Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
The Statewide AEA Special Education Procedures Manual and Release Notes have both been updated as of July 1, 2019. They are now posted on the Iowa IDEA website; currently on the front page of the website, in addition to their permanent location under the IEP drop-down menu > Statewide Special Education Procedures > Manual. They are also posted on the Heartland AEA website under Special Education Services > Guidance Documents. If you have any questions regarding the content, contact your regional director.
Star Staff This message was sent by the Creatives Services, Professional Learning and Business Office teams.
Bryan Carlton
Sean Boyle
We would like to thank Bryan Carlton(Computer Software Engineer/JO) and Sean Boyle (Computer Software Engineer Tech Lead/JO) for the support and expertise they provide with moving data from Creative Services Online and the AEA Professional Learning Registration System to BusinessPlus. We appreciate their availability as problems arise with creating invoices and reconciling payments. More importantly, our customers are receiving invoices with correct quantities and amounts due to their dedication. Name Changes Rachel Arensfrom Rachel Wakefield Position Changes Julie Glassto Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant from Special Education Consultant Births Congratulations to Judy Cleveland(Technology Support & Inventory Control Specialist/JO) on the birth of her grandson, Jackson Thomas Merritt, who was born on July 24. Jackson weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19.25 inches long. His parents are Kelly (Judy’s daughter) and Terio Merritt, and he has a big sister, Harper, who is 18 months. Discounted Iowa & Iowa State Football Tickets Available for AEA Staff Bravo Sports Marketing is again offering discounted tickets to both Iowa and Iowa State football games for staff in all of Iowa’s AEAs. These special prices come at no expense to the AEA system – this discount comes solely from Bravo Sports Marketing.