Our Mission
To provide services and
leadership, in partnership with families, schools and communities, that
improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth.
Our Goals
• Increase learning growth for students
• Decrease the gap in achievement
• Increase annual graduation rates
• Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Monday, September 14, 2015
2015-16 Staff Focus – Building Your Technology Skills!
Our agency is investing in building your technology skills this year! Using input we collected in the spring of 2014 from each of our planning councils, the data we received from the technology questionnaire we completed in April 2015 and our need for highly developed staff, we have prioritized the skills and built a framework for learning core technology skills. Three days of professional learning time will be devoted to building our skills over the course of the 2015-16 school year.
Our Vision for Core Technology Skills at Heartland AEA
Heartland AEA staff will confidently use technology to support self-directed learning, to collaborate, to communicate, to create and to critically problem solve.
Our Expectations for Using Technology
Staff members are expected to use technology and be self-directed learners as part of each of our professional responsibilities. To provide support for staff members, the Agency will define core technology devices and applications that will be supported, as well as define a plan for how staff will access technology-related training, resources and supports.
Q: When will this start?
A: September. You will receive an email from our Communications Department that will start the learning process with a Google pre-assessment. The chart below gives additional information about when the other content areas will be available.
Q: How will I know when content is available?
A: The Connection will keep staff updated on all the information regarding our technology capacity building efforts.
Q: How will this system work?
A: First, you will need to have an AEA PD Online account. Log in using your Google account. (If you do not remember your login information, contact Shelley Christensen for assistance.) If you haven’t created an account, click on Log In in the upper right, click Login With Your Google Account and activate by following the instructions.
Q: Once I login, how will I know where to start?
A: Once logged in to the AEA PD Online Learning System, you will choose the catalog link in the upper left hand sidebar. Then, click on district modules, and all of Heartland AEA’s content for our capacity building training will be listed.
• Begin by clicking on the course you want to take.
• The pre-assessment will be the first screen.
If the pre-assessment demonstrates proficiency, you will be notified and can print a certificate of completion and move on to another Google Apps module.
If more leaning is indicated, you will move on to the online learning module for the current content Google module.
Q: Where do I go to access the post-assessments?
A: The post-assessments will appear at the end of the training module.
• If the post-assessment demonstrates proficiency, the staff member will be notified and can print a certificate of completion and move on to another content area pre-assessment.
Q: What happens if I don’t pass the post-assessment?
A: If more leaning is indicated, you will return to the content module and do further study using the embedded resources. Then you can retake the post-assessment.
Q: Who will keep track of the learning modules I complete?
A: You will be able to print a certificate when you complete each learning module. The Agency will also keep a master record of the learning modules completed by each staff member, which will be shared with supervisors.
Q: Am I expected to complete all the learning modules on the chart?
A: Yes. The Agency has prioritized this as part of our shared professional learning this year. The trainings are designed to be completed within three full days over the course of the 2015-16 year. Staff members will work with their individual supervisors on final deadlines for completing the training.
Q: What supports are in place for me while I’m accessing these training modules?
A: We have a number of supports to offer.
• You have agency time to experience an online learning environment and expand your technology skills.
• You can participate in face-to-face regional seminars to work on the online content in a setting where you can learn with others and be supported by a coach who knows that particular area of content.
• You can collaborate with others who are working on the same content.
• Significant resources are included within every learning module that you can access.
• Tech Support Leads and agency Internal Technology staff continue their roles to provide technical support for routine questions and issues.
Q: When I finish Google, what’s next?
A: Keep watching The Connection for news about when new training modules. We expect the Mac OS module to be open in early October.
Q: What if I test out of all the learning modules?
A: Wow, you are awesome! If that happens, talk with your supervisor about what of the optional learning content areas may be a match for you this year.
Q: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the learning system?
A: You can contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant, or Mande Gamble, Technology Training Specialist.
Click on the image to see a larger version.
Our Vision for Core Technology Skills at Heartland AEA
Heartland AEA staff will confidently use technology to support self-directed learning, to collaborate, to communicate, to create and to critically problem solve.
Our Expectations for Using Technology
Staff members are expected to use technology and be self-directed learners as part of each of our professional responsibilities. To provide support for staff members, the Agency will define core technology devices and applications that will be supported, as well as define a plan for how staff will access technology-related training, resources and supports.
Q: When will this start?
