Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
In the document linked below, you’ll find the results of the 2017 All-Staff Meeting survey. Thank you to the 188 staff who responded to the survey. We’ll take your responses into consideration as we plan for future meetings. 2018 All-Staff Meeting Survey Responses
Save the date for our annual on-site biometric screenings performed by Hy-Vee! A link to register for appointment times will be shared in the future. Don’t wait for chronic diseases to sneak up on you. Take preventive measures by getting a health assessment from a Hy-Vee dietitian. Get quick and accurate results on cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat and body mass index. The dietitian will then explain what the results mean to you. If you would rather, you can always go to a Hy-Vee store that has a dietician or to your primary care physician to have your biometric screening done. You will need to make an appointment with a Hy-Vee dietitian if you do a screening on your own. Screening Dates & Locations Johnston REC Dec. 5 & Dec. 18, 2018 Jan. 10 & Jan. 24, 2019 Feb. 5 & Feb. 20, 2019 March 5 & March 28, 2019 Newton Regional Office Dec. 6, 2018 Ames Regional Office Dec. 11, 2018 Carroll Regional Office Jan. 22, 2019 Indianola Regional Office Jan. 15, 2019 Adel Regional Office Feb. 13, 2019
Did you know that 80% of workers polled nationally indicate they want their employer to provide financial wellness education? Consider where we are as a society today:
70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck – Wall Street Journal
30% of Americans have outstanding loans on their 401k’s – Business Record
#1 cause of stress is money problems and money fights – multiple studies
Heartland AEA is excited to announce its next wellness offering—Budgeting & Planning for Emergencies! Whether you’re looking to pick up a few nuggets of information, or you need a financial overhaul, this 90-minute lunch and learn workshop will teach you all of the basics of how to handle your money well. Nov. 7, 2018 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Johnston REC Also available via Zoom RSVP by Nov. 5, 2018 Registration
The Iowa Digital Learning Plan was unveiled at last week's Iowa Technology & Education Connection conference and is being shared with educators across the state. Please pass on to those you serve. The Iowa Digital Learning Plan, a collaborative effort between the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa’s Area Education Agencies and school districts, is ready to roll! The Plan includes sections relevant to all educators and administrators:
Teaching with Technology
Engaging and Empowering Learning through Technology
Digital Learning Plan Goal The Plan’s goal is to provide a vision for what digital learning could look like in Iowa with the hope of bridging the gap that exists between islands of excellence around the state. Through the stories and resources provided, a vision will be created for what digital learning could look like if fully implemented. Interested educators can draw upon the information contained herein to develop a picture of the desired state for their own classrooms or schools. The effective use of digital learning will help districts address Iowa Core’s Universal Constructs and what is often referred to as the 4Cs. The 4Cs, according to the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (2017), include creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The Iowa Core’s Universal Constructs incorporate these four concepts and include flexibility and adaptability, and productivity and accountability. If used planfully, digital learning can aid districts in ensuring that all students are able to show mastery with each of these constructs. Teachers can plan lessons to address one or more of these constructs and use digital learning devices or resources as tools to allow a student to master the constructs being addressed. Real Classroom Examples The Plan includes real-life examples of digital learning and videos of teachers modeling instructional practices in their classrooms. How Do I Get My Hands on the Plan? Visit the Iowa’s AEAs website to download the Plan. Then reach out to the AEA instructional technology consultant who serves your district for guidance as you bring digital learning to life in your school or classroom! Printed copies of the plan will be available after Nov. 1, 2018, by contacting Stacy Behmer at Grant Wood AEA.
Child Count Day, Oct. 26, 2018, is quickly approaching! Please read the reminders below and if any apply to you, complete as soon as possible. Let's work together to make Child Count 2018 go smoothly!
Students moving into the state of Iowa with an active IEP must have an Iowa IEP completed on Iowa IDEA prior to Child Count. If an Iowa IEP meeting will not be held on or before Oct. 26, 2018, follow the Out of State IEP Procedure for 2018-2019 document that is located on the Heartland AEA Special Education Procedures, Processes and Forms site which states the following process will be followed:
*Child Count: Beginning Oct. 15, 2018, after verifying with the Primary Contact or Direct Service Provider that no Iowa IEP meeting will be held on or before Oct. 26, 2018, the Data Specialist will start a Move-In type IEP for those students who have moved into Iowa and no meeting will be held on or before Oct. 26, 2018. The Data Specialist will complete:
Family Tab
Tab A except for the Procedural Safeguards and, if applicable, Rights will Transfer Information (Must be completed by Primary Contact, Direct Service Provider or Teacher)
Tab F will add one Service box and EC Worksheet when applicable. (Must be completed by Primary Contact, Direct Service Provider, or Teacher)
RSD tab except for the Disability Code (Must be completed by Primary Contact, Direct Service Provider or Teacher)
All PK to Kindergarten students must have a transition IEP completed prior to Child Count. The Data Specialists will run reports and Primary Contacts and/or Direct Service Providers will be notified no later than Oct. 15, 2018, if a transition IEP has not been completed. If you are responsible for any Kindergarten students, check to make sure the transition IEP has been completed. This includes:
Changing the grade to Kindergarten (Family and A tab)
Marking Full-time programming o Updating the teacher or service provider
Updating the EC Setting Worksheet
Verifying the District Wide Assessment information
Completing a final ECO. Remember, an ECO on an Initial cannot be considered the Final ECO - there must be two sets of data for comparison. Also, the Final ECO must show progress as Yes or No.
Direct Service Provider, as well as teacher rosters, are in the process of being distributed by the Administrative Assistants. If you are responsible to turn in rosters, take some time to review the rosters carefully to make sure all data is correct and all students are accounted for on the roster.
Students who are no longer receiving special education services on Oct. 26, 2018, MUST have an exit IEP/IFSP completed and submitted by noon on October 29, 2018. If you are a Primary Contact, work with your teachers to make sure students are exited who are no longer receiving special education services. If you are a Direct Service Provider, complete exits for students you are no longer serving that are listed on your roster.
All IFSP and IEP processes/meetings held on or before Oct. 26, 2018, must be completed and submitted as soon as possible; no later than noon on Oct. 29, 2018. Primary Contacts, work with your teachers to ensure that all IEPs are submitted within that timeline. If you are a Direct Service Provider for IEPs and/or IFSPs, complete and submit your IEP/IFSP within that timeline.
Thank you in advance for your help in making Child Count 2018 a smooth process!