Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Heartland AEA is pleased to announce the hiring of Kristin Orton as a regional director for Region 7, and Amy Hanken as the Supervisor of Special Education: Early ACCESS, Early Childhood and Related Services. Each will begin their duties on July 1, 2019. Kristin Orton, Regional Director
Kristin Orton
As a regional director, Kristin will provide coordination and leadership for the provision of AEA services to districts in Story county, namely Ames, Ballard, Collins-Maxwell, Gilbert and Roland-Story, as well as the Ames Christian and St. Cecilia non-public schools. Kristin’s career has centered on serving students and educators in the Heartland AEA service area. Since 2004, she has served in the following positions:
School Psychologist, 2004 – 2007
Special Education Trainer, 2005 – 2007
Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant, 2007 – 2014
Instructional Coach, 2013 – present
In 2018 she also took on roles as a school psychology internship supervisor, providing weekly coaching to a first-year Heartland AEA school psychology intern, and as a member of the state Dyslexia Task Force. The Task Force has studied dyslexia best practices and current practices in Iowa schools and will make recommendations to share with the Iowa legislature regarding potential legislation related to dyslexia in Nov. 2019. In June 2019 Kristin will earn her PK-12 Principal/Special Education Director certification from Drake University. She graduated with a Ph.D. in school psychology from the University of Oregon, a master’s degree in special education from the University of Oregon and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Luther College. Amy Hanken, Supervisor of Special Education: Early ACCESS, Early Childhood and Related Services
Amy Hanken
Amy will join the Heartland AEA leadership team and will lead and coordinate our work related to Early ACCESS, early childhood and that of our related services groups (i.e., occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language, hearing and vision). She will also be a member of the Special Education Leadership Team and will office out of the Johnston REC. Amy brings nine years of experience in education as a special education teacher and an AEA consultant. Her previous experience includes:
Special Education Teacher, Hansen Elementary, Cedar Falls, 2010 - 2012
Special Education Teacher, Denison Elementary, Denison, 2012 - 2015
Early Childhood Special Education Consultant, Heartland AEA, 2015 - present
In her time at the Agency, Amy has also been a member of the Child Find Cadre Team, implementing professional learning with team members around best practices in the Child Find process; early childhood PBIS coach, delivering early childhood PBIS training to districts; Teacher Quality instructor; and a mentor to a student in the University of Northern Iowa’s special education consultant program, meeting with the student weekly and providing ongoing mentorship. In July 2019 Amy will earn her PK-12 Principal/Special Education Supervisor certificate from the University of Northern Iowa. She earned her special education consultant endorsement from Morningside College, her master’s degree in special education and her bachelor’s degree in elementary education, both from the University of Northern Iowa. We are excited to welcome Kristin and Amy to these new roles within the Agency.
2019-20 work calendars have been added to the Employee Dashboard for all staff who need to complete a work calendar. The link to this function is found in the Calendar Online Forms folder on the Leave Online tab. You may need to log out and log back in to your Dashboard before you start the calendar process.
The calendar presented will be the default calendar based on your individual pay assignment. This will look very similar to the Online Calendar View function. However, functionality is built into the interface to allow the personalization of the calendar to reflect your schedule. This is done by simply clicking on the day in question. Each time a day is clicked, it will change to one of the following:
Blue X – represents a non-working day
Green / – represents a half working day
White Space – represents a full working day
A yellow H represents unpaid holidays and a yellow H followed by an asterisk (*) represents paid holidays. Sundays and holidays cannot be changed.
At the top of the screen, two numbers will be presented.
The number on the left is the number of working days based on the days selected as such—in other words, the total of the white spaces (full days) and green slashes (half days).
The second number is the number of days expected to work based on the pay assignment. These two numbers must match when the calendar is submitted.
When the calendar is submitted, it will be routed to your current supervisor just as a leave request would be. And, just as with a leave request, the supervisor will review and can approve or reject the calendar. Applicable emails are sent to you and your need-to-know person as well. A help doc named “Calendar Online Entry Documentation” is available on the Help tab. This document describes in detail all the functions of the interface.
