The June meeting of the Heartland AEA Board of Directors was held June 14, 2011.
Closed Session
The Board of Directors entered into closed session at 3:07 p.m. to conduct an evaluation of the Chief Administrator. Members returned to open session at 5:01 p.m.
• Dr. Bridgewater informed Dr. Vincent that an additional year would be added to her current contract, her salary would be increased by $6,000 for 2011-12 and that her cell phone expense would be covered.
• Dr. Vincent shared that she is humbled to be serving a board that is so engaged and that the leadership team and staff are phenomenal and have contributed to the organization’s success.
Public Forum
No one was present to address the Board.
Discussion Items
Board Committee Reports and Updates
• Cultural Competency Committee – No report.
• Professional Development Committee – No report.
• Board Advisory Council – No report. • Board Policy Committee – No report.
• IEC/IAEP – No additional meetings have been held since the May board meeting.
Continuous Improvement Plan
Dr. David Tilly, Director of Innovation and Accountability, provided an update on the Agency’s Continuous Improvement Plan. The Agency has been working closely with the Department of Education on developing a plan that will have greater impact on improving student achievement. The plan will focus on four main areas: increasing learning growth, decreasing learning gaps between the advantaged and disadvantaged, increasing the core preparation rate and increasing graduation rates. Both organizations agreed to review the plan more frequently – on a 12-18 month cycle instead of once every five years. This will allow for adjustment as needed. Board members commented on recent organizational changes, their impact and how to measure the effectiveness of school improvement consultants.
2012 Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) Legislative Priorities
The Board received a preliminary draft of possible legislative priorities for 2012. They will finalize their selection at the August 9 board meeting.
Administrative Salaries
Dr. Vincent discussed administrative salaries for 2011-12. Using comparative data from districts, other AEAs and the current list of salaries, she recommended a package increase of 2.94 percent for 2011-12. The actual cost for the Agency would be less than 2.94 percent, as some soon-to-be-vacant administrative positions will not be filled. Mr. Christensen shared his concern about the increase and if the level was too high for certain positions.
Action Items Administrative Salaries
A MOTION was made by Ms. Ann Wilson and seconded by Ms. Marcy Sparks to approve the 2.94 percent package increase for administrative salaries for 2011-12. Seven ayes, one nay. Motion passed.
IASB Membership Renewal
A MOTION was made by Mr. Cal Halliburton and seconded by Ms. Ann Wilson to discontinue the Agency’s IASB membership for 2011-12. A roll call vote was taken, two ayes, six nays. Motion failed.
• I question the amount of the dues and the worth of its membership. It is a troubled organization and the vision of the organization causes pause.
• Ideally, I would like to join, but I don’t want a repeat of the past year. We can’t change it or make it better if we withdraw. I think we need to give their new director a chance along with their board. If we see things are not improving, we can withdraw next year.
• I support the IASB. They provide a lot of services to the Agency such as insurance and legislative representation, and they are in concert with other groups and organizations. I also know they have gone through an unfortunate time.
• We need every partner we can get in education. The AEAs need all the support they can get in the months ahead. I think it would be a mistake not to join. I think we can write them with our concerns. Removing them does not strengthen K-12 education in Iowa.
• I want to send a strong message so they will change.
A MOTION was made by Ms. Marcy Sparks and seconded by Ms. Margaret Borgen to renew the IASB membership contingent upon a strongly written letter from Heartland’s board president that addresses the Board’s concerns. A roll call vote was taken, seven ayes, one nay. Motion passed. Board members were instructed to send their comments to Ms. Ugolini regarding their concerns and the content of the letter.
Chief Administrator Comments
• The AEAs and Department of Education held a two-day joint conference on June 7 & 8. Both days were spent discussing how the two organizations could better collaborate and strategically focus on education in Iowa. Additional meetings will be scheduled every month from July – January.
• Dr. Vincent attended a conference on June 14 with 400 educators in attendance. Department of Education Director Jason Glass gave opening remarks and was very candid about what was occurring at the federal level in terms of education and what could happen in Iowa.
• The Iowa legislature has reached a tentative agreement around a $5.9 billion budget. It will be a tough battle for the AEAs to prevent budget cuts for the next two years.
• Board members were asked to hold Friday, August 12 on their calendars. The Agency is planning to hold an all-staff meeting that morning. More details to follow.
• Dr. Vincent shared talking points that board members could use when discussing changes to the organization with outside partners.
• The Board will be asked to consider subcontracting one of the Agency’s employees as an interim superintendent next year. This will be added to the July agenda.
• Ms. Ugolini will add the Governor’s DE Summit to the August agenda.
