Monday, October 20, 2008
Required Action: Meetings at External Sites Need to be Reserved Through Anita Davids
Due to the agency's remodeling efforts, we are using more external sites for meetings and professional development. In order to most effectively locate the best sites for the variety of needs within the agency, all requests for meeting locations outside of Heartland offices should now go through Anita Davids in the Johnston office. She may be reached at ext. 14613 or at All secretaries have already received detailed information about how to request a location as well as information about what equipment is available at each site. Staff members should work with the secretary who supports them if they have questions.
Post-Employment Benefit Policy Update: Changes to the Policy Effective July 1, 2009
The current Post-Employment Benefit Policy expires June 30, 2009. After working on the policy for about five months, the Board of Directors has decided to continue to offer a Post-Employment Benefit. Click here to read the new Post-Employment Benefit that will take effect July 1, 2009, and click here to read the policy that will be in effect until June 30, 2009. The Board will review the policy annually. Below you will find a general question and answer section that may help answer some of your questions on how the policy will apply to you.
Question: What are the changes between the current post-employment benefit and the new benefit adopted by the Board to be effective July 1, 2009?
a) The age of eligibility will change from age 58 to age 60. The years of service will remain unchanged.
b) The agency’s contribution towards insurance premiums will be the cost of the single medical insurance coverage. The current contribution is the full amount the agency is currently contributing toward health and dental coverage.
c) Many early retirees have double coverage under a spouse. The new post-employment benefit will provide an option for eligible employees to receive $300/month in a flex benefit account if they waive coverage with Heartland.
d) The agency policy adds partners as beneficiaries.
Question: I want to take advantage of the post-employment benefit this year (June 2009). Will that policy be changed in any way?
Answer: No, the terms of post-employment benefit for those who apply by December 1, 2008, remain the same. The employee must have completed a minimum of 15 consecutive years of full-time service or 20 years of full-time and part-time service, the last consecutive five years being full-time. They must reach their 58th birthday by June 30 of their final fiscal year of employment. For qualified employees, the agency agrees to pay the same coverage for monthly health and dental rates as was in effect during the employee’s last year of employment.
Question: Who is eligible for the post-employment benefit effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: The years of service are not changing. Those eligible are employees who have a minimum of 15 consecutive years of full-time employment with the agency and who reach their 60th birthday by June 30 of their final fiscal year of employment and employees who have 20 years of regular half- or full-time employment, with the last five consecutive years being full-time.
Question: What benefit will an eligible employee receive under the new policy which is effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: The agency will pay the cost of single medical and prescription drug insurance coverage at the rate of the highest cost medical insurance plan which was in effect during the employee’s last year of employment. (This year that would be the cost of the single zero deductible plan).
Question: What if I need family coverage under the new policy effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: If you are covered with family insurance at the time the Board accepts your application for the post-employment benefit, you may continue family coverage. However, you will be responsible for paying the difference between the single and family premium. If you do not have family coverage at the time of your post-employment application, you will not be permitted to add it at a later time.
This year the Board approved the addition of a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Any dollars in your HRA could be used to cover the additional cost of premiums for the first five years after your retirement.
Question: What if my spouse is younger than I am? May they continue on Heartland’s insurance after I turn 65?
Answer: If they were covered under your policy, they can remain on our insurance at their own expense, until they reach age 65 or are eligible for other insurance, including Medicare.
Question: I have coverage under my spouse’s health plan. May I keep double coverage under the new policy effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: Yes, you may keep double coverage. However, you may be interested in another option. If you can demonstrate that you are covered under your spouse’s medical plan, the agency will contribute into a flex spending account in your name, $300/month (less fees) for use towards insurance premiums or out-of-pocket medical expenses. However, once you leave the Heartland health plan you cannot re-enroll at a later date.
Question: Who should I contact if I have questions?
Answer: Your questions may be directed to Kathy Martin, benefits specialist, at
If you qualify for the current benefit, you will be receiving a letter from Human Resources by the end of October giving specific instructions on how to apply. All applications for the early retirement post-employment benefit as it is currently written must be received by the Benefits Office no later than December 1, 2008.
Question: What are the changes between the current post-employment benefit and the new benefit adopted by the Board to be effective July 1, 2009?
a) The age of eligibility will change from age 58 to age 60. The years of service will remain unchanged.
b) The agency’s contribution towards insurance premiums will be the cost of the single medical insurance coverage. The current contribution is the full amount the agency is currently contributing toward health and dental coverage.
c) Many early retirees have double coverage under a spouse. The new post-employment benefit will provide an option for eligible employees to receive $300/month in a flex benefit account if they waive coverage with Heartland.
d) The agency policy adds partners as beneficiaries.
