March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Daylight saving time and spring flowers are just around the corner. Seed and garden catalogs are becoming well worn as summer flower and vegetable gardens are being carefully planned. So much is new and fresh. A sense of hope and optimism is in the air. Spring will bring positive and exciting news and improvements to the Agency.
First, the staff allocation formula has been run and partnership directors have regional allocations. Communications and opportunities for input about assignments have been going on and will continue during the first 10 days or so of March. And, unless there’s a major glitch, most certified union staff will know their assignment for next year and their contracts should be out by April 1. Employment notices for other groups will follow. As we move into spring and reflect on a year ago, we’re making progress. We know that a voice in placement and early contracts will be welcomed.
Second, the Agency is going even more “green!” We will do so by significantly reducing the use of paper and helping everyone learn to file electronically, and to do so as much as possible. We will be issuing a challenge to reduce mileage by 10% by setting monthly targets for each region. Right now, the Agency spends over $900,000 a year on mileage. When we reduce mileage, we support retention of staff. We will share strategies identified by a small group who met earlier this year. We are also planning to reduce the use of paper products throughout the Agency. We will gradually transition to regular dishes and flatware, which will reduce waste, costs and contribute to a cleaner environment.
The Cultural Competence and Diversity Council and the Agency Events Committee are both organizing volunteer activities in communities across the Heartland area. Watch for opportunities to do things such as packaging meals, working on a house or serving at a shelter. There’s a lot of excitement about giving back to the community. It’s a great way to live our values and count our blessings. Your hard work is making a difference.
Recently I was at brown bag chat sessions in two regional offices, and a staff member shared increases in elementary reading and math scores of 11% and 5% respectively. Another shared that a student had been successful in managing behaviors and had had only one incident in several weeks. I also had the pleasure of greeting a family with two small children who were having hearing tests. One of the family members was hearing impaired, and I could tell there was some concern about what might be learned about the children. In all these cases, Heartland staff members make a difference—lifelong differences. In the midst of stress and fatigue, you can be proud of the work you have chosen. You’re impacting the future.
Monday, March 2, 2009
New Search Feature in Connection Blog
The Connection blog has a new search feature. You can search blog articles by keyword, such as technology or Iowa Core Curriculum. You will then be shown every article that is archived in the blog that contains those keywords. You won’t see a link to each article to click on; you will have to scroll down through the articles to find the one you are looking for. Also, the articles aren’t listed by date. While the search feature isn’t perfect, it will allow readers to more easily find articles of interest.
North Star Update
Name of Project: Budget Process
Name of Initiative: Supports to Staff
Team members:
Richard Geil
David King
Rebecca McCreary
Doug Schuster
Give the gist of what your project is about including the long-term goal.
The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive resource allocation process to align resources with the Agency’s strategic priorities. To support this goal, this project includes the development of new on-line tools, resources and trainings for budget managers that will allow them to actively engage in the Agency’s budgeting and financial monitoring.
What are the things that your team has been working on?
• Adjusting the accounting system and structure to match the new organizational structure.
• Improving the Dashboard financial reports for budget managers.
• Improving the budget knowledge and budgeting skills of budget managers.
• Developing business rules and work flow models needed for on-line processes.
• Developing new on-line tools for staff and budget managers.
• Implementing document scanning into the accounting system.
What has your team accomplished?
• Instated new budget manager and department oversight Dashboard reports.
• Implemented regional-based accounting and budgets.
• Developed a method to identify Agency expenditures by North Star initiatives.
• Developed a new on-line ability for budget managers to view the detail components of their line item budgets.
• Facilitated increased budget manager participation in preparing the 2008-09 amended budget and 2009-10 proposed budget.
• Began scanning paid invoices and other documents into the financial accounting ledgers (these images can now be viewed on financial reports via the Dashboard).
Why are these important to Agency’s goal of increasing student achievement?
Increasing student achievement requires the focus of resources on strategic priorities. To achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness, management must be actively engaged in resource allocation, cost-benefit analysis and financial monitoring. To do this, they must have access to accurate and timely data for decision-making purposes.
What can the staff expect in the future?
• A paperless purchase requisition approval system.
• A Web-based budget transfer process with description for future reference.
• Improved Dashboard reports for supervisors on leaves, calendaring, etc.
• An automated budget checking of resource availability for expenditures.
Name of Initiative: Supports to Staff
Team members:
Richard Geil
David King
Rebecca McCreary
Doug Schuster
Give the gist of what your project is about including the long-term goal.
The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive resource allocation process to align resources with the Agency’s strategic priorities. To support this goal, this project includes the development of new on-line tools, resources and trainings for budget managers that will allow them to actively engage in the Agency’s budgeting and financial monitoring.
What are the things that your team has been working on?
• Adjusting the accounting system and structure to match the new organizational structure.
• Improving the Dashboard financial reports for budget managers.
• Improving the budget knowledge and budgeting skills of budget managers.
• Developing business rules and work flow models needed for on-line processes.
• Developing new on-line tools for staff and budget managers.
