Our Mission
improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth
by providing services and leadership in partnership with families,
schools and communities.
Our Goals
• Increase learning growth for students
• Decrease the gap in achievement
• Increase annual graduation rates
• Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Monday, January 16, 2017
Update on the Chief Administrator Search Process
At the Heartland AEA Board of Directors meeting on Jan. 10, the Board formally accepted Dr. Paula Vincent’s letter of resignation, effective June 30, 2017. After discussion, board members decided to seek the assistance of a professional search firm to conduct a search for the Agency’s next chief administrator. Requests for proposals were sent to 12 search firms on Jan. 11, with the deadline of Jan. 27 to return their proposals to the Board. The Board determined that the use of a search firm would again be beneficial to the chief administrator search, as a firm will help manage the search process and widen the pool of potential candidates.
The Board will review search firm proposals at a meeting in late January and hopes to award a contract to the chosen firm at its regularly scheduled Feb. 14 meeting.
The Board will review search firm proposals at a meeting in late January and hopes to award a contract to the chosen firm at its regularly scheduled Feb. 14 meeting.
Your Opportunity to Provide Input into Criteria Used in Chief Administrator Search
Heartland AEA staff members are invited to share their input on the criteria the Board of Directors should consider in seeking a new chief administrator. The Board initiated conversations on this topic at its Jan. 10 meeting and a working draft of those proposed criteria has been developed. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to see the proposed criteria and identify your top three priorities in each section. Your input by Jan. 25 would be appreciated.
If you have any questions about the chief administrator search process or any specific feedback to provide, contact John Kinley, board president, at jckinley@gmail.com or (515) 689-7904.
If you have any questions about the chief administrator search process or any specific feedback to provide, contact John Kinley, board president, at jckinley@gmail.com or (515) 689-7904.
Let’s All Hang Together
While reading the below blog post from Jon Sheldahl, chief administrator at Great Prairie AEA, I thought of the writings of Michael Fullan and his frequent call for standing up for the moral purpose in schooling -- “Without moral purpose, nothing of value is achieved.”
In other words, to achieve true benefit for a community or state or country, one must be concerned with all students, not just the ones we know or work with. It is only then that the outcomes we care about are sustainable and able to contribute to the common good of society.
There are many things that may be beyond our individual influence, but we can each make a choice everyday to be kind, to choose actions that uplift those around us and to communicate our interest in the well-being of all children. When we join together with these thoughts and actions, we may be surprised at the collective influence we do have.
Perhaps no one in our great national history is more quotable than Benjamin Franklin, who stated prior to signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776, “We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately”. This statement was made during what is arguably the most politically uncertain time in our nation’s history. No one knew if the signers of that document would go down in history as great statesmen or be hung as traitors. It was a time when unprecedented uncertainty led to unprecedented levels of purpose, unity, and courage.
Continue reading…
Learn More About Legislative Happenings With Monthly Narak/Buckton Update
Tom Narak of School Administrators of Iowa, and Margaret Buckton of Iowa School Finance Information Services, provide monthly legislative updates at Heartland AEA’s Curriculum Network meetings. Tom and Margaret’s updates are less than an hour and provide a great summary of education-related issues happening in the legislature. We will post the video every month so you can stay current on issues concerning schools and AEAs this legislative session.
W-2s Are on Their Way!
Your 2016 Form W-2 has been mailed to your home address. A help document of tips to better understand your W-2 can be found on the Intranet > Business Office > Payroll Forms & Information. This help document provides an explanation of certain boxes on your W-2.
Want to view your 2016 Form W-2 online? You can! Login to your Employee Dashboard and select the Employee Online navigation tab at the top of the page. Once in Employee Online, go to the left-hand navigation and click on “W2/ACA 1095C Info” then on the “W2 2016” link. This will open a PDF copy of your W-2 that you can print.
If you have any questions, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
Want to view your 2016 Form W-2 online? You can! Login to your Employee Dashboard and select the Employee Online navigation tab at the top of the page. Once in Employee Online, go to the left-hand navigation and click on “W2/ACA 1095C Info” then on the “W2 2016” link. This will open a PDF copy of your W-2 that you can print.
If you have any questions, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
Governor Puts Hold on Smarter Balanced Assessment
During the December regional and Central Support meetings, staff heard updates about the Smarter Balanced Assessment system and how schools and AEAs have been gearing up for the implementation of the system in the 2017-18 school year.