A: September. You will receive an email from our Communications Department that will start the learning process with a Google pre-assessment. The chart below gives additional information about when the other content areas will be available.
Q: How will I know when content is available?
A: The Connection will keep staff updated on all the information regarding our technology capacity building efforts.
Q: How will this system work?
A: First, you will need to have an AEA PD Online account. Log in using your Google account. (If you do not remember your login information, contact Shelley Christensen for assistance.) If you haven’t created an account, click on Log In in the upper right, click Login With Your Google Account and activate by following the instructions.
Q: Once I login, how will I know where to start?
A: Once logged in to the AEA PD Online Learning System, you will choose the catalog link in the upper left hand sidebar. Then, click on district modules, and all of Heartland AEA’s content for our capacity building training will be listed.
• Begin by clicking on the course you want to take.
• The pre-assessment will be the first screen.
If the pre-assessment demonstrates proficiency, you will be notified and can print a certificate of completion and move on to another Google Apps module.
If more leaning is indicated, you will move on to the online learning module for the current content Google module.
Q: Where do I go to access the post-assessments?
A: The post-assessments will appear at the end of the training module.
• If the post-assessment demonstrates proficiency, the staff member will be notified and can print a certificate of completion and move on to another content area pre-assessment.
Q: What happens if I don’t pass the post-assessment?
A: If more leaning is indicated, you will return to the content module and do further study using the embedded resources. Then you can retake the post-assessment.
Q: Who will keep track of the learning modules I complete?
A: You will be able to print a certificate when you complete each learning module. The Agency will also keep a master record of the learning modules completed by each staff member, which will be shared with supervisors.
Q: Am I expected to complete all the learning modules on the chart?
A: Yes. The Agency has prioritized this as part of our shared professional learning this year. The trainings are designed to be completed within three full days over the course of the 2015-16 year. Staff members will work with their individual supervisors on final deadlines for completing the training.
Q: What supports are in place for me while I’m accessing these training modules?
A: We have a number of supports to offer.
• You have agency time to experience an online learning environment and expand your technology skills.
• You can participate in face-to-face regional seminars to work on the online content in a setting where you can learn with others and be supported by a coach who knows that particular area of content.
• You can collaborate with others who are working on the same content.
• Significant resources are included within every learning module that you can access.
• Tech Support Leads and agency Internal Technology staff continue their roles to provide technical support for routine questions and issues.
Q: When I finish Google, what’s next?
A: Keep watching The Connection for news about when new training modules. We expect the Mac OS module to be open in early October.
Q: What if I test out of all the learning modules?
A: Wow, you are awesome! If that happens, talk with your supervisor about what of the optional learning content areas may be a match for you this year.
Q: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the learning system?
A: You can contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant, or Mande Gamble, Technology Training Specialist.
Click on the image to see a larger version.
All-Staff Meeting Follow-Up
Thanks to everyone for the great turnout for last Friday’s All-Staff Meeting at Adventureland! It was a morning filled with fun flashbacks from the ‘70s with a little magic sprinkled in and shared learning around leadership and our agency’s core values. The weather even cooperated for a great benefits/wellness fair and our group photo to round out the meeting!
Congratulations to those staff members celebrating milestone work anniversaries. We are better for having you here!
Here are links to materials from the meeting:
• Celebration Slideshow
• Presentation
• Andrew Bennett Presentation
• Updated Agency Infographic – This was given out as a laptop cling to all staff in attendance. If you were not at the meeting to receive a cling, let the Communications Dept. know so we can send one to you.
• 40th Anniversary video
• United Way video
• Service Award Recipients
• Photos
Congratulations to those staff members celebrating milestone work anniversaries. We are better for having you here!
Here are links to materials from the meeting:
• Celebration Slideshow
• Presentation
• Andrew Bennett Presentation
• Updated Agency Infographic – This was given out as a laptop cling to all staff in attendance. If you were not at the meeting to receive a cling, let the Communications Dept. know so we can send one to you.
• 40th Anniversary video
• United Way video
• Service Award Recipients
• Photos
Join Me As We Support United Way
Heartland AEA is pleased to again partner this year with our region’s Iowa’s United Way agencies as they invest in strategies that support communities to achieve bold goals in education (helping to achieve potential), income (promoting financial stability) and health (improving people’s health). Gifts to the United Way contribute to a better educated, more prosperous and healthier communities in which to work and live. What a great dovetail for our own vision at Heartland AEA of nurturing learners, empowering choice and enriching lives!
