Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Read about five easy ways to help communicate consistently and professionally about our agency. If you have any questions, the Communications Department would be happy to help! 1 What’s in a name? Our preferred name is “Heartland Area Education Agency” or “Heartland AEA.” While our legal name is Area Education Agency 11, our Board of Directors chose “Heartland AEA” as the name we use on a daily basis in our work. That means as staff, we’re not using the number 11 in our name anymore. Always remember to use the complete name - Heartland AEA - in all instances. Have you Googled the word Heartland lately? There are a TON of businesses in this area with Heartland in their name. So, make sure to use Heartland AEA and drop the number 11.
2 About the Logo… The Heartland AEA logo is the primary visual element of our identity. It symbolizes our mission and programs and should be used consistently to reinforce our public awareness. To preserve its uniqueness and purpose, the logo should not be altered in any way. Find the logo for digital use on the Intranet > Communications > Resources. Or consult with the Communications or Creative Services teams for assistance. 3 Put Your Best Foot Forward When delivering presentations on behalf of Heartland AEA, you are encouraged to use the prepared presentation templates with the Agency's logo and colors. This helps reinforce our agency brand and presents information in a professional manner. Templates are located on our Intranet > Communications > Templates. In addition, the Communications Department is available to review your presentation for style and format and provide images or graphics upon request.
4 You’re on the Big Stage If you are planning to present at a national or state conference, contact the Communications Department as soon as possible to begin the collaborative process for your slides, video or other presentation materials.
5 Spread the Word! Social media, like cake, is meant for sharing! Right? If you’re social, follow the Agency on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Invite your friends to follow us and share our news and resources with their friends and followers. Help us reach more people who may need our services. Make sure you mention or tag @HeartlandAEA!
In addition to our printed “Inspiring Smiles” cards that were distributed at the All-Staff Meeting, we now have a PDF version of the card if you’d like to send someone a shout out via email. We’re also providing all offices with a stack of printed cards if anyone would like more hard copy versions. Keep on inspiring! Inspiring Smiles PDF
Last week the Communications Department sent out the second issue of the Educator Connection newsletter for the 2018-19 school year. The Educator Connection is intended to keep educators in the Heartland AEA service area better connected to our agency and to the many programs and services we offer to educators, students and families. The newsletter is emailed to educators and automatically archived on our agency website. Anyone can also subscribe to the newsletter via the webpage. Articles:
Tell Us What You Think!
Heartland AEA Holiday Office Closings & Van Delivery Schedule
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in a Statement Envelope!
Do You Know Your ESL/Diversity Consultant?
Could Fridays Get Any Better? Only If You Join Us for Standards-Based Learning “Framework Fridays!”
Teacher Librarians: This One’s For You! Let’s Get “Better Together!”
Educators: Feast On These Professional Learning Opportunities!
Parents of Students With Autism: Connect Online With Other Parents & AEA Experts About Autism
Family Engagement: It Takes a Village
Diga Know? Iowa’s Digital Learning Plan Is Ready!
Social Studies Teachers: Eat Up This Video About Incorporating Tech in an Inquiry-based Classroom
As we approach winter, we want to remind you of how our agency communicates about inclement weather office closings and course cancellations. Heartland AEA offices will typically remain open unless all schools in a region are closed and travel is not recommended—which we know does happen. In preparation for the possibility of office closings and professional learning course cancellations, read below for the process the Agency uses to communicate about closings, cancellations and delays.
First, read the Agency’s Inclement Weather Policy, which can be found in the Staff Handbook in Section 11:15. If you have any questions about the Inclement Weather policy, contact Tony Chiaramonte, Director of Human Resources.
Second, remember that the Temporary Remote Workplace Program can be used in extraordinary circumstances with supervisor approval. More information about the program can be found in the Staff Handbook in Section 3:4. In an inclement weather circumstance, staff members who complete timesheets have the option of taking unpaid leave, even if they have other leaves available.