Last week Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise notified districts and AEAs regarding the status of the Smarter Balanced Assessments:
“Iowa legislators have clearly signaled interest in further discussing the future of statewide assessments. Accordingly, the Governor’s office has asked the Iowa Department of Education to put implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessments on hold while the Legislature discusses this issue. This means that we will pause on the creation, identification, and delivery of professional learning, resources and materials to implement the Smarter Balanced Assessments.”
Based on this new information, Heartland AEA will not be providing the overview on Smarter Balanced in districts until we receive further direction from the Iowa Department of Education and the Governor’s office. This means that Heartland AEA staff won’t need to attend trainings at this time. We will update you as we learn more information. Contact your regional director if you have any questions.
Last week Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise notified districts and AEAs regarding the status of the Smarter Balanced Assessments:
“Iowa legislators have clearly signaled interest in further discussing the future of statewide assessments. Accordingly, the Governor’s office has asked the Iowa Department of Education to put implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessments on hold while the Legislature discusses this issue. This means that we will pause on the creation, identification, and delivery of professional learning, resources and materials to implement the Smarter Balanced Assessments.”
Based on this new information, Heartland AEA will not be providing the overview on Smarter Balanced in districts until we receive further direction from the Iowa Department of Education and the Governor’s office. This means that Heartland AEA staff won’t need to attend trainings at this time. We will update you as we learn more information. Contact your regional director if you have any questions.
Iowa School Report Card Updated and Released With New Features
The Iowa Department of Education continues to improve the Iowa School Report Card, with updated data and two new features released last week that reflect a more complete picture of student progress in public schools.
The Iowa School Report Card is a web-based system that evaluates and rates public schools based on their performance on a required set of measures. The system was developed to meet a state legislative requirement.
“The Iowa School Report Card is an effort to provide meaningful information about our schools in a way that is easy to access and understand,” Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise said. “While this resource can help school improvement efforts locally and statewide, data and ratings do not tell the whole story, and I encourage Iowans to connect with their community schools to learn more.”
The Iowa School Report Card includes information on student proficiency rates in math and reading, student academic growth, narrowing achievement gaps among students, college and career readiness, student attendance, graduation rates and staff retention. Based on each school’s performance over a two-year period, the report card assigns one of six ratings: Exceptional, High-Performing, Commendable, Acceptable, Needs Improvement, and Priority. Scores and ratings, which are updated annually, apply only to individual public schools; school districts and non-public schools do not receive ratings. For most measures, school ratings are based on data from the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years.
The Department first released the Iowa School Report Card in December 2015. The new version includes:
The Iowa School Report Card is a web-based system that evaluates and rates public schools based on their performance on a required set of measures. The system was developed to meet a state legislative requirement.
“The Iowa School Report Card is an effort to provide meaningful information about our schools in a way that is easy to access and understand,” Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise said. “While this resource can help school improvement efforts locally and statewide, data and ratings do not tell the whole story, and I encourage Iowans to connect with their community schools to learn more.”
The Iowa School Report Card includes information on student proficiency rates in math and reading, student academic growth, narrowing achievement gaps among students, college and career readiness, student attendance, graduation rates and staff retention. Based on each school’s performance over a two-year period, the report card assigns one of six ratings: Exceptional, High-Performing, Commendable, Acceptable, Needs Improvement, and Priority. Scores and ratings, which are updated annually, apply only to individual public schools; school districts and non-public schools do not receive ratings. For most measures, school ratings are based on data from the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years.
The Department first released the Iowa School Report Card in December 2015. The new version includes:
- Minor changes in methodology to include more schools in scores and ratings.
- Two additional categories in the “Closing Achievement Gap” measure, which initially measured the progress a school made in narrowing gaps in achievement among students with disabilities, students who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals and English Language Learners. The two new categories include information on achievement gaps by race and ethnicity.
- A summary of responses to a statewide survey of Iowa teachers on their practices and perceptions regarding parent involvement. This summary is provided for informational purposes and is not included in school scores or ratings. A survey of Iowa parents regarding parent involvement will be distributed statewide this year. Parent involvement eventually will become a measure on the Iowa School Report Card, as required by law.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Agency Offering Third Round of Naturally Slim -- Free 10-Week Online Weight Loss Opportunity
Heartland AEA is offering a third opportunity for employees to participate in the Naturally Slim® program.
Naturally Slim is a 10-week online program that helps you lose weight plus improve your overall health – all while eating the foods you love! With Naturally Slim, you will learn that you don’t have to starve yourself or count calories to lose weight and keep it off forever.
How does the Naturally Slim program work?
Naturally Slim is a mindful-eating program that helps you change how you eat instead of what you eat. It is not a diet. And, as you lose weight, you also improve your health by improving the risk factors that can lead to serious, chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more.
Why not give it a try?
