Our Mission
provide services and leadership, in partnership with families, schools
and communities, that improve the learning outcomes and well-being of
all children and youth.
Our Goals
• Increase learning growth for students
• Decrease the gap in achievement
• Increase annual graduation rates
• Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Monday, December 21, 2015
Happy Holidays to You and Yours!
It’s Almost W-2 Time! Is Your Address Current?

If you have questions about your personal information,
contact Katie Streff, Human Resources
Assistant, at ext. 14614. If you have any questions about your Form W-2,
contact Steve Jordan, Senior
Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
Getting Ready for Tax Season: What is Form 1095-C?
As part of the Affordable Care Act, Heartland AEA will begin providing employees with Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage. This form includes information about health insurance coverage and enrollment that is offered to you and your family, if applicable. Heartland AEA is required to provide both you and the IRS with this information.
If you were a full-time employee for at least one month during the 2015 calendar year or were covered under the Agency’s health plan, you will receive Form 1095-C via U.S. mail by Jan. 31, 2016. You will not receive Form 1095-C if you were a part-time employee throughout the 2015 calendar year and were not covered under Heartland AEA’s health plan. You should wait to complete your 2015 federal income tax return until you receive Form 1095-C.
If you have any questions, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
If you were a full-time employee for at least one month during the 2015 calendar year or were covered under the Agency’s health plan, you will receive Form 1095-C via U.S. mail by Jan. 31, 2016. You will not receive Form 1095-C if you were a part-time employee throughout the 2015 calendar year and were not covered under Heartland AEA’s health plan. You should wait to complete your 2015 federal income tax return until you receive Form 1095-C.
If you have any questions, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
Out-of-Office Protocols For Quality Customer Service
With winter break right on our heels, now is a good time to review the steps we should all take prior to being out of the office.
Change Gmail Vacation Responder (Out-of-Office message) (sample below)
Thank you for contacting Heartland AEA. I will be out of the office until Jan. 4, 2016, as our Heartland AEA offices are closed for Winter Break. I will return your message as soon as I can. Thank you.
Tip: If you use your out-of-office email reply for every little thing, people might just stop reading it. Use your out-of-office email response only in the instances you’ll truly be unresponsive for an extended period of time—like vacation. The customer will actually read it because they haven’t gotten multiple iterations of your bounce-back email on a continuous basis. Be clear and concise about when you’ll be responding, and leave out the personal information about where you are going and why.
Change Voicemail Greeting to Unavailable (sample below)
Thank you for calling Heartland AEA. You have reached Sally Smith. I am currently out of the office until Jan. 4, 2016, as Heartland AEA offices are closed for Winter Break. Please leave a message, and I will return your call when I am back in the office. Thank you.
Tip: If you want to change your voicemail greeting from your home phone or cell phone, you may do so by calling either (515) 270-0405 or (515) 473-7450 and pressing # when you begin to hear the greeting. This gets you into your voicemail, and you can then follow the prompts to access your messages, change your voicemail greeting or set it to out of office if you are ill and want callers to get immediate help. Please be mindful not to refer a customer to another staff member who is also scheduled to be out of the office. Check with that person to make sure he or she will be available and aware that you are forwarding customers and/or staff members to them during your absence.
Change Gmail Vacation Responder (Out-of-Office message) (sample below)
Thank you for contacting Heartland AEA. I will be out of the office until Jan. 4, 2016, as our Heartland AEA offices are closed for Winter Break. I will return your message as soon as I can. Thank you.
Tip: If you use your out-of-office email reply for every little thing, people might just stop reading it. Use your out-of-office email response only in the instances you’ll truly be unresponsive for an extended period of time—like vacation. The customer will actually read it because they haven’t gotten multiple iterations of your bounce-back email on a continuous basis. Be clear and concise about when you’ll be responding, and leave out the personal information about where you are going and why.
Change Voicemail Greeting to Unavailable (sample below)
Thank you for calling Heartland AEA. You have reached Sally Smith. I am currently out of the office until Jan. 4, 2016, as Heartland AEA offices are closed for Winter Break. Please leave a message, and I will return your call when I am back in the office. Thank you.
Tip: If you want to change your voicemail greeting from your home phone or cell phone, you may do so by calling either (515) 270-0405 or (515) 473-7450 and pressing # when you begin to hear the greeting. This gets you into your voicemail, and you can then follow the prompts to access your messages, change your voicemail greeting or set it to out of office if you are ill and want callers to get immediate help. Please be mindful not to refer a customer to another staff member who is also scheduled to be out of the office. Check with that person to make sure he or she will be available and aware that you are forwarding customers and/or staff members to them during your absence.
