in small groups if they think their iPads don’t have enough storage capacity.
The following trainings are only for staff who are receiving an agency iPad for the first time. The trainings will cover a basic system overview and applications that apply to agency work. You will be notified when your iPad has arrived, which needs to happen before you sign-up for this training.
Sept. 17, 2014
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Oct. 24, 2014
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Nov. 21, 2014
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Jan. 23, 2015
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Feb. 20, 2015
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
March 25, 2015
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The following trainings are only for staff who are receiving an agency iPad for the first time. The trainings will cover a basic system overview and applications that apply to agency work. You will be notified when your iPad has arrived, which needs to happen before you sign-up for this training.
Sept. 17, 2014
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Oct. 24, 2014
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Nov. 21, 2014
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Jan. 23, 2015
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Feb. 20, 2015
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
March 25, 2015
9:00 a.m. – noon
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Mac Operating System Updates
During the 2014-15 year, everyone with a computer will be moving to the 10.9 Mac Operating System software. Staff members will be notified by the Internal Technology Department about the implementation process for this upgrade. We anticipate that this will happen sometime this fall.
Technology Support Leads
A relatively new layer of support available to staff in each office are the Tech Support Leads. These identified staff members have been trained to handle many of the routine technology questions that surface on a day-to-day basis. When your Tech Support Lead is unable to answer your question, please refer to the Internal Technology Department Contact Guide to get the support you need.
Tech Support Leads
Chris Arend, Regional Administrative Assistant
Delaware Co-location • ext. 18104
Valerie Hubert, Regional Administrative Assistant
Ames Office • ext. 12305
Terri Barnes, Executive Assistant
Administration Center • ext. 14310
Terri Paulson, Regional Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 18103
Angela Bosworth-Cowman, Regional Administrative Assistant
Adel Office • ext. 11246
Kathy Randel, Regional Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 14340
Cassie Britton, Regional Administrative Assistant
Ames Office • ext. 12319
Carrie Roose, Regional Administrative Assistant
Knoxville Office • ext. 17100
Colleen Chalfant, Regional Administrative Assistant
Guthrie Center Office • ext. 13300
Veretta Schuyler, Regional Administrative Assistant
Parkview Co-location • ext. 18106
Victoria Chiles, Regional Administrative Assistant
Newton Office • ext. 12200
Janet Steinkamp, Regional Administrative Assistant
Carroll Office • ext. 15015
Shelley Christensen, Registrar/Licensure Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 14668
Kathy Teigland, Regional Administrative Assistant
Indianola Office • ext. 16264
Sue Garvey, Regional Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 18105
Janice Walter, Central Office Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 14652
Kendra Halferty, Regional Administrative Assistant
Newton Office • ext. 12202
Tech Support Leads
Chris Arend, Regional Administrative Assistant
Delaware Co-location • ext. 18104
Valerie Hubert, Regional Administrative Assistant
Ames Office • ext. 12305
Terri Barnes, Executive Assistant
Administration Center • ext. 14310
Terri Paulson, Regional Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 18103
Angela Bosworth-Cowman, Regional Administrative Assistant
Adel Office • ext. 11246
Kathy Randel, Regional Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 14340
Cassie Britton, Regional Administrative Assistant
Ames Office • ext. 12319
Carrie Roose, Regional Administrative Assistant
Knoxville Office • ext. 17100
Colleen Chalfant, Regional Administrative Assistant
Guthrie Center Office • ext. 13300
Veretta Schuyler, Regional Administrative Assistant
Parkview Co-location • ext. 18106
Victoria Chiles, Regional Administrative Assistant
Newton Office • ext. 12200
Janet Steinkamp, Regional Administrative Assistant
Carroll Office • ext. 15015
Shelley Christensen, Registrar/Licensure Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 14668
Kathy Teigland, Regional Administrative Assistant
Indianola Office • ext. 16264
Sue Garvey, Regional Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 18105
Janice Walter, Central Office Administrative Assistant
Johnston Regional Education Center • ext. 14652
Kendra Halferty, Regional Administrative Assistant
Newton Office • ext. 12202
Wireless Bandwidth at Agency Offices
Our agency offices, especially the Johnston Regional Education Center and Administration Center buildings, continue to host an increasing number of classes and meetings, and those events continue to grow larger in size. Those attending our events are bringing multiple devices such as laptops, iPads and smartphones with them. While we have very strong wireless networks in out buildings, they cannot handle an unlimited number of connections.
In order to accommodate our guests and to help ensure that our staff has the access to what is needed to do their work, we ask that if it’s possible for you to plug in to the network at your desk, please do so regularly, and turn off your wireless access. This will free up wireless bandwidth for our guests and those who are meeting in our conference rooms. If you need assistance getting your computer plugged in to the network, contact Tuan Dao, Senior Network Administrator, or Tim Weets, Network Specialist.
In order to accommodate our guests and to help ensure that our staff has the access to what is needed to do their work, we ask that if it’s possible for you to plug in to the network at your desk, please do so regularly, and turn off your wireless access. This will free up wireless bandwidth for our guests and those who are meeting in our conference rooms. If you need assistance getting your computer plugged in to the network, contact Tuan Dao, Senior Network Administrator, or Tim Weets, Network Specialist.