You can still eat the foods you love and this could be the solution that you’ve been looking for. Thousands of people have used the Naturally Slim program to successfully lose weight. The average weight loss in just 10 weeks is 10.1 pounds. In fact, 15% of participants lose more than 20 pounds in that time.
How do I apply?
The program begins on Feb. 6, 2017 but participation is limited. Applications will be accepted from Jan. 23 until Jan. 29, so fill out the online application today!
Please note: By submitting the online application, you are committing to participate in the program, if accepted.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will participants be selected?
Program professionals select participants based on pre-determined criteria and a willingness to meet all program completion requirements as outlined below. You will be notified of your application status via email by Jan. 31, 2017. What are the program completion requirements? In order to successfully complete the program, you must:
There is no cost to you for the Naturally Slim Program. Your participation will help Heartland AEA achieve our goal of becoming a more health-conscious agency. However, if you do not meet the program completion requirements as defined above, you will be responsible for reimbursing Heartland AEA $75, a portion of the program fee originally paid on your behalf.
A Note about Confidentiality… The information that you provide to Naturally Slim will be considered confidential and will be available only to you and the program professionals. Heartland AEA will receive participation reports for administration of payroll and billing processes. Otherwise, the information you provide to Naturally Slim is confidential and available only to you and Naturally Slim and its affiliates involved in conducting or evaluating the program. Naturally Slim cannot sell or otherwise divulge any participant information to any unauthorized party.
If you have any questions, contact Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist, or Katie Streff, Human Resources Coordinator, at ext. 14315.
How does the Naturally Slim program work?
Naturally Slim is a mindful-eating program that helps you change how you eat instead of what you eat. It is not a diet. And, as you lose weight, you also improve your health by improving the risk factors that can lead to serious, chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more.
Why not give it a try?
You can still eat the foods you love and this could be the solution that you’ve been looking for. Thousands of people have used the Naturally Slim program to successfully lose weight. The average weight loss in just 10 weeks is 10.1 pounds. In fact, 15% of participants lose more than 20 pounds in that time.
How do I apply?
The program begins on Feb. 6, 2017 but participation is limited. Applications will be accepted from Jan. 23 until Jan. 29, so fill out the online application today!
Please note: By submitting the online application, you are committing to participate in the program, if accepted.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will participants be selected?
Program professionals select participants based on pre-determined criteria and a willingness to meet all program completion requirements as outlined below. You will be notified of your application status via email by Jan. 31, 2017. What are the program completion requirements? In order to successfully complete the program, you must:
- Submit the online application and sign all appropriate releases by their associated deadlines.
- Complete at least 8 of the 10 online video courses for Naturally Slim Foundations within their set weekly time frames. It will be your responsibility to ensure your participation is accurately recorded each week.
- Complete a pre- and post-program biometric screening.
- Pre biometric screening must be obtained and submitted to the Wellmark portal by January 29, 2017. (You may use your current screening if it was completed after Jan. 1, 2017.)
- Post biometric screening must be obtained at a local Hy-Vee by May 1st. (2 weeks after Foundations class concludes).
There is no cost to you for the Naturally Slim Program. Your participation will help Heartland AEA achieve our goal of becoming a more health-conscious agency. However, if you do not meet the program completion requirements as defined above, you will be responsible for reimbursing Heartland AEA $75, a portion of the program fee originally paid on your behalf.
A Note about Confidentiality… The information that you provide to Naturally Slim will be considered confidential and will be available only to you and the program professionals. Heartland AEA will receive participation reports for administration of payroll and billing processes. Otherwise, the information you provide to Naturally Slim is confidential and available only to you and Naturally Slim and its affiliates involved in conducting or evaluating the program. Naturally Slim cannot sell or otherwise divulge any participant information to any unauthorized party.
If you have any questions, contact Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist, or Katie Streff, Human Resources Coordinator, at ext. 14315.
Reminder: Five to Thrive Challenge Registration Open; Challenge Begins Jan. 23
or a salad. A candy bar or an apple. Soda or a smoothie. These are the
choices we face on a daily basis. Even when we know what is right, we
sometimes choose the less-than-healthy option. If you fall into this
category, you are not alone. But don't worry—the 5 to Thrive Nutrition
Challenge is here to help.
Improving your daily nutrition may sound hard but it can be done. Even small steps can make a difference. Eating more fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk and improve management of many conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Plus, you may also benefit from less stress, better weight control and more energy. Join the 5 to Thrive Nutrition Challenge and get tips and advice on how to eat a healthier, more balanced diet. It is simple!