• Implementing document scanning into the accounting system.
What has your team accomplished?
• Instated new budget manager and department oversight Dashboard reports.
• Implemented regional-based accounting and budgets.
• Developed a method to identify Agency expenditures by North Star initiatives.
• Developed a new on-line ability for budget managers to view the detail components of their line item budgets.
• Facilitated increased budget manager participation in preparing the 2008-09 amended budget and 2009-10 proposed budget.
• Began scanning paid invoices and other documents into the financial accounting ledgers (these images can now be viewed on financial reports via the Dashboard).
Why are these important to Agency’s goal of increasing student achievement?
Increasing student achievement requires the focus of resources on strategic priorities. To achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness, management must be actively engaged in resource allocation, cost-benefit analysis and financial monitoring. To do this, they must have access to accurate and timely data for decision-making purposes.
What can the staff expect in the future?
• A paperless purchase requisition approval system.
• A Web-based budget transfer process with description for future reference.
• Improved Dashboard reports for supervisors on leaves, calendaring, etc.
• An automated budget checking of resource availability for expenditures.
Important Teacher Quality Professional Development Pay Information
The response to the opportunity to participate in Teacher Quality this year has been wonderful. The Teacher Quality Committee decided earlier this year that it wanted all certified staff members who wanted to participate in Teacher Quality to have the opportunity to do so and to be funded. We are currently calculating how the money will be distributed across all those who want to participate. Since the number of people who want to participate is so high, we may end up with a standard amount of money (rather than each person's per diem) being paid for participation in order to ensure that everyone gets a chance to participate.
We will make every effort to keep the funding as high and as close to average per diem pay as possible. We apologize that earlier communication stated that per diem pay would be available for all. We will let you know the exact amount of payment for a 15-hour class within the next week so that all certified staff can decide if they still want to participate. There will be an additional opportunity for many staff members to participate in sessions this summer about the Iowa Core Curriculum. This will be funded from a separate source of Teacher Quality Professional Development money that can only be spent to support learning around the Iowa Core Curriculum. Individuals who have already committed to participate in a Teacher Quality course may also have a chance to participate in Iowa Core Curriculum sessions. They will be funded to do both.
We will make every effort to keep the funding as high and as close to average per diem pay as possible. We apologize that earlier communication stated that per diem pay would be available for all. We will let you know the exact amount of payment for a 15-hour class within the next week so that all certified staff can decide if they still want to participate. There will be an additional opportunity for many staff members to participate in sessions this summer about the Iowa Core Curriculum. This will be funded from a separate source of Teacher Quality Professional Development money that can only be spent to support learning around the Iowa Core Curriculum. Individuals who have already committed to participate in a Teacher Quality course may also have a chance to participate in Iowa Core Curriculum sessions. They will be funded to do both.
New Crisis Action Plan Available
The Heartland Crisis Action Plan for 2009-2010 is now available on the Intranet under the Other Links of Interest tab or by clicking here. Crisis responders designated in the plan will be contacted with training opportunities. Please contact Steve Zimmerman at with any questions or comments.
Remember to Think About Summer Professional Development Courses
As you are planning your summer, don't forget about the many professional development opportunities available through Heartland's Professional Development program. Summer courses are being added daily. If you are interested in teaching a course, please complete the course proposal process—it’s not too late! Of note is a new course being offered through Heartland Professional Development. "Supporting Under-Resourced Students and Families" will be offered for the first time April 25 and May 2. To sign up, please go to:*
“Iowas AEAs...Impacting Lives” is Theme for AEA Marketing Campaign
“Iowa’s AEAs …. Impacting Lives” is the theme of a campaign planned statewide beginning in March 2009 to further awareness and understanding about Iowa AEA services.
The campaign will kick off across Iowa with feature ads on cable TV’s “Discovery,” “Food Network” and “Nickelodeon” channels. The channels will feature 30-second ads that will focus on the following three themes:
• An ad called “She Will” will highlight special education services
• An ad called “Rocket Scientist” will highlight that AEAs provide services to help prepare children for learning
• An ad called “When Teachers Succeed” will highlight professional development services
The campaign also includes a variety of other advertising methods, including articles in school newsletters, posting on blogs for Iowa parents, radio public service announcements and public service announcements on local access cable channels. Legislators were also welcomed at a coffee in the rotunda at the State Capitol building to kick off the campaign. Heartland is also sharing news about some of our success stories through presentations to local school boards.
The campaign is supported by funds received from the Iowa Educators Consortium (IEC), an initiative of Iowa’s Area Education Agencies. The IEC provides a statewide voluntary purchasing program for K-12 schools. All materials were prepared with support from the AEA Communications Committee. For questions, contact the Heartland Communications Department.
New Statewide AE
A Logo
At the same time, a new statewide AEA system logo is being introduced. A consistent visual identity is an important element of an organization’s communication plan. Print or online materials are often the first introduction individuals have to the Iowa AEA system.
