Welcome to our new regional directors--Angie Calhoun, Mark Crady and Kathie Danielson!
Angie will be serving the Van Meter and Waukee school districts, and her office will be located in our Adel office. Angie comes to us from the West Des Moines Schools where she was the Director of Special Education. Mark will be serving the Ames school district, and his office will be located in our Ames office. Mark comes to us from the Norwalk Schools where he was the Director of Curriculum.
Kathie will be serving the Des Moines school district, and her office will be located in our Johnston Regional Education Center. Kathie comes to us from the Des Moines Schools where she was principal of Roosevelt High School.
The Agency Planning Council (APC) has continued its work on leadership assignments and office locations, as well as program supports for 2013-14. As you know, we have based decisions on the feedback we’ve had from regional planning councils, agency staff and district staff, our observations and our collaborative work with the Department of Education and the statewide AEA system. Here are the latest updates for the upcoming year.
Kevin Fangman, Director of District Services, will serve on the Agency Planning Council (APC) and office in the Administration Center in Johnston. He will provide direct supervision to the regional directors in Regions 1, 4, 6 & 7.
Wendy Robinson, Director of Instructional Services, will continue to serve on the Learning & Leadership Planning Council (LLPC) and will work agency-wide to lead our literacy efforts. Her office will be in the Johnston Regional Education Center.
Susan Schrader, Director of Resources & Library Services, will continue to serve on the Shared Services Planning Council (SSPC). In addition to her work with the library and Creative Services, she will support the agency reception staff. Her office will continue to be located in the Regional Education Center in Johnston, but it will now be located in Room 16.
Jim Verlengia will serve in the role of Director of Leadership Supports and will office in the Administration Center in Johnston. He will serve on the Shared Services Planning Council and will assist the Executive Director of Human Resources and the Agency Planning Council with coordination of activities related to agency culture and leadership in addition to his responsibilities as interim superintendent in the Colo-NESCO district.
Additional updates for 2013-14 will be communicated as decisions are made. Leaders are working together to assure smooth transitions and coordinated implementation. As we make changes, we ask that you keep in mind that our mission remains the same: To provide services and leadership, in partnership with families, schools and communities, that improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth.
Heartland AEA logo clothing through Lands’ End is 25% off now through July 5! Our Lands’ End e-store can be found at ces.landsend.com/heartlandaea. Use the promo code EMSALE25 to receive the discount.
Remember you can always go to the site to purchase any clothing item, case, bag or tote in any color you like with the Agency’s logo. Happy shopping and saving!
Due to the influx of visitors to the Johnston Regional Education Center during the summer, the parking lot at the REC is at times filled to the brim. To ease this congestion and allow our visitors easier access to the building, staff members who work at the REC are encouraged to park in the Administration Center parking lot. If you could keep this suggestion in mind for the summer months, we would appreciate it!
When logging into the new site, users can bypass the 'change password' by selecting the application at the top left of the screen. However, all users will be forced to change their password by September 9, 2013.
If you have problems logging in or accessing the program, please contact Sue Dunsmoor, Special Education Data Specialist, at sdunsmoor@heartlandaea.org or ext. 11202 or Mary Keul, Special Education Data Specialist, at mkeul@aea11.k12.ia.us, ext. 14326.
New Employees Angie Calhoun(Regional Director/AD) Mark Crady(Regional Director/AM) Kathie Danielson(Regional Director/JO)
Position Changes Tony Chiaramonteto Human Resources Manager from Human Resources Generalist Misty Christensento Regional Director/Assistant Director of Special Education from Regional Director Steve Iversonto Director of Shelter Care Educational Program/Licensure from Shelter Care Educational Program Administrator/Regional Director Sheila Kingto Executive Director of System Support from Executive Director of Instructional Services Wendy Robinsonto Director of Instructional Services from Regional Director Keri Steeleto Regional Director/Assistant Director of Special Education from Regional Director
Title Changes Sara Beckerto Computer Software Engineer from Information Systems Technical Support Specialist Rod Howellto Information Systems Manager from Data Processing Operations Manager Doug Schusterto Systems Analyst from Systems Analyst/Programmer Cindy Yelickto Executive Director of Learning & Leadership from Executive Director of Instructional Services