New Iowa School Report Card Measures Public School Performance
Last week the Iowa Department of Education released the Iowa School Report Card, a new web-based system to evaluate and rate each public school based on performance on a required set of measures, such as student attendance and graduation rates. The system meets a legislative requirement and aligns with Department efforts to provide Iowans easier access to meaningful education statistics, to hold schools accountable for student progress and to support local efforts to improve schools.
The Iowa School Report Card assigns schools one of six ratings: Exceptional, High-Performing, Commendable, Acceptable, Needs Improvement and Priority. Schools are grouped by comparable grade configurations (elementary, middle and high schools).
The ratings are based on each school’s performance over a two-year span on the following educational measures:
The Iowa School Report Card delivers on a component of the comprehensive education reform legislation adopted by Iowa lawmakers in 2013. The legislation, House File 215, directed the Department to develop a process to evaluate the performance of each school on certain measures and to “arrive at an overall school performance grade and report card” that is posted to the Department’s website. In its development phase, the Iowa School Report Card was known as the “Attendance Center Rankings” system.
Wise said the Iowa School Report Card also fits with the new Every Student Succeeds Act – the successor to No Child Left Behind – which restores the balance between the role of states and the federal government in education accountability.
The Department sought extensive input from education stakeholders representing teachers, school administrators and others throughout the development of the Iowa School Report Card. Improvements to the site’s methodology and functionality will continue over time.
The Iowa School Report Card assigns schools one of six ratings: Exceptional, High-Performing, Commendable, Acceptable, Needs Improvement and Priority. Schools are grouped by comparable grade configurations (elementary, middle and high schools).
The ratings are based on each school’s performance over a two-year span on the following educational measures:
- Proficiency: The percentage of students scoring proficient or better on state reading and mathematics assessments.
- College and Career-Ready Growth: The percentage of students who are making the year-to-year growth necessary to be ready for college and career training by the end of high school.
- Annual Expected Growth: The percentage of students making a year of academic growth in a year’s time on state reading and mathematics assessments.
- Closing Achievement Gap: A measure that reflects a statewide goal of narrowing the gap in achievement for students with disabilities, students who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals, and English Language Learners.
- College and Career Readiness: The percentage of students who score at or above a level of performance on reading and mathematics assessments that predicts a higher probability of postsecondary success. (Middle/high schools only.)
- Graduation Rate: The percentage of ninth-grade students who finished high school within five years. (High schools only.)
- Attendance: The average daily attendance of students, which is the total number of days students were enrolled and present divided by the total number of possible attendance days.
- Staff Retention: The percentage of teachers, school administrators and other licensed staff members who remained employed in a school over consecutive school years.
The Iowa School Report Card delivers on a component of the comprehensive education reform legislation adopted by Iowa lawmakers in 2013. The legislation, House File 215, directed the Department to develop a process to evaluate the performance of each school on certain measures and to “arrive at an overall school performance grade and report card” that is posted to the Department’s website. In its development phase, the Iowa School Report Card was known as the “Attendance Center Rankings” system.
Wise said the Iowa School Report Card also fits with the new Every Student Succeeds Act – the successor to No Child Left Behind – which restores the balance between the role of states and the federal government in education accountability.
The Department sought extensive input from education stakeholders representing teachers, school administrators and others throughout the development of the Iowa School Report Card. Improvements to the site’s methodology and functionality will continue over time.
Professional Development Around New Iowa Science Standards Begins Jan. 12
FYI: In order to support the
implementation of the new Iowa Science Standards,
the science learning community of Iowa is partnering to offer the first
professional development opportunity, beginning Jan. 12, 2016.
Iowa Science Standards Professional Development Module 1 will introduce participants to the new Iowa Science Standards, their conceptual shifts and three-dimensional nature, as well as provide participants and districts an opportunity to have conversations as we move toward implementation. Find registration, locations and dates at this link.
If you have any questions, contact Rob Kleinow, Science Curriculum
Consultant, at ext. 14376.
Heartland AEA Night @ the Iowa Wild
Since HeartBeat will not be published
until Jan.7, we are including this information in The Connection.
Change to Web IEP Program Coming on Jan. 4, 2016
The Web IEP has a feature for a primary contact or support
service provider to add a student to a teacher’s or support service provider’s
My List and building Student List without transferring the student and
assigning them as a provider. This allows a teacher or support service provider
to see the student’s record before the student can be transferred to their
roster as a provider. This action is accomplished by choosing the Potential
Service Provider (PTSP) option under the “Add/Transfer” utility. It does NOT
remove the student from the assigned provider’s list.
Currently when a student is added to a teacher’s or support
service provider’s My List and Student List via the Potential Service Provider
(PTSP) option, the student record remains available until the teacher or
service provider removes it by clicking on the red X next to the student’s
Beginning Jan. 4,
2016, that student record will fall
off automatically from the teacher or support service provider’s My List
and Student List after the 14th day of
being added. The record can still be removed manually prior to the 14 days by
clicking on the red X.
