Tuesday, May 31, 2011

December 2011 Agency Holidays Set

Agency holidays for December 2011 have been confirmed. They are December 26, 27, 29 and 30.

Setting the Agency’s Direction Update

Updates about the Agency’s future can be found on the Setting Direction blog at http://direction.aea11.k12.ia.us.

Update: Professional Learning Opportunity For Staff Who Support Special Education

Heartland is offering a professional learning opportunity for staff who support special education. The content will focus on the Iowa Core and how it enhances learning for students with disabilities. The session will be held on June 14-15. Iowa Core TQ money will be available for the two-day event. Due to popular demand, we’re increasing the number of special education staff who can attend the Summer Iowa Core Institute. Please use the following number to register: IN041592111201. Registration deadline is June 2.

Please contact Sue Severson at sseverson@aea11.k12.ia.us or ext. 14661 if you have any questions.

Reminder About Educational Evaluation Report (EER)

This information was included in The Connection in April, but it is being repeated here as a reminder to staff. If you have any questions, contact Sarah Brown at sbrown@aea11.k12.ia.us.

Current Web-Based EER
The current EER (which is part of the Web IEP) will no longer require or notify you that specific fields need completed. Therefore, as you use the current EER, you will need to ensure that all fields are completed prior to finalizing the EER.


As we anticipated, the new EER became available on March 1. At Heartland a trial implementation of the new EER began on March 28. Staff may begin using the new EER for any evaluations they conduct, but all staff who write EERs as part of their role must complete at least one evaluation report using the new EER this spring. In August, we will begin using the new EER for all Full and Individual Evaluations (FIEs).

During this spring and all of the 2011-2012 school year, the new EER will be used as a Word template and uploaded as an associated file to the WebIEP. During this time, you will use a template that corresponds with the number of domains being evaluated. For example, if you are evaluating Academics and Communication, the 2 Domain EER will be used. There are templates for up to six domains available. The new EER templates and the FIE Checklist can be found on the Intranet. Under the “Professional Development Resources” link there is a page titled “Educational Evaluation Report Resources.” That page contains the following:

• EER templates

• FIE Checklist (with FIE Interpretation Guide)

One large change to the EER is the general organization of the document. The document is organized by domain rather than by section. Therefore, you will include the progress and discrepancy information for a domain before including information for another domain. There is still only one Individual Information section and one Needs section.

Options for Using the New EER

Option 1: One Practitioner Completed the EER

If you are the only practitioner evaluating a student, you can complete the EER within the Word template and upload it to the WebIEP prior to the Eligibility Determination Meeting.

Option 2: More than One Practitioner Completed the EER Using Dropbox

If there is more than one practitioner conducting an EER, each will need to complete the Progress and Discrepancy sections. You will need to decide who will complete the Individual Information section. There is only one Needs section, but each practitioner may want to contribute to it. To complete this efficiently we will be using Dropbox.
Dropbox is a Web 2.0 tool that allows multiple people to collaborate on the same document. When a group of practitioners share a Dropbox file with an EER in it, each time one of the members makes a change to the EER, it will save the changes. You will not have to upload the file each time to Dropbox; the changes will be saved automatically on the Web. It will save time in terms of copying and pasting sections from a variety of drafts. If you are unfamiliar with Dropbox, we have training videos on EduVision that will help you get started. Go to these links:

Dropbox Overview


Dropbox: How to Share Folders and Files


Or go directly to our Heartland EduVision site at https://aea111.eduvision.tv/default.aspx and search for Dropbox. (You can always find EduVision by clicking on the red TV icon at the bottom of the Heartland home page.)

Secretaries were trained in the use of Dropbox and will be available to help you if you have any trouble. Informational videos about Dropbox are available on YouTube. One of these is available at this link.

When using Dropbox, there are some things you’ll want to consider. The following checklist can be used to make sure that all team members are up-to-date on expectations regarding the completion of the EER.

• Choose the Primary Contact, Case Coordinator or a lead team member for the report.

• Determine date of the Eligibility Determination Meeting.

• Determine how will team members be notified when someone is working on the document because two people cannot work on a document in Dropbox at the same time. (Examples: e-mail, text, iChat, phone, etc.)

• Determine who will complete the Individual Information section and how each team member will contribute to the Needs section.

• Determine the date the final version of the EER will be uploaded to the WebIEP and deleted from Dropbox (by Primary Contact, Case Coordinator or lead person on the report). Note: Must be prior to the Eligibility Determination Meeting.

• After the Eligibility Determination Meeting, delete the EER from Dropbox. Note: In order to keep the EER on your computer after you delete it from the Dropbox, you need to copy it to your computer first.

Option 3: More than One Practitioner Completed the EER with Support Staff Assistance

Please do not use this option during the spring trial period. If each practitioner completes his/her own portion of the EER without using Dropbox, it will have to be combined by cutting and pasting the portions together. Years ago (before the EER was part of the Web IEP) secretaries assisted by having each staff member send the report to them and then they combined the drafts and mailed the report to the parent and school. This option is problematic for several reasons.

• In order to use this option, you would need to turn all drafts to the support staff member 10 days prior to the eligibility determination meeting to allow time for merging and mailing.

• There is increased opportunity for inaccuracy in the EER if support staff is unsure of where portions of separate reports should be inserted.

• There is a decrease in inefficiency with multiple people handling the EER.

Using Dropbox is much more consistent with the way we have practiced using the Web IEP for the last few years. During this trial period, we would like those teams who are using the new EER to try Dropbox. If we get feedback that it is too problematic, we will consider making Option 3 available in August. Remember that if you have any trouble with Dropbox, please go to your secretary for assistance.

Summary of Requirements for the New EER Spring 2011

This spring will be a trial period at Heartland for implementation of the new EER. All staff members who complete initial evaluations for special education entitlement as part of their current role will be required to complete at least one evaluation report using the new statewide EER form. Based upon needs identified in the submitted EERs, additional Child Find training and/or supports will be offered in the fall.

By June 15 or Your Last Day of Work Before Summer:

• Use the new EER template as you complete an evaluation this spring.

• Complete the FIE Checklist after completing the EER to ensure that required components of a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) were included.

• Attach the FIE Checklist including your name and the region you will be assigned next year to the completed EER.

• Send both to Anita Davids in the Johnston Administration Center.

If you do not anticipate having an evaluation between now and June 15, please use data from an older report. If there are data elements required in the new EER that were not included in your old report, please indicate that and include an example of what you might have included.

The new EER templates and the FIE Checklist can be found on the Intranet. Under the “Professional Development Resources” link there is a page titled “Educational Evaluation Report Resources.” That page contains the following:

• EER templates

• FIE Checklist (with FIE Interpretation Guide)

Updated Application Process to be a Mentor for the 2011-12 School Year

Last week we let you know that its time to sign up to be a mentor for the 2011-12 school year. You were told to fill out a pdf of the mentor application and e-mail it to Rob Brookhart. Please note that an updated way of collecting the applications has been implemented. If you haven’t submitted an application yet and would still like to, please use the following steps:

Employees interested in being a mentor should now apply via the “Internal Positions” tab on their Employee Dashboard. To apply:

1. Complete a pdf version of the “Mentor Application” (also found on the Intranet > Human Resources > Mentorship Program)
2. On the Employee Dashboard, click on “Internal Positions” then find “Mentor Application” in the list of positions.

3. Attach the completed pdf version of the “Mentor Application” and submit it.