We have a bold goal ourselves this year of working toward 100% employee participation. For those of you who already made a gift or pledge at the All-Staff Meeting—thank you! If you haven’t yet done so, please consider a one-time gift or payroll deduction. Remember with a $50 pledge, you can direct your gift to the specific organization, charity or local United Way of your choice. Here is a list of United Way of Central Iowa’s Funded Partners for ideas about giving to specific organizations.
Did you know?
Each staff member is given four hours of volunteer time to use from July 1 to June 30. Consider volunteering for an organization or event listed on the United Way of Central Iowa Volunteer Match Site.
Online Auction
Consider purchasing an item from the online auction that will launch on October 26.
I hope you will consider joining me in leveraging the work we do at Heartland AEA by partnering with other organizations that are also working to meet the most basic of needs in the communities in which we live and work through a donation to the United Way.
Thanks for Living United,
We have a bold goal ourselves this year of working toward 100% employee participation. For those of you who already made a gift or pledge at the All-Staff Meeting—thank you! If you haven’t yet done so, please consider a one-time gift or payroll deduction. Remember with a $50 pledge, you can direct your gift to the specific organization, charity or local United Way of your choice. Here is a list of United Way of Central Iowa’s Funded Partners for ideas about giving to specific organizations.
Did you know?
- $1 per week ($52) provides a week of academic enrichment for an elementary or middle school student in an after school program or activity?
- $1 per week purchases eight books for preschool-age children in the Book Buddy program to help develop pre-literacy skills needed to enter kindergarten ready to learn?
- $1 per week covers half the cost of one of the more than 1,600 free meals provided to extremely low-income families?
- $1 per week provides healthy food backpacks for 17 children to take home to improve access to nutritious food?
- A contribution of $42 per pay period is considered a leadership gift.
Each staff member is given four hours of volunteer time to use from July 1 to June 30. Consider volunteering for an organization or event listed on the United Way of Central Iowa Volunteer Match Site.
Online Auction
Consider purchasing an item from the online auction that will launch on October 26.
I hope you will consider joining me in leveraging the work we do at Heartland AEA by partnering with other organizations that are also working to meet the most basic of needs in the communities in which we live and work through a donation to the United Way.
Thanks for Living United,
Reminder: New Retirement Savings Option! Check Out 457 Retirement Savings Plan
you hopefully know, Heartland AEA staff members can voluntarily save
for retirement by participating in the Agency’s 403(b) retirement
savings plan, which is made available through the Iowa Retirement
Investors’ Club, commonly referred to as the RIC.
We’re pleased to announce that beginning July 1, 2015, Heartland AEA will offer staff another retirement savings option—the RIC’s 457 savings retirement plan.
403(b) vs. 457
What is a 457 plan? It’s another retirement savings program that allows you to defer part of your salary now until retirement. The investment providers, advisors, investment options and generally the maximum deferral limits are the same as our 403(b) plan. And just like the 403(b) plan, you can contribute to the 457 plan on a pre- or post-tax basis.
This comparison sheet gives a high level side-by-side comparison of the 403(b) and 457 plans. You’ll want to contact your financial planner or investment professional to help you determine which plan, or if a combination of both plans, is best for you.
More Information
We’re pleased to announce that beginning July 1, 2015, Heartland AEA will offer staff another retirement savings option—the RIC’s 457 savings retirement plan.
403(b) vs. 457
What is a 457 plan? It’s another retirement savings program that allows you to defer part of your salary now until retirement. The investment providers, advisors, investment options and generally the maximum deferral limits are the same as our 403(b) plan. And just like the 403(b) plan, you can contribute to the 457 plan on a pre- or post-tax basis.
This comparison sheet gives a high level side-by-side comparison of the 403(b) and 457 plans. You’ll want to contact your financial planner or investment professional to help you determine which plan, or if a combination of both plans, is best for you.
More Information
- You can find more information about the new 457 plan on the RIC website.
- Detailed questions about 403(b) plan administration can be directed to John Williams of the RIC at john.williams5@iowa.gov or (515) 725-2135.
- Detailed questions about 457 plan administration can be directed to Jennifer Sandusky of the RIC at jennifer.sandusky@iowa.gov or (515) 281-0569.