Zoom Video Conferencing

Every regular full-time and part-time agency staff member has received an invitation via email to create a Zoom account. This is a necessary step to assure we all have have access to this powerful, easy-to-use video conferencing tool. Zoom is being widely adopted by Iowa’s AEAs, including Heartland AEA, and the Iowa Department of Education. Zoom has the potential to save the Agency and our staff a great deal of time and money, and it is one of the core tools that we will expect all employees to know how to use. If you haven't already done so, please create your Zoom account by Sept. 15, 2014. If you inadvertently deleted your email invite, please contact Lance Wilhelm at
This tutorial video provides an excellent overview of Zoom and its basic features. This Zoom instructions document, created by Julie Sypersma, includes directions on how to create your Zoom account and install the application on your computer or iPad. It also contains links to videos that provide more details about how to use Zoom.
Using Zoom, you will be able to host video conferences of up to 25 connections. The instructional videos show how to invite people to videoconferences, and these people do not have to have Zoom licenses or accounts. (For example, you might want to conference with the special ed teachers in a given district.) If you need to host a larger online meeting, contact Lance Wilhelm for more options. Other features of Zoom include:
- Screen Share your desktop or application window (annotate over screen)
- Group or private chat
- Record your meeting
- Manage participants
- Schedule video meetings ahead of time or invite people on the fly with an email or meeting ID
- Instant meetings in your personal virtual meeting room
- Interface with your Google contacts (when you login with your Google ID)
- Remote control another computer
Monday, August 25, 2014
Our Mission
To provide services and leadership, in partnership with families, schools and communities, that improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth.
Our Goals
• Increase learning growth for students
• Decrease the gap in achievement
• Increase annual graduation rates
• Increase gateways to post-secondary success
To provide services and leadership, in partnership with families, schools and communities, that improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth.
Our Goals
• Increase learning growth for students
• Decrease the gap in achievement
• Increase annual graduation rates
• Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Reminder: All-Staff Meeting Set for Sept. 12; Send in Your Slideshow Photos Now!
Location: Palace Theater at Adventureland
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. – Benefits/Wellness Fair, continental breakfast
9:00 to 11:30 a.m. – All-Staff meeting
A few details:
- The Benefits/Wellness Fair will be held from 7:30-9:00 a.m. before the start of the meeting. This flyer gives you information on who is participating and what they will have to offer.
- We will be recognizing our years of service award recipients for 2014. So pay attention, you just might be asked to walk across the stage!
- We will again be doing a photo slideshow to showcase the people and places that are important to you outside of work. We want to see photos of babies, pets, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, winning teams and over achievers! Send your photos with a short caption to by Aug. 29 No more than three photos per person…thanks!
- Wear your agency colors (purple and green) for our group photo at the end of the meeting!
Updated Communication Resources for 2014-15
After some last minute adjustments, you will now find the updated communication resources we currently have available. Look for the Superintendent Directory and the Staff & Schools Directory in September. These items are also archived on the Intranet > Communications > Communications Resources & Publications.
- Planning Councils Structure & Membership
- This chart is a graphical representation of how the Agency’s planning council structure.
- Regional Map
- New design to our agency regional map, including the addition of EHK to the Exira district. Please use this new map going forward.
- Regional Map w/ Regional Directors
- Regional map with regional directors noted.
- Regional Director Assignments
- List of districts served for the agency’s regional directors. Note that Dave Wood is now serving the Indianola school district.
- Van Route List
- A list of all van route numbers for the 2014-15 school year.
- Composite Calendar
- Excel spreadsheet of our districts’ and schools’ start dates, teacher workdays/in-services, parent/teacher conferences, early dismissals, holidays/no school days, breaks, semester ending dates and year-end dates. Please note that school schedules are subject to change throughout the year.
Heartland AEA Logo Clothing Available From Lands’ End
It’s not too late to get a new shirt for the beginning of the school year! Lands’ End is still the official vendor for Heartland AEA-logo clothing items. Visit our Lands’ End e-store today! You can go to the site to purchase any clothing item, case, bag or tote in any color you like with the Agency’s logo. The more logos we can get in front of the public, the better! A number of items are on sale right now, some discounted up to 65%! There is also free logo placement until Aug. 29, which is a savings of up to $8.50. Use the promo code EMLOGO for free logos. Happy shopping!
Required: Read 2014-15 Staff Handbook and Sign Read Receipt
This message was emailed to staff on Aug. 19 and is being repeated here for your information.
The Heartland AEA Staff Handbook has been updated as of July 1, 2014 and is available for all staff to read and become familiar with. All previous versions of the Staff Handbook should be discarded or archived. The handbook also contains a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Notice for staff to read. After you understand where to find the staff handbook and are able to review it along with the HIPAA notice, you are required to complete a web-based read receipt form that confirms you have reviewed both of these documents. Please DO NOT print and send this form to Human Resources.
Once you click on the link to the web form, you will need to enter the username and password that you use to login to the Employee Dashboard. You will then be prompted to complete the read receipt form. If you do not fill out the form in a timely manner, you will receive a friendly e-mail reminder to do so.