The updated logo features the letters AEA and the words, Iowa Area Education Agencies, and the AEA tagline, “Partners in Education,” in the AEA colors of maroon and gold. Along with the new logo, a revision to the AEA Graphic Identification Guidelines has been completed and will be posted to the Iowa AEA Web site at
The campaign will kick off across Iowa with feature ads on cable TV’s “Discovery,” “Food Network” and “Nickelodeon” channels. The channels will feature 30-second ads that will focus on the following three themes:
• An ad called “She Will” will highlight special education services
• An ad called “Rocket Scientist” will highlight that AEAs provide services to help prepare children for learning
• An ad called “When Teachers Succeed” will highlight professional development services
The campaign also includes a variety of other advertising methods, including articles in school newsletters, posting on blogs for Iowa parents, radio public service announcements and public service announcements on local access cable channels. Legislators were also welcomed at a coffee in the rotunda at the State Capitol building to kick off the campaign. Heartland is also sharing news about some of our success stories through presentations to local school boards.
The campaign is supported by funds received from the Iowa Educators Consortium (IEC), an initiative of Iowa’s Area Education Agencies. The IEC provides a statewide voluntary purchasing program for K-12 schools. All materials were prepared with support from the AEA Communications Committee. For questions, contact the Heartland Communications Department.
New Statewide AE

At the same time, a new statewide AEA system logo is being introduced. A consistent visual identity is an important element of an organization’s communication plan. Print or online materials are often the first introduction individuals have to the Iowa AEA system.
The updated logo features the letters AEA and the words, Iowa Area Education Agencies, and the AEA tagline, “Partners in Education,” in the AEA colors of maroon and gold. Along with the new logo, a revision to the AEA Graphic Identification Guidelines has been completed and will be posted to the Iowa AEA Web site at
Technology Update
Warning About Computer Mishaps!
If you should ever spill any liquid on your computer, drop it or have it experience a strong impact, please do not try to turn it on to see if it will work. Instead, stop and unplug the AC/DC adapter and remove the battery. Immediately contact Thanh Le, Equipment Repair Technician, at ext. 14329.
Kerio Reminders
Technology support staff has been fielding questions regarding Kerio mail and calendar that were covered in the original Kerio training videos. If you haven’t reviewed the videos lately, it might be a good idea to take a few minutes to do so. Now that you are more familiar with Kerio, the videos might have more meaning. To review the training videos go to:
Copying Events from Public Calendars in Kerio
If you attend meetings that are already entered on one of the Agency’s public calendars, you can easily copy those events to your own personal calendar to save you time entering the information. The instructions below outline the steps involved in copying events to your personal calendar.
1. Locate the folder labeled Public folders in the folder tree on the left hand side of the Kerio window. Click the plus button next to the folder to expand it if necessary. 2. Click once on either the Calendar_External or Calendar_Internal and go to the date of the event you want to copy to your personal calendar.
3. Click once on the event then click the Copy button (yellow folder with a green arrow pointing down located above the calendar between the New Event button and the Print button).
4. When the Folder selection window appears, click once on your folder labeled Calendar and click the Copy button at the bottom of the window. That will copy the event with all the details to your personal calendar.
Using Banners in Kerio
Please remember to set the “Show Time As” dropdown menu to “free” when creating reminder banners in your Kerio calendar. Some people have inadvertently blocked out entire days of their calendars by forgetting this step. Thus, others are prevented from inviting them to meetings. At least we assume this is accidental.
If you should ever spill any liquid on your computer, drop it or have it experience a strong impact, please do not try to turn it on to see if it will work. Instead, stop and unplug the AC/DC adapter and remove the battery. Immediately contact Thanh Le, Equipment Repair Technician, at ext. 14329.
Kerio Reminders
Technology support staff has been fielding questions regarding Kerio mail and calendar that were covered in the original Kerio training videos. If you haven’t reviewed the videos lately, it might be a good idea to take a few minutes to do so. Now that you are more familiar with Kerio, the videos might have more meaning. To review the training videos go to:
Copying Events from Public Calendars in Kerio
If you attend meetings that are already entered on one of the Agency’s public calendars, you can easily copy those events to your own personal calendar to save you time entering the information. The instructions below outline the steps involved in copying events to your personal calendar.
1. Locate the folder labeled Public folders in the folder tree on the left hand side of the Kerio window. Click the plus button next to the folder to expand it if necessary. 2. Click once on either the Calendar_External or Calendar_Internal and go to the date of the event you want to copy to your personal calendar.
3. Click once on the event then click the Copy button (yellow folder with a green arrow pointing down located above the calendar between the New Event button and the Print button).
4. When the Folder selection window appears, click once on your folder labeled Calendar and click the Copy button at the bottom of the window. That will copy the event with all the details to your personal calendar.
Using Banners in Kerio
Please remember to set the “Show Time As” dropdown menu to “free” when creating reminder banners in your Kerio calendar. Some people have inadvertently blocked out entire days of their calendars by forgetting this step. Thus, others are prevented from inviting them to meetings. At least we assume this is accidental.
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