Registration: Employees who have created and/or logged in to their Wellmark account in the past 60 days should receive more information from Wellmark via email about the challenge and how to register.
Reminder on how to login to Wellmark.com: Review these instructions on how to login.
If you have any questions, contact Juliette Houseman or Katie Streff, Wellness Leads.
Improving your daily nutrition may sound hard but it can be done. Even small steps can make a difference. Eating more fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk and improve management of many conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Plus, you may also benefit from less stress, better weight control and more energy. Join the 5 to Thrive Nutrition Challenge and get tips and advice on how to eat a healthier, more balanced diet. It is simple!
Registration: Employees who have created and/or logged in to their Wellmark account in the past 60 days should receive more information from Wellmark via email about the challenge and how to register.
Reminder on how to login to Wellmark.com: Review these instructions on how to login.
If you have any questions, contact Juliette Houseman or Katie Streff, Wellness Leads.
Reminder: Grab Your Lunch and Head to the Tackling Debt Session
you know that 80% of workers polled nationally indicate they want their
employer to provide financial wellness education? Consider where we are
as a society today:
Feb. 8, 2017
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Johnston REC or via Zoom
Feb. 6, 2017
Register Now
- 77% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck – Bankrate.com
- 30% of Americans have outstanding loans on their 401k’s – Business Record
- #1 cause of stress is money problems and money fights – multiple studies
Feb. 8, 2017
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Johnston REC or via Zoom
Feb. 6, 2017
Register Now
Reminder: Announcing New Doctor On Demand Virtual Visit Benefit
As was announced in December regional meetings….
Get the care you need when and where you need it with a new benefit of your health insurance.
It’s called Doctor On Demand. It’s a virtual visit platform that connects you to a board-certified physician by live video on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
If you are covered by Wellmark health insurance through Heartland AEA, your cost for using Doctor on Demand is an office visit copay.
No more waiting rooms or travel across town. With Doctor On Demand, you can see and talk to a doctor face-to-face anytime — wherever you are. You can also get prescriptions instantly sent to your nearest pharmacy.
Doctor On Demand treats many common medical conditions:
● Colds and flu
● Allergies
● Skin and eye issues
● Sore throat
● Pediatric issues
● Bronchitis and sinus infections
● Urinary tract infections
● Diarrhea and vomiting
● Prescriptions
Out-of-State Dependents
Also, for employees with dependents out-of-state, if they use the Doctor On Demand, it is still considered In-Network because they will be connected with doctors who are licensed to practice in Iowa and are considered an In-Network doctor under our plan when you use Doctor On Demand.
Meet the Doctors
The doctors at Doctor On Demand are among the best in the country. They go through several screenings and ongoing quality assurance. You can even rate your experience and write a review.
Don’t Delay
Be ready for the unexpected. Log in to myWellmark on your computer to set up your Doctor on Demand account. Then, download the mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Learn more at DoctorOnDemand.com.
Wondering what the experience is like?
Check out the Doctor On Demand YouTube channel.
If you have any questions about this new service, contact Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist.
Get the care you need when and where you need it with a new benefit of your health insurance.
It’s called Doctor On Demand. It’s a virtual visit platform that connects you to a board-certified physician by live video on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
If you are covered by Wellmark health insurance through Heartland AEA, your cost for using Doctor on Demand is an office visit copay.
No more waiting rooms or travel across town. With Doctor On Demand, you can see and talk to a doctor face-to-face anytime — wherever you are. You can also get prescriptions instantly sent to your nearest pharmacy.
Doctor On Demand treats many common medical conditions:
● Colds and flu
● Allergies
● Skin and eye issues
● Sore throat
● Pediatric issues
● Bronchitis and sinus infections
● Urinary tract infections
● Diarrhea and vomiting
● Prescriptions
Out-of-State Dependents
Also, for employees with dependents out-of-state, if they use the Doctor On Demand, it is still considered In-Network because they will be connected with doctors who are licensed to practice in Iowa and are considered an In-Network doctor under our plan when you use Doctor On Demand.
Meet the Doctors
The doctors at Doctor On Demand are among the best in the country. They go through several screenings and ongoing quality assurance. You can even rate your experience and write a review.
Don’t Delay
Be ready for the unexpected. Log in to myWellmark on your computer to set up your Doctor on Demand account. Then, download the mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Learn more at DoctorOnDemand.com.
Wondering what the experience is like?
Check out the Doctor On Demand YouTube channel.
If you have any questions about this new service, contact Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist.
LifeWorks EAP Spotlight: Health Myth Center
We've heard the sayings, "feed a cold, starve a fever" or "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Sometimes, whether we truly believe it or not, we put such advice to use in our attempts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But is there any truth behind these health myths?