Third, make sure your phone information is up-to-date in Employee Online, so you will be notified of office closings. If you are a new staff member or have a new phone number, you will receive a message from the short code 67587 asking if you’d like to opt-in to receive messages from SchoolMessenger. Reply “Yes” to receive those messages.
Communicating Office Closures The Agency uses the following methods to notify staff members of office closures due to inclement weather.
SchoolMessenger: We will send text and email messages through SchoolMessenger (an online notification system) to only those staff members who are assigned to offices that close.
Website: We will post closing information on the front page of the Agency’s website.
Social Media: We will post closing information on the Agency's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Communicating Professional Development Class Cancellations If a professional development class is canceled, the cancellation will be communicated via the agency website and social media. If you have any questions about inclement weather communications, contact Courtney Croatt, Communications Specialist, at or ext. 14474.
Please take a minute to offer your feedback and comments about the Heartland AEA website. Your responses will help us improve your visit experience as we begin to look at redesigning the site. Please respond by Nov. 26. Thank you for your participation! Heartland AEA Website Survey
Each year, Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the National Weather Service sponsor Winter Weather Awareness Day, which was Nov. 8. Winter storms can bring heavy snow, ice, strong winds and freezing rain. Winter Weather Awareness Day is an opportunity to remind Iowans that there are steps they can take to be prepared for winter. Because it's a matter of when, not if, winter weather will occur. Advance preparation is key to preventing injuries and death during the winter months. For more information on preparing for winter weather, visit Iowa Homeland Security’s Winter Weather page.
Registration is now open for on-site biometric screenings from Hy-Vee. Reminder: Don’t wait for chronic diseases to sneak up on you. Take preventive measures by getting a health assessment from a Hy-Vee dietitian. Get quick and accurate results on cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat and body mass index. The dietitian will then explain what the results mean to you. If you would rather, you can always go to a Hy-Vee store that has a dietician or to your primary care physician to have your biometric screening done. You will need to make an appointment with a Hy-Vee dietitian if you do a screening on your own. Screening Dates & Locations Johnston REC Dec. 5 & Dec. 18, 2018 Jan. 10 & Jan. 24, 2019 Feb. 5 & Feb. 20, 2019 March 5 & March 28, 2019 Newton Regional Office Dec. 6, 2018 Ames Regional Office Dec. 11, 2018 Carroll Regional Office Jan. 22, 2019 Indianola Regional Office Jan. 15, 2019 Adel Regional Office Feb. 13, 2019 Registration These instructions guide you through how to register for an on-site screening using the Hy-Vee website.
Did you know our Benefits Specialist is available to talk with you as retirement starts to enter your mind? If you’re a few months, one year or even five years away from retirement, set up an appointment with Juliette Houseman to discuss your current situation, ask questions and see what your options might be. She’s here to help you figure out the details. Don’t hesitate to contact her!
Gratitude has been shown to make people happier, in better moods, more physically well and more supportive of others. Powerful, huh? This 28-day challenge is focused on helping you add a daily dose of gratitude to each day, identifying people, places and things you’re grateful for. Plus, you’ll get weekly information and tips to assist you. Participation is easy! Track "YES" to expressing gratitude in the Wellness Center to participate and complete the challenge. So, what are you waiting for? Register today! Registration: Nov. 8 - 29, 2018 Challenge Duration: Nov. 15 - Dec. 12, 2018
Medicare 101 Nov. 13, 2018 (Rescheduled from September) 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Johnston REC, Room 152B Zoom Access, Will be recorded as well We will attempt to clear up any confusion about Medicare and answer questions you may have about your options and coverage when you become eligible for Medicare. Presenters Joel LeLaCheur, Agent Manager, United Healthcare Kurt Randel, Independent Insurance Agent Healthy Eating on the Go Nov. 14, 2018 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Johnston REC, Room 152 Zoom Access, Will be recorded as well It's easy to give up healthy eating when you’re always on the go. In this presentation, we’ll discuss how to pick better choices whether you’re in the office or in your car. Snack options and recipes will be included. Please come with questions! Presenter Ashley Danielson, West Des Moines Hy-Vee HealthMarket Dietitian