The 2012-2013 calendar has been added to the Employee Dashboard for all staff members who need to complete a calendar. The link to this function is found in the Calendar Online Forms folder under the Leave Online tab.
The calendar presented will be the default calendar based on an individual staff member’s pay assignment. This will look very similar to the online Calendar View function. However, functionality is built into the interface to allow the personalization of the calendar to reflect the staff member’s schedule. This is done simply by clicking on the day in question. Each time a day is clicked it will change to one of the following:
• Blue X – represents a non working day • Green / – represents a half working day • White Space – represents a full working day
Unpaid holidays are represented by a yellow H, and paid holidays are represented by a yellow H followed by an asterisk (*). Sundays and holidays cannot be changed.
At the top of the screen, two numbers will be presented. The number on the left is the number of working days based on the days selected as such–in other words, the total of the white spaces (full days) and green slashes (half days). The second number is the number of days expected to work based on the pay assignment. These two numbers must match when the calendar is submitted.
A help document named “Calendar Online Entry Documentation” is available under the Help tab. This document describes in detail all functions of the interface.
When the calendar is submitted, it will be routed to the staff member’s supervisor just like a leave request. And, just as a leave request, the supervisor will review and can approve or reject the calendar. Applicable e-mails are sent to the staff member and his or her need-to-know person.
Once approved, the 2012-13 calendar can be viewed by the staff member, the supervisor and the need-to-know person. Also, all subsequent changes to a staff member’s 2012-13 calendar must be submitted via the Calendar Exchange Online request system after July 1, 2012.
These employee working days calendars are due before staff members leave for the summer or June 14, whichever comes first.
If you have any questions, contact Chrissy Bradley, Human Resources Data Specialist, at or ext. 14432.
Thanks to everyone who recently came to our Wellness Lunch & Learn featuring local physician Dr. John Amspaugh. Dr. Amspaugh explained what our biometric numbers mean and what we can do to get those numbers into a normal range. In case you missed the presentation, audio and video was recorded and can be accessed here:
If you were not able to get your physical and biometric numbers during the campaign, why not do so now? You’ll find the presentation will be helpful in understanding what steps you need to take to becoming your healthy best!
The final numbers are in on the “Know Your Numbers” campaign, and we had 25% of full-time agency staff participate. The top participating region was the Central Staff with a total of 35.58% participation. Regions 4 and 3 were a close 2nd and 3rd. You can see the full list of regions below.
Central – 35.58% (37 employees) Region 4 – 35.29% (6 employees) Region 3 – 34.92% (22 employees) Region 8 – 30.30% (20 employees) Region 7 – 25.71% (20 employees) Region 1 – 22% (11 employees) Region 2 – 18.03% (11 employees) Region 6 – 14.04% (8 employees) Region 5 – 11.11% (8 employees) Shelter Care – 9.52% (2 employees)
The Central Staff who participated will receive a casual day sticker and will be served a healthy snack by members of the Agency Planning Council. (More details to come.) Thanks to everyone who participated!
Click here to download the 2012-13 calendar of major agency meetings. The calendar has been updated as of April 20. If you have any questions, contact Jenny Ugolini, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary, at or ext. 14441.
The Operations Department will be celebrating the service of the following five employees who serve agency-wide with a reception that is open to all staff. Join us on May 15 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms 13A and B at the Johnston REC as we celebrate these dedicated staff members. The awards presentation will begin at 2:30 p.m.
Rebecca McCreary - 25 years Sheree Bergstrom - 25 years Scott Mayne - 25 years Laurie LaRue - 25 years Mark McMurry - 15 years