- Payroll election forms can be found on the Intranet under Benefits > Retirement.
- General plan or payroll deduction questions can be directed to Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at sjordan@heartlandaea.org or ext. 14908.
Do You Know the Agency’s Preferred Email Signature?
A signature gives a formal sign-off to email messages that includes a staff member’s full name and contact details. Avoid broadcasting information and/or quotes that may be personal or potentially controversial while using the Agency’s email accounts.
The suggested format for email signatures is the following:
HR-Contracted Title
Heartland Area Education Agency
Street Address
City, State Zip
Agency mission statement
John Smith
Speech-Language Pathologist
Heartland Area Education Agency
602 Visions Parkway
Adel, IA 50003
Phone: (515) 993-4596 ext.11111
Fax: (515) 993-4598
Heartland AEA Mission: To provide services and leadership, in partnership with families, schools and communities, that improve the learning outcomes and well being of all children and youth.
The suggested format for email signatures is the following:
HR-Contracted Title
Heartland Area Education Agency
Street Address
City, State Zip
Agency mission statement
John Smith
Speech-Language Pathologist
Heartland Area Education Agency
602 Visions Parkway
Adel, IA 50003
Phone: (515) 993-4596 ext.11111
Fax: (515) 993-4598
Heartland AEA Mission: To provide services and leadership, in partnership with families, schools and communities, that improve the learning outcomes and well being of all children and youth.
Do You Need New Business Cards?
If so, fill out the Business Card Order Form archived on the Intranet > Communications > Forms. All forms must be submitted with an account code to charge. If you don’t know your account code, ask your supervisor or administrative assistant. Please also allow two weeks for delivery of requested business cards.
Required Action: Read 2015-16 Staff Handbook & Sign Read Receipt; Disclose to HR If You Are Related to Agency or District Staff
This message was sent to all staff on Sept. 9 and is being repeated here for your information.
The Heartland AEA Staff Handbook has been updated as of July 1, 2015 and is available for all staff to read and become familiar with. All previous versions of the Staff Handbook should be discarded or archived. The handbook also contains a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Notice for staff to read.
After you understand where to find the Staff Handbook and are able to review it along with the HIPAA notice, you are required to complete a web-based read receipt form that confirms you have reviewed both of these documents. Please DO NOT print and send this form to Human Resources.
Once you click on the link to the web form, you will need to enter the username and password that you use to login to the Employee Dashboard. You will then be prompted to complete the read receipt form. If you do not fill out the form in a timely manner, you will receive a friendly email reminder to do so.
Please note: In addition, all staff are being asked to certify that they are not currently related to any employee or board member within Heartland AEA or anyone within their district assignment. If such a relationship exists, please disclose the relationship to Human Resources before you sign the certification.
Note that the handbook is in PDF form and contains links directly in the document that allow you to navigate through the chapters and headings. By clicking on an entry title in the index, you’ll be taken directly to that entry. Adobe Reader will provide additional features such as the ability to highlight and keep comment notes in the document should you choose to save it locally to your computer.
For future reference, the Staff Handbook is archived on the Intranet > Human Resources > Staff Handbook.
The Heartland AEA Staff Handbook has been updated as of July 1, 2015 and is available for all staff to read and become familiar with. All previous versions of the Staff Handbook should be discarded or archived. The handbook also contains a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Notice for staff to read.
After you understand where to find the Staff Handbook and are able to review it along with the HIPAA notice, you are required to complete a web-based read receipt form that confirms you have reviewed both of these documents. Please DO NOT print and send this form to Human Resources.
Once you click on the link to the web form, you will need to enter the username and password that you use to login to the Employee Dashboard. You will then be prompted to complete the read receipt form. If you do not fill out the form in a timely manner, you will receive a friendly email reminder to do so.
Please note: In addition, all staff are being asked to certify that they are not currently related to any employee or board member within Heartland AEA or anyone within their district assignment. If such a relationship exists, please disclose the relationship to Human Resources before you sign the certification.
Note that the handbook is in PDF form and contains links directly in the document that allow you to navigate through the chapters and headings. By clicking on an entry title in the index, you’ll be taken directly to that entry. Adobe Reader will provide additional features such as the ability to highlight and keep comment notes in the document should you choose to save it locally to your computer.
For future reference, the Staff Handbook is archived on the Intranet > Human Resources > Staff Handbook.