Question: I want to take advantage of the post-employment benefit this year (June 2009). Will that policy be changed in any way?
Answer: No, the terms of post-employment benefit for those who apply by December 1, 2008, remain the same. The employee must have completed a minimum of 15 consecutive years of full-time service or 20 years of full-time and part-time service, the last consecutive five years being full-time. They must reach their 58th birthday by June 30 of their final fiscal year of employment. For qualified employees, the agency agrees to pay the same coverage for monthly health and dental rates as was in effect during the employee’s last year of employment.
Question: Who is eligible for the post-employment benefit effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: The years of service are not changing. Those eligible are employees who have a minimum of 15 consecutive years of full-time employment with the agency and who reach their 60th birthday by June 30 of their final fiscal year of employment and employees who have 20 years of regular half- or full-time employment, with the last five consecutive years being full-time.
Question: What benefit will an eligible employee receive under the new policy which is effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: The agency will pay the cost of single medical and prescription drug insurance coverage at the rate of the highest cost medical insurance plan which was in effect during the employee’s last year of employment. (This year that would be the cost of the single zero deductible plan).
Question: What if I need family coverage under the new policy effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: If you are covered with family insurance at the time the Board accepts your application for the post-employment benefit, you may continue family coverage. However, you will be responsible for paying the difference between the single and family premium. If you do not have family coverage at the time of your post-employment application, you will not be permitted to add it at a later time.
This year the Board approved the addition of a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Any dollars in your HRA could be used to cover the additional cost of premiums for the first five years after your retirement.
Question: What if my spouse is younger than I am? May they continue on Heartland’s insurance after I turn 65?
Answer: If they were covered under your policy, they can remain on our insurance at their own expense, until they reach age 65 or are eligible for other insurance, including Medicare.
Question: I have coverage under my spouse’s health plan. May I keep double coverage under the new policy effective July 1, 2009?
Answer: Yes, you may keep double coverage. However, you may be interested in another option. If you can demonstrate that you are covered under your spouse’s medical plan, the agency will contribute into a flex spending account in your name, $300/month (less fees) for use towards insurance premiums or out-of-pocket medical expenses. However, once you leave the Heartland health plan you cannot re-enroll at a later date.
Question: Who should I contact if I have questions?
Answer: Your questions may be directed to Kathy Martin, benefits specialist, at
If you qualify for the current benefit, you will be receiving a letter from Human Resources by the end of October giving specific instructions on how to apply. All applications for the early retirement post-employment benefit as it is currently written must be received by the Benefits Office no later than December 1, 2008.
Important 403(b) Information
Plan Changes
Here are some important plan features that take place effective January 1, 2009.
• All Heartland employees will be eligible to participate in the 403(b) program. Currently, only full-time and part-time contracted employees are eligible to participate.
• You can change the amount of your contribution 12 times per year (at the beginning of each month) compared to one time per year under our current plan. All changes received by the end of a month will be effective at the beginning of the following month. For example, a change submitted between October 1-31 will be effective November 1.
• You will be permitted to direct money to more than one of the providers for investing if you choose to do so. Today you are limited to investing with only one provider. We encourage you to work with your financial advisor to determine what investment options are best for you. While you have the ability to invest in more than one of the providers if you choose, each individual provider has a broad range of investment options that will likely meet your needs. Using multiple providers may mean using multiple financial advisors, making it more difficult to manage your overall investment strategy.
• You have the option of traditional pre-tax contributions or post-tax Roth contributions. You should work with your financial advisor to determine what is best for your retirement planning.
• The minimum contribution per pay period, as dictated by our providers, is $10 per pay period.
Investing 101
As a reminder, Robbie Stoecker from the Iowa Department of Administrative Services' Retirement Investors Club will be presenting an Investing 101 seminar beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 24. This will be an ICN session originating from the Johnston office. Other participating sites are:
We are in the process of scheduling four provider fairs during the weeks of November 10th and 17th. A provider is an organization that has been approved by the State and offers investment options to you. We are securing commitments from each of the six providers to be available for you (and your spouse) to meet with in a one-on-one setting to answer your specific retirement planning questions. We encourage you to meet with a provider and sign up to start your 403(b) contributions January 1, 2009. Details of these fairs will be announced in next week’s Connection.