Our new Health Myth Center will help you separate fact from fiction by providing you with evidence both for and against a variety of health claims circulating society today.
Website: heartlandaea.lifeworks.com
Username: heartlandaea
Password: lifeworks
Reminder: Nominate Someone Today for Inaugural AEA Awards
you know someone who has made outstanding contributions to education
and the system of Iowa Area Education Agencies (AEAs)? Please take a few
minutes to nominate this person for recognition by Iowa’s AEAs. This is
the inaugural year for the AEA awards -- the Friend of the AEA Award,
the E. Robert Stephens Award and the Innovative Creator Award -- which
recognize outstanding candidates for their contributions to education
and the AEA system.
To submit a nomination, complete this application by Feb. 3, 2017. Anyone is welcome to submit a nomination. The nominations will be reviewed by a selected group of AEA personnel in February. Both the nominating individual and those who are selected to be recognized will be notified by March 1. The awards will be presented at the Iowa AEA Boards of Directors’ Conference on March 30-31, 2017 in Des Moines.
More information about the three awards and criteria can be found on the Iowa AEA website.
To submit a nomination, complete this application by Feb. 3, 2017. Anyone is welcome to submit a nomination. The nominations will be reviewed by a selected group of AEA personnel in February. Both the nominating individual and those who are selected to be recognized will be notified by March 1. The awards will be presented at the Iowa AEA Boards of Directors’ Conference on March 30-31, 2017 in Des Moines.
More information about the three awards and criteria can be found on the Iowa AEA website.
Did You Know Its Hazardous Materials Awareness Week?
Hazardous Materials Awareness Week is recognized the third full week in January. Nearly all households use products that contain hazardous materials, and hazardous materials are transported on our roadways, railways and waterways daily. Although the risk of a chemical accident is slight, knowing how to handle these products and how to react during an emergency can reduce your risk of injury.
Update on Building Our Technology Capacity: Zoom Basic Training
As of Jan. 13, 466 Heartland AEA staff have completed the Zoom Basic online training module. We are well over 60% completion with many more currently enrolled. Kudos to those who have already completed this year’s first module!
Why use Zoom as part of your work at Heartland AEA?
Zoom is a tool that enables you to conduct web-based conferences, online meetings and group chats. With Zoom, you can schedule a meeting or start a meeting on the fly. You can join a meeting from your desktop or laptop computer (Windows and Mac), mobile device (iOS and Android) and even other conferencing platforms such as Polycom. You can invite people from both within and outside Heartland AEA to participate in your meeting, and Zoom can be used for any and all of the purposes listed below:
1. Go to the AEA PD Online Learning System and log in.
2. Once logged in, click on the “Catalog” under the House icon over on the left side of the screen.
3. Enter “Zoom” into the search box. Click on Heartland AEA: Zoom Basic Training.
4. Click “ Register” to begin.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding this training, contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant.
Why use Zoom as part of your work at Heartland AEA?
Zoom is a tool that enables you to conduct web-based conferences, online meetings and group chats. With Zoom, you can schedule a meeting or start a meeting on the fly. You can join a meeting from your desktop or laptop computer (Windows and Mac), mobile device (iOS and Android) and even other conferencing platforms such as Polycom. You can invite people from both within and outside Heartland AEA to participate in your meeting, and Zoom can be used for any and all of the purposes listed below:
- Real-time HD video/audio conferencing using your computer or mobile device
- Online meetings with screen sharing and video archiving
- Group/team collaboration
- Phone conferences
- Collaborative process design using a built-in interactive whiteboard
- Annotation and co-annotation of documents and graphics
- Virtual classrooms
- Interview
- Webinars
- Instant messaging
- If my meeting will take less time than my drive time, I always ask if I could join the meeting through Zoom.
- Before rescheduling a team meeting for 16 people because one person couldn’t attend, I suggested Zoom as a possible option and video archiving the meeting so the missing member could watch it later.
- A child (Early ACCESS) was ill, so I scheduled a Zoom meeting with the family.
- My own child was ill at home so I joined a district team meeting by Zoom.
- To cut down on personal data charges, I used Zoom to make an audio conference call.
- To make better use of my time as a consultant, I use Zoom for video conversations between buildings within a district I serve.
1. Go to the AEA PD Online Learning System and log in.
2. Once logged in, click on the “Catalog” under the House icon over on the left side of the screen.
3. Enter “Zoom” into the search box. Click on Heartland AEA: Zoom Basic Training.
4. Click “ Register” to begin.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding this training, contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant.
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