Reminder: Wellness Update: Relationships & Money Session to be Offered Sept. 23
you know that 80% of workers polled nationally indicate they want their
employer to provide financial wellness education? Consider where we are
as a society today:
• 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck (bankrate.com)
• 30% of Americans have outstanding loans on their 401(k)s (Business Record)
• The #1 cause of stress is money problems and money fights (multiple studies)
Heartland AEA is excited to announce our next financial wellness offering, Relationships & Money! Whether you are looking to pick-up a few nuggets of information, or you need a financial overhaul, this 90-minute lunch and learn workshop is just for you. You will leave knowing how to better communicate, cooperate and be committed with your spouse or significant other when it comes to your finances. You’ll also learn how to teach your children how to handle money.
Join us for the Relationships & Money workshop on Sept. 23 from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Johnston Regional Education Center. This seminar will also be available via Zoom. RSVP by Sept. 21.
Register Now!
• 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck (bankrate.com)
• 30% of Americans have outstanding loans on their 401(k)s (Business Record)
• The #1 cause of stress is money problems and money fights (multiple studies)
Heartland AEA is excited to announce our next financial wellness offering, Relationships & Money! Whether you are looking to pick-up a few nuggets of information, or you need a financial overhaul, this 90-minute lunch and learn workshop is just for you. You will leave knowing how to better communicate, cooperate and be committed with your spouse or significant other when it comes to your finances. You’ll also learn how to teach your children how to handle money.
Join us for the Relationships & Money workshop on Sept. 23 from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Johnston Regional Education Center. This seminar will also be available via Zoom. RSVP by Sept. 21.
Register Now!
Technology Tip of the Week
Best Practices for Software Updates
The Agency will be increasing its efforts to make sure our software is up-to-date on staff computers. We encourage everyone to update their software on a regular basis, but for those who don’t, we will be using the Casper system to do the updates for you.
Between the 3rd and 4th Fridays of each month, Casper will install any needed OS updates for your computer. You will see a notification similar to the one below. You can choose to install the updates immediately (Start now) or delay them for one of the specified times in the drop down menu.
Depending upon the number of updates, it could take a while for them to download before the installation process will begin. You can continue to use your computer while the updates are installing. When the installation completes, you will see a message similar to this.
If there are updates that require a restart, you will see a window similar to the one below. Please save anything you are working on and quit all applications before clicking the OK button. Once you click the OK button, the 1-minute countdown timer will begin. After 1 minute the computer will automatically restart on its own.
If you attempt to shut down your computer during the installation, a window similar to the one below will appear. Do not force your computer to shut down or put the computer to sleep. Doing so can have negative consequences. If a computer is shut down in the middle of an upgrade, it might not start up again, and you’ll have to bring it to the Internal Technology department for repair.
We encourage you to follow best practice by updating your software regularly. This will help make our network and our data more secure and will help your computer function more efficiently. However, if you fall behind in your updates, and your computer starts updating items automatically, you need to let all of those updates finish before shutting down or restarting. These “best practice” updates will be required monthly.
The Agency will be increasing its efforts to make sure our software is up-to-date on staff computers. We encourage everyone to update their software on a regular basis, but for those who don’t, we will be using the Casper system to do the updates for you.
Between the 3rd and 4th Fridays of each month, Casper will install any needed OS updates for your computer. You will see a notification similar to the one below. You can choose to install the updates immediately (Start now) or delay them for one of the specified times in the drop down menu.

Depending upon the number of updates, it could take a while for them to download before the installation process will begin. You can continue to use your computer while the updates are installing. When the installation completes, you will see a message similar to this.
If there are updates that require a restart, you will see a window similar to the one below. Please save anything you are working on and quit all applications before clicking the OK button. Once you click the OK button, the 1-minute countdown timer will begin. After 1 minute the computer will automatically restart on its own.
If you attempt to shut down your computer during the installation, a window similar to the one below will appear. Do not force your computer to shut down or put the computer to sleep. Doing so can have negative consequences. If a computer is shut down in the middle of an upgrade, it might not start up again, and you’ll have to bring it to the Internal Technology department for repair.
We encourage you to follow best practice by updating your software regularly. This will help make our network and our data more secure and will help your computer function more efficiently. However, if you fall behind in your updates, and your computer starts updating items automatically, you need to let all of those updates finish before shutting down or restarting. These “best practice” updates will be required monthly.
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