If you are transferring regions, please work with your new supervisor to fill out your calendar. It will still go to your current supervisor for approval but check with your new supervisor on specific days.
Once approved, your 2019-20 calendar can be viewed by you, your supervisor and your need-to-know person.
Also, all subsequent changes to the 2019-20 calendar must be submitted via the Calendar Exchange Online request system after July 1, 2019.
The working days calendars are due before you leave for the summer or June 7, 2019, whichever comes first.
If you have any questions, contact Whitney Anderson, Human Resources Generalist, at ext. 14432.
Iowa’s AEAs are pleased to continue providing consistency with their preschool programs for the 2019-20 school year for districts and community partners in the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program (SWVPP) for 4-year-old children.
Iowa’s AEAs will continue to cover the full cost ($3 per child) to access the online data system and iPad app for preschool programs that are currently using or are interested in starting to use the Individual Growth and Development Indicators (myIGDIs) for literacy screening for preschool learners during the 2019-20 school year. Read full article…
As a mentor, you share your time, welcome new staff and support new staff by building their capacity as they join our Heartland AEA team. Mentoring is a personally and professionally fulfilling experience that also helps our agency retain great employees. Note that this program is for mentors and mentees who are Certified Union staff members.
Mentors of first-year staff provide 20 hours of one-on-one coaching and support for their mentee, are provided with mentorship training and in return will receive a $1,300 (gross) payment and the personal satisfaction of knowing that they’ve made a difference in the career of the mentee.
Mentors of second-year staff provide 15 hours of one-on-one coaching and support for their mentee, are provided with mentorship training and in return will receive a $1,000 (gross) payment and the personal satisfaction of knowing that they’ve made a difference in the career of the mentee.
It’s easy to sign up! Complete the online Mentor Application by May 17, 2019. If you are a mentor this year and are interested in mentoring again, you do need to complete this form to be considered as a mentor again in 2019-20. After receiving applications, more information will be provided to mentors in the near future for next year’s mentoring and induction program. If you have any questions, contact Martha Condon, Director of Professional Learning.
The Des Moines Public Schools’ (DMPS) Summit on School Climate and Culture (don’t register just yet!) will be offered as a Teacher Quality (TQ) opportunity for the 2019-20 school year for interested Heartland AEA Certified staff who qualify for TQ funds. Through a collaboration with DMPS, Heartland AEA staff can register at a reduced rate, as the Summit content is relevant to our work at Heartland AEA. Last year over 100 Heartland AEA staff attended the conference. TQ funds will cover registration costs for eligible participants. We anticipate the TQ stipend for 2019-20 will be about $700. The rest of the TQ opportunities for 2019-20 will be announced in September. The Summit on School Climate and Culture will allow you to engage with leading experts in education and school improvement on how a positive school climate and culture is key to student, school and district improvements. Keynote speakers include Brittany Packnett, Dr. Pedro Antonio Noguera, Roberto Rivera and Dr. Bettina L. Love. The Summit is defined by six major strands: Best Practices in Improving School Climate, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Equity, Whole Child Health, Stakeholder Engagement and Leadership. Summit on School Climate and Culture Aug. 12-13, 2019 (100% attendance required) 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Community Choice Convention Center, Des Moines Registering for 2019 Summit on Climate and Culture TQ Course HL - TQ: 2019 Summit on Climate and Culture (Register Here!) The Heartland AEA Professional Learning Department will formally register participants from the TQ Summit Course with DMPS so TQ funds can pay the registration fee. Please do not register on the Summit website. After Heartland AEA registers our staff, you will receive information from DMPS regarding the process for selecting your sessions. Registration Deadline: May 22, 2019 Guidance for Registering in the New Professional Learning Registration System In the new system, there is not a separate fee for employees to move on the salary scale. If Heartland AEA employees are not taking a class to move on the salary scale but want license renewal credit, you would use a PO and put in HEART (see article in April 7, 2019 Connection) as the PO number to pay the fee. If you are moving on the salary scale, you would need to pay the fee yourself. Requirement for Participation Participants will submit a written reflection including new learning and a plan for implementation after attending the Summit. Reflection may be submitted individually or with a group. If you have any questions about this TQ opportunity, contact Cheryl Risen.