Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Due to inclement weather, the Region 3 Chat with the Chief was rescheduled. New details: April 11, 2019 3 - 4 p.m. Smokey Row Coffee House, Pleasantville
Recent weather conditions have created travel challenges for all Midwesterners. After incidents that occurred during home visits (e.g., being stuck in a driveway), a few Heartland AEA staff members have required assistance during the day to perform their job duties. For situations caused by inclement weather, the Agency will reimburse for towing/roadside assistance while staff members are performing their job duties. (For this purpose, the work day is identified from the staff member’s arrival at their first work site to when they depart their last work site.) We request, however, that staff first pursue reimbursement through other coverage, such as "AAA" membership or through roadside assistance coverage that staff carries as part of their auto insurance policy. Often times roadside assistance coverage is provided during a car's warranty period. Staff should consider contacting their auto insurance company to see if roadside assistance coverage is available (sometimes referred to as “towing and labor”). The insurance coverage may cost as little as $1-2 per month per vehicle, and it generally covers the following:
towing to the nearest repair facility (or to a repair facility within a specified distance),
assistance in getting your vehicle “unstuck” from a snowy or icy roadway,
gas delivery,
tire changes and
unlocking the vehicle if the keys are left inside.
If you have any questions about the cost reimbursement, contact Brian Whalen, Business Manager, or Kurt Subra, Chief Financial Officer.
One of our Heartland AEA colleagues recently worked with a team from the Johnston Schools to create an informational resource for school administrators to use with their teachers about the new Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP). The resource covers the following areas:
Proctor's responsibilities before, during and after testing
Test security and ethics
Accessibility and accommodations procedures
The content was taken from several resources Iowa Testing shared at Curriculum Network and from documents on the ISASP Portal. Note that Iowa Testing has vetted this resource.
As you know, LifeWorks is our agency’s confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and innovative well-being resource offering support and guidance for you and your colleagues. Their services are available any time by phone, online or by mobile app – all at no cost to you. LifeWorks provides support and services for your mental, physical, social and financial well-being, and Heartland AEA is pleased to announce that as of March 1, 2019, you have access to enhanced services through LifeWorks. What's changed? You will receive an email invitation from LifeWorks tomorrow (March 12) that will prompt you to create your own personal username and password to access the LifeWorks platform. (This will replace the current username and password that is the same for all Heartland AEA employees.) The enhanced “Life” section will appear the same with tools, podcasts and articles for Family, Health, Life, Money and Work, but now there will also be a “Perks” tab that has exclusive offers, cashback rewards and discounted gift cards. Perks Perks is the place to help you save and earn cash back when shopping. With a huge range of retailers, there’s something for everyone.
Shop Online & Gift Cards - Browse hundreds of retailers and follow LifeWorks’ special link to earn cash back on your purchase. Watch your cashback grow or transfer it into your PayPal account. You can also purchase discounted digital gift cards right from the platform!
In-Store and Exclusive Offers - Gives you great deals and discounts on in-store and online purchases all in one place. You can browse offers in the In-Store and Exclusive Offers tabs. Simply click on the offer you are interested in for details of how to redeem it.
User Guide Read more about LifeWorks in the LifeWorks User Guide. Email Invitation Reminder: Watch for your email invitation from LifeWorks! Follow the instructions by selecting the link in the email, enter your Heartland AEA email as your username and set a password of your choice. Then rediscover the enhanced LifeWorks platform! LifeWorks is here for you, whenever you need them, day or night. Online:login.lifeworks.com Toll-free: 1-888-456-1324 Service in Spanish: 1-888-732-9020 TTY: 1-800-999-3004 App: Download the free “LifeWorks” app If you have any questions, contact Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist.
Since we’re in the midst of tax season, and the IRS is on our minds, this Q & A reminder might be beneficial to those of you who have a medical flex account. (Only the medical flex account offers the Benny card, which is used like a debit card.) Q: Why do I have to provide itemized receipts when I use my Benny card? A: Due to IRS requirements, some expenses require substantiation. Some examples are co-payments for a spouse’s plan, dental services and vision services such as eyeglasses. Substantiation isn’t required for Heartland AEA employees’ co-insurance since that plan information has already been submitted by Heartland AEA. But because a spouse’s co-payment could differ according to their plan, and 121 Benefits wouldn't have that plan information, substantiation is required. Also, if the card is used at a store where ineligible items could be purchased (e.g., hair care products at Target when you check out through the CVS Pharmacy), then substantiation will automatically be required. A full list of eligible and ineligible expenses can be found on the 121 Benefits website. Q: What should I do if the card can't be used at the provider's office or retailer? A: There may be providers or retailers that do not accept Visa, or there may be a store that is not authorized to do so. In this case, you must seek reimbursement for the expense through the manual claims process: by submitting a claim online via your personal account, by fax, mail or by using the 121 Benefits mobile app. Q: Do I need to save my receipts and documentation? A: You need to save your receipts or itemized documents for expenses that have been paid or reimbursed from your FSA, HRA or HSA. If you are audited by the IRS, you may need these documents. The IRS requires that all expenses are verified or substantiated, and if not, additional documentation is required to not only make sure the expenses are eligible but that they were incurred in the proper plan year. If a receipt or documentation is needed, you will receive notification from 121 Benefits. (These receipts are needed to document your debit card charges should you ever be audited by the IRS, even if the receipt is not required for reimbursement through 121 Benefits.) If you have any questions, contact Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist.
Four Oaks Family Connections serves children by recruiting, licensing, training and supporting foster/adoptive resource families in 69 of Iowa’s 99 counties. Presenter Kai McGee will share information about their mission and the need for foster and adoptive families in the state of Iowa. Four Oaks Lunch & Learn March 12, 2019 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Johnston REC, Conference Room 107A Available via Zoom
Each week during the Iowa legislative session, we will bring you an AEA Legislative Update from the Iowa’s AEAs legislative advocacy team. March 8, 2019 Legislative Update
As you all know, your agency ID badge also serves as a keycard for you to access the agency office to which you are assigned. The following are friendly reminders about keycards:
Make sure your card is working. Test it once a month to make sure you can still unlock a locked door at your office. This shouldn't be an issue, but sometimes things happen. Contact us if you find your card no longer works for your office.
If you lose your card, let us know ASAP. If you let us know, we are able to turn off access to a lost card, so nothing will happen if it ends up in the wrong hands. If you then find the lost card, let us know, and we can restore the proper access. If you lose your card, contact us as soon as you can.
Speaking of losing your card....take care of your card. It is a key that can unlock doors, so it should be treated as such.
ID Badge/Keycard Contact Colleen Miller, Central Office Administrative Assistant ext. 14308