This will impact all student records that have previously
been added to a teacher or service provider’s My List via the Potential Service Provider option. They will be
automatically removed at the time of this rollover if they were added more than
14 days prior to that date. It will not
remove a record from a teacher or service provider’s My List if they are
assigned as a provider for that student.
The following message will display on the “add to roster”
screen when choosing the PTSP option:
Digital Citizenship Training Modules Ready to be Taken!
The new Digital Citizenship training modules for staff are now ready! Note that there is no pre-assessment for these modules. If you can’t remember where to go to access the trainings, please read below!
Q: How do I log in to the AEA PD Online Learning System?
A: First, you will need to have an AEA PD Online account. (If you have an account, but don’t remember your login information, contact Shelley Christensen for assistance. This is the same system that you’ve used to take Bloodborne Pathogens, Mandatory Reporter, etc.)
If you haven’t created an account, follow the steps below:
1. Begin on the AEA PD Online Learning System.
2. First time user??? Click on Register here.
3. Enter your first and last name.
4. Enter your email address.
5. Enter your BoEE folder number If you don't know this number, you can look it up at the BoEE Website. If you don't have one, indicate N/A.
6. Click Yes to indicate that you are an AEA or District Employee.
7. Locate Heartland AEA from the district list.
8. Enter the District Password - aea11
9. You may complete the other fields, but they are not required.
10. Click on Submit Registration Info.
11. The screen will not appear to change, but you will see a Continue button under the Submit button.
12. Click on Continue.
Q: Once I login, how will I know where to start?
A: Once logged in to the AEA PD Online Learning System, you will choose the catalog link in the upper left hand sidebar. Then, click on district modules, and all of Heartland AEA’s content for our capacity building training will be listed. Begin by clicking on the course you want to take. You will need to take the Heartland AEA Digital Literacy, Heartland AEA Digital Security, and Heartland AEA Digital Netiquette and Digital Footprint modules. When you have completed each module, please print out your certificate of completion.
Q: What supports are in place for me while I’m accessing these training modules?
A: We have a number of supports to offer.
• Some of your professional learning time this year will be about expanding your technology skills through an online learning experience. Work with your supervisor if you have questions about when you should be accessing the technology training during your work schedule.
• You can participate in face-to-face regional seminars to work on the online content in a setting where you can learn with others and be supported by a coach who knows that particular area of content.
• You can collaborate
with others who are working on the same content.
• Significant resources are included within every learning module that you can access.
• Tech Support Leads and agency Internal Technology staff continue in their roles to provide technical support for routine questions and issues.
Q: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the learning system?
A: You can contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant, or Mande Gamble, Technology Training Specialist, for help with Heartland AEA-specific technology trainings. Continue to contact Shelley Christensen for help with the Bloodborne Pathogens, Mandatory Reporting and other statewide trainings.
• Significant resources are included within every learning module that you can access.
• Tech Support Leads and agency Internal Technology staff continue in their roles to provide technical support for routine questions and issues.
Q: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the learning system?
A: You can contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant, or Mande Gamble, Technology Training Specialist, for help with Heartland AEA-specific technology trainings. Continue to contact Shelley Christensen for help with the Bloodborne Pathogens, Mandatory Reporting and other statewide trainings.
To print a certificate of completion:
1. Go to the training system homepage.
Log in using your email and password.
To print a certificate:
1. Locate the training on the right side of the screen, click on Certificate.
To print a certificate:
1. Locate the training on the right side of the screen, click on Certificate.
Interruptions in Network Services Coming Over Winter Break
During winter break, the Internal Technology Department will be moving the Agency’s Internet connection and key servers to LightEdge, a state-of-the-art data center in Altoona. We hope to minimize down time, but there will be some outages on Dec. 29, 2015 as our Internet connection and services are moved.
Assuming the weather cooperates, and the move goes as planned, the interruptions to systems such as the Employee Dashboard, Universal Registration, Moodle and agency phones/voicemail will be limited to Dec. 29th. Access to Google and the agency website will be unaffected by this transition. If there are changes in this timeline, we will provide further updates via email and the website.
If you have any questions, contact Lance Wilhelm, Director of Technology, at ext. 14324. Thanks for your understanding and patience as we complete this major relocation of services.
Assuming the weather cooperates, and the move goes as planned, the interruptions to systems such as the Employee Dashboard, Universal Registration, Moodle and agency phones/voicemail will be limited to Dec. 29th. Access to Google and the agency website will be unaffected by this transition. If there are changes in this timeline, we will provide further updates via email and the website.
If you have any questions, contact Lance Wilhelm, Director of Technology, at ext. 14324. Thanks for your understanding and patience as we complete this major relocation of services.
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