Enrollment Deadline
Each of the six providers has its own set of applications and forms that must be completed in order to begin your 403(b) contributions effective January 1, 2009. Their enrollment kits will contain everything you need to set up your account and begin your payroll deduction. You may turn in your completed payroll salary reduction form (which is provided by a 403(b) provider) at any time to Kathy Martin in the Johnston office but by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 26, 2008, in order to be effective January 1, 2009.
403(b) Web site
The Iowa Department of Administrative Services has created a new link to enter their 403(b) Web site. From this Web site,, simply click on the 403(b) piggy bank to navigate your way.
General Program Summary
Looking for a high level, condensed summary of the 403(b) program? After clicking on the 403(b) piggy bank noted above, click on the 403(b) Program Summary link. It’s that easy!
Here are some important plan features that take place effective January 1, 2009.
• All Heartland employees will be eligible to participate in the 403(b) program. Currently, only full-time and part-time contracted employees are eligible to participate.
• You can change the amount of your contribution 12 times per year (at the beginning of each month) compared to one time per year under our current plan. All changes received by the end of a month will be effective at the beginning of the following month. For example, a change submitted between October 1-31 will be effective November 1.
• You will be permitted to direct money to more than one of the providers for investing if you choose to do so. Today you are limited to investing with only one provider. We encourage you to work with your financial advisor to determine what investment options are best for you. While you have the ability to invest in more than one of the providers if you choose, each individual provider has a broad range of investment options that will likely meet your needs. Using multiple providers may mean using multiple financial advisors, making it more difficult to manage your overall investment strategy.
• You have the option of traditional pre-tax contributions or post-tax Roth contributions. You should work with your financial advisor to determine what is best for your retirement planning.
• The minimum contribution per pay period, as dictated by our providers, is $10 per pay period.
Investing 101
As a reminder, Robbie Stoecker from the Iowa Department of Administrative Services' Retirement Investors Club will be presenting an Investing 101 seminar beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 24. This will be an ICN session originating from the Johnston office. Other participating sites are:
- Ames High School
- Carroll High School
- Guthrie Center High School
- Knoxville High School
- Newton High School
- Norwalk High School
- Waukee High School
We are in the process of scheduling four provider fairs during the weeks of November 10th and 17th. A provider is an organization that has been approved by the State and offers investment options to you. We are securing commitments from each of the six providers to be available for you (and your spouse) to meet with in a one-on-one setting to answer your specific retirement planning questions. We encourage you to meet with a provider and sign up to start your 403(b) contributions January 1, 2009. Details of these fairs will be announced in next week’s Connection.
Enrollment Deadline
Each of the six providers has its own set of applications and forms that must be completed in order to begin your 403(b) contributions effective January 1, 2009. Their enrollment kits will contain everything you need to set up your account and begin your payroll deduction. You may turn in your completed payroll salary reduction form (which is provided by a 403(b) provider) at any time to Kathy Martin in the Johnston office but by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 26, 2008, in order to be effective January 1, 2009.
403(b) Web site
The Iowa Department of Administrative Services has created a new link to enter their 403(b) Web site. From this Web site,, simply click on the 403(b) piggy bank to navigate your way.
General Program Summary
Looking for a high level, condensed summary of the 403(b) program? After clicking on the 403(b) piggy bank noted above, click on the 403(b) Program Summary link. It’s that easy!
New Iowa Core Curriculum Web Page
Heartland has recently launched a new Web page in support of the Iowa Core Curriculum. From this page, users can currently access links to the following:
• A list of Heartland’s Iowa Core Curriculum Network Team members including contact information.
• A downloadable version of the Iowa Core Curriculum flyer.
• The Iowa Department of Education’s Web site, which contains links to important Iowa Core Curriculum documents and resources such as the Essential Content and Skills document, FAQs, etc.
• A podcast of the September 9, 2008, Iowa Core Curriculum overview presentation to Heartland AEA's Administrators Association.
• An electronic version of the homework assignment from training module one.
To access Heartland’s Iowa Core Curriculum web page, go to: Scroll to the far right of the page, and under “Featured Content,” click on the provided link.
Please keep in mind this is a work in progress. The page will continue to develop as we roll out additional training modules and resources. Please check back often for updates.
• A list of Heartland’s Iowa Core Curriculum Network Team members including contact information.
• A downloadable version of the Iowa Core Curriculum flyer.
• The Iowa Department of Education’s Web site, which contains links to important Iowa Core Curriculum documents and resources such as the Essential Content and Skills document, FAQs, etc.
• A podcast of the September 9, 2008, Iowa Core Curriculum overview presentation to Heartland AEA's Administrators Association.
• An electronic version of