Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Due to the upcoming agency holiday schedule, staff members paid from a timesheet must have their Dec. 1-15 timesheets completed, approved by their supervisor and submitted to the Payroll Department by the end of the day on Thursday, Dec. 19 in order to ensure they receive pay at the end of the month. The December end of month payday will be Dec. 30. If you have any questions, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
Semi-annually, Heartland AEA must comply with the Federal Grant rules identified in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87, pertaining to documentation needed for federal expenditures. For employees who are funded 100% with federal funding, there are Circular A-87 audit requirements we need to meet in order to document appropriate expenditures. If you are in the fully-funded group, on Dec. 11, 2019, you will receive an email from heartlandworkflow with the subject A87 Certification Notice - Action Required with a link to the certification page. The process is very simple and the same as previous years. If you are new to this process or need a refresher, you can view this presentation, which explains the background for Circular A-87 and the steps Heartland AEA is taking to meet the A-87 requirements. Keep in mind the video was created in March 2011. Although some of the dates and timelines in the video are old, the process and the purpose of the A-87 certification are still the same. The video will explain that employees who are fully funded from one grant will need to certify every six months that they are performing duties allowed under the federal grant. If you have any questions, contact Brian Whalen, Business Manager, at ext. 14005. The Business Office appreciates your prompt completion of the certifications and your assistance in helping us comply with this reporting requirement.
George Anderson, a 13-year teaching veteran who presents his history classes as hands-on, problem-solving opportunities, is the Iowa Department of Education’s 2020 Teacher of the Year, Gov. Kim Reynolds announced last week at Cedar Rapids’ Kennedy High School.
“Outstanding educators like George Anderson help shape our state’s future,” said Gov. Reynolds. “Providing more than just facts from a page, George brings moments of historical significance to life in the present day. Thank you, George, and to all our educators for putting Iowans on a path to be successful.” Anderson, 43, also serves on the school’s leadership team and is an assistant football coach. “The Teacher of the Year award honors outstanding teachers who have made an impact on their students and colleagues,” Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise said. “As a former social studies teacher, I was particularly enthusiastic hearing about how George makes social studies come alive and relevant in his classroom.” Anderson, a former Marine, says he educates students to discover for themselves the concepts behind social studies. (Watch a video Q & A with George Anderson.) “As a teacher I like active rooms, students moving around and discussing the material with other students,” he said. “I like to see students engage with the material of history in a way that isn't just fact recollection or sequencing events. I want student-centered dynamics in the classroom. I do not want to be the center of attention.” The finalists for the 2020 Teacher of the Year are:
Corrine Brown, fourth-grade teacher at Cedar Heights Elementary School, Cedar Falls Community School District
Luis Lemus, dual language teacher at Irving Dual Language Elementary School, Sioux City Community School District
Dan Loy, fifth-grade teacher at Beaver Creek Elementary School, Johnston Community School District
Joan Nikkel, seventh-grade language arts teacher, Pella Middle School, Pella Community School District
The Iowa Teacher of the Year award was established in 1958. The annual program is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education through an appropriation from the Iowa Legislature. Honorees serve as ambassadors to education and act as liaisons to schools, higher education and organizations across the state.
The Value of Device Syncing The Interactive Health member portal offers users the ability to connect personal activity tracking devices and apps such as an Apple Watch or Fitbit. Syncing a fitness device with the member portal allows users to seamlessly connect their offline activity with their digital wellness experience for overall deeper engagement. Opportunities for Improvement Through on-going user testing and client feedback, Interactive Health has identified a number of opportunities to improve the overall user experience of connecting one’s fitness device to the member portal. This product update will result in:
Higher syncing success rates
Lower member frustration
Deeper engagement with the wellness program
Check out this document from Interactive Health for all the information.
For as low as $18 a ticket, you can see an Iowa Wild hockey game and Andy Grammer in concert afterward! Check out the Iowa Wild website for more information and to order tickets at a special rate for Heartland AEA employees, friends and family!
Here is the next installment in the Podcast series from the Instructional Technology Consultants... We love podcasts -- but what's not to love! Podcasts are magical bits of on-demand learning and/or entertainment. Listen when it works for you—during your commute, workout or any time! In the November 11th edition of the Connection, we shared how to get started. As promised, here are a few more podcast recommendations from Heartlanders.
Doug Olson(Audiologist/AD) -- Twenty Thousand Hertz “A lovingly crafted podcast that reveals the stories behind the world's most recognizable and interesting sounds.” The latest episode focuses on language.
Kyle Kehrberg(School Psychologist/JO) -- Bulletproof Radio This podcast was born out of Dave Asprey’s “15-year crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists and meditation experts to focus on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything?”
Devon Mau(Custodian/JO) -- True Crime Garage “The Garage covers a new case each week from headline news to local real-life horror stories. Disappearances, missing persons and unsolved mysteries are all on tap along with craft beers from all over the world.” Thanks again to those who have shared their recommendations. Feel free to add your podcast favorites to our list and stay tuned to see if your recommendation makes it into an upcoming edition of The Connection.
Heartland AEA is excited to share professional learning opportunities aimed at enhancing and supporting continued staff skill development in the area of technology! Beginning in January 2020, the Agency will offer monthly learning opportunities focused on skill development around the productive, efficient use of G Suite for Education apps. All agency staff members are welcome to engage in one or all of these learning opportunities based on their individual skill assessment and prioritized needs. The format of the sessions will include a segment of learning, lead by agency technology instructors, with additional time allotted to practice the skills. Each learning session will be focused on a different Google app. Sessions will focus on skill development, practical application, increasing productivity, simplifying workflow and gaining knowledge around digital privacy, safety and security. The following areas of focus will be offered across the semester:
Google Calendar
Google Keep
Google Chrome
Google Tasks
Google Forms
Google Drive
Google Slides
And sessions about Zoom and how to search the Internet like a pro!
Session Details Face-to-face participants, please see room locations below. Participants joining via Zoom, join using this Zoom link. Registration You can find topics, dates/locations and registration links in this document. Questions? Contact your supervisor or Martha Condon, Director of Professional Learning.