• Ms. Ugolini will add the process for Board phone calls to the August agenda.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Setting the Agency’s Direction Update
Updates about the Agency’s future can be found on the Setting Direction blog at
Reminder About Appropriate Employee Dress
Please be reminded that as staff members you represent our agency and are expected to dress and conduct yourselves in a professional manner.
Remember that this still applies during the summer months when the weather is warm and school is not in session. Please maintain a professional appearance and refrain from wearing items such as spaghetti strap tank tops, shorts and flip-flops. Also please remember that casual Fridays are the only day that jeans are appropriate to wear. Pair your jeans with a nice business casual shirt, not a tank top or t-shirt.
Remember to keep in mind the work you will be doing each Friday and to adjust your wardrobe to match each situation. If you will be presenting to or meeting with external clients, it is best to avoid dressing too casually.
Remember that this still applies during the summer months when the weather is warm and school is not in session. Please maintain a professional appearance and refrain from wearing items such as spaghetti strap tank tops, shorts and flip-flops. Also please remember that casual Fridays are the only day that jeans are appropriate to wear. Pair your jeans with a nice business casual shirt, not a tank top or t-shirt.
Remember to keep in mind the work you will be doing each Friday and to adjust your wardrobe to match each situation. If you will be presenting to or meeting with external clients, it is best to avoid dressing too casually.
Reminder: Kerio Upgrades On Track
New hardware has been purchased for the purpose of upgrading our Kerio Mail Server to the latest version. On the evening of May 27, 2011, all mail data from the current Kerio Mail Server was migrated to the new one.
On June 22, 2011 at 10:00 p.m., the final stage of the upgrade process should be completed. At this time, the new server will go live and a final data synchronization will take place. If the process is successful, the new server will be available on June 23. The Internal Technology staff up to and during this time will be testing the new Kerio Mail Server to see if there are any issues that would change this timeline.
Even though this is a major upgrade for the e-mail server, most of the enhancements will be behind the scenes. Your user experience will be very similar to the previous version. The enhancements that will be apparent will be better support for mobile devices, better anti-virus, fewer problems with web browsers and improved performance. Kerio will also gain support for a variety of new mobile devices with the installation of the upgrade. The most noticeable change for users will be in the login screen. The login screen will present a graphic that says “Kerio Connect Webmail” instead of “KerioMailServer6 WebMail.” Below are images that show what your login screen will look like after the change is complete.
The current login window has authentication fields that look like this:

The new login window will look like this:
If you have any questions or issues with logging in, please contact Jim Lagnese at ext. 14462 or
On June 22, 2011 at 10:00 p.m., the final stage of the upgrade process should be completed. At this time, the new server will go live and a final data synchronization will take place. If the process is successful, the new server will be available on June 23. The Internal Technology staff up to and during this time will be testing the new Kerio Mail Server to see if there are any issues that would change this timeline.
Even though this is a major upgrade for the e-mail server, most of the enhancements will be behind the scenes. Your user experience will be very similar to the previous version. The enhancements that will be apparent will be better support for mobile devices, better anti-virus, fewer problems with web browsers and improved performance. Kerio will also gain support for a variety of new mobile devices with the installation of the upgrade. The most noticeable change for users will be in the login screen. The login screen will present a graphic that says “Kerio Connect Webmail” instead of “KerioMailServer6 WebMail.” Below are images that show what your login screen will look like after the change is complete.
The current login window has authentication fields that look like this:
The new login window will look like this:
If you have any questions or issues with logging in, please contact Jim Lagnese at ext. 14462 or
Iowa Safe & Supportive Schools Project
Thirty-five Iowa high schools are partnering with the Iowa Department of Education to work on solutions to eliminate barriers to learning, including bullying and substance abuse, through the Iowa Safe & Supportive Schools Program.
Iowa is one of 11 states awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Education to measure and improve statewide conditions for learning, including school safety, student engagement, and the quality of the overall school environment.
A video featuring U.S. Senator Tom Harkin, Governor Terry Branstad and Iowa Department of Education Director Jason Glass introducing the new Iowa Safe & Supportive Schools program is available on YouTube at
Iowa Safe & Supportive Schools Program online updates are available on Facebook and Twitter:
· Facebook:
· Twitter:
Iowa is one of 11 states awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Education to measure and improve statewide conditions for learning, including school safety, student engagement, and the quality of the overall school environment.
A video featuring U.S. Senator Tom Harkin, Governor Terry Branstad and Iowa Department of Education Director Jason Glass introducing the new Iowa Safe & Supportive Schools program is available on YouTube at
Iowa Safe & Supportive Schools Program online updates are available on Facebook and Twitter:
· Facebook:
· Twitter:
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