Note that the handbook is in PDF form as well as emagazine form and contains links directly in the document that allow you to navigate through the chapters and headings. By clicking on an entry title in the index, you'll be taken directly to that entry. The emagazine can be viewed in your web browser and the PDF can be viewed in Mac Preview or Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader will provide additional features such as the ability to highlight and keep comment notes in the document should you choose to save it locally to your computer.
For future reference, the Staff Handbook is located on the Intranet > Human Resources > Staff Handbook.
The Heartland AEA Staff Handbook has been updated as of July 1, 2014 and is available for all staff to read and become familiar with. All previous versions of the Staff Handbook should be discarded or archived. The handbook also contains a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Notice for staff to read. After you understand where to find the staff handbook and are able to review it along with the HIPAA notice, you are required to complete a web-based read receipt form that confirms you have reviewed both of these documents. Please DO NOT print and send this form to Human Resources.
Once you click on the link to the web form, you will need to enter the username and password that you use to login to the Employee Dashboard. You will then be prompted to complete the read receipt form. If you do not fill out the form in a timely manner, you will receive a friendly e-mail reminder to do so.
Note that the handbook is in PDF form as well as emagazine form and contains links directly in the document that allow you to navigate through the chapters and headings. By clicking on an entry title in the index, you'll be taken directly to that entry. The emagazine can be viewed in your web browser and the PDF can be viewed in Mac Preview or Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader will provide additional features such as the ability to highlight and keep comment notes in the document should you choose to save it locally to your computer.
For future reference, the Staff Handbook is located on the Intranet > Human Resources > Staff Handbook.
Agency Volunteer Time to Continue
Staff members must follow these procedures for volunteering during agency hours:
- There must be at least three Heartland AEA staff members (you and at least two other staff) working at the same volunteer opportunity together.
- Staff members are encouraged to wear Heartland AEA-logo clothing or our “Heartland Cares” stickers that were created for this purpose. You can request stickers by contacting the Communications Department at
- Of course, you must approve your leave with your supervisor before taking the time off.
- Finally, to celebrate our work, please take a photo of your group during the volunteer activity and send it to the Communications Department with information about the activity and who was involved.
We’ll continue this opportunity again this school year and re-evaluate after June 30, 2015. Thank you for representing our agency in our communities and demonstrating that we’re proud to impact lives!
Heartland AEA Troubleshooting Support for Iowa TIER
To support schools with questions and troubleshooting regarding use of the Iowa TIER data system, each AEA has designated staff who can help. These positions are responsible for supporting implementation of Iowa TIER through the help desk system management and developing and managing training and support materials. In Heartland AEA, Mike Szymczuk, Assessment Consultant, and Colleen Miller, Central Office Administrative Assistant, are those contacts. You can reach Mike at or ext. 14377 and Colleen at or ext. 14308.
Math Capacity Building Participants: Register By Sept. 5!
Please remember to sign up for this year's Math Capacity Building Strand by Friday, September 5, 2014. Our registration numbers are lower this year, and it is a possibility that if our Cohort A registration does not increase, we may need to combine our cohorts and follow Cohort B dates. Registration information and dates are:
Cohort A: IN062299991501
September 23, 2014
October 16, 2014
November 17, 2014
January 22, 2015
April 20, 2015
Cohort B: IN062399991501
September 30, 2014
October 23, 2014
November 21, 2014
February 3, 2014
April 27, 2014
Cohort A: IN062299991501
September 23, 2014
October 16, 2014
November 17, 2014
January 22, 2015
April 20, 2015
Cohort B: IN062399991501
September 30, 2014
October 23, 2014
November 21, 2014
February 3, 2014
April 27, 2014
Reminder: NEW Registration Information for Regional Meeting Follow-Up Sessions for Elementary Staff (Early Literacy, MTSS & Dyslexia)
Course Title: Early Literacy Progression, Supporting MTSS, Understanding the Dyslexia Bill, and Implications for our work in Educational Systems for AEA Staff serving Elementary Partners.
Target Audience: All AEA staff in the job-alike groups of instructional coaches, professional learning generalists, math consultants, reading consultants, school psychologists, school social workers, special education consultants and speech-language pathologists (and others as directed by regional directors) who serve elementary school partners
Sept. 3
Sept. 4
Sept. 5
Johnston/Ankeny location TBD
Sept. 8
Sept. 9
Sept. 19
Identified staff members (see targeted audience above) need to pick only one session to attend.
If you are uncertain if you need to attend this professional learning opportunity, please contact your regional director. If you have any questions regarding these sessions, contact Martha Condon, School Psychologist, at or ext. 18145.
Urbandale Schools Has New Email Addresses
Urbandale Schools is transitioning to a new email domain: The usernames will remain the same, and emails sent to the old addresses will automatically flow through to the new addresses indefinitely. The transition has been ongoing for about a year, and it will likely take another few months to catch everyone. If you send an email to someone’s address before they're moved over, it will automatically flow back to the old “legacy” system, so either address will work for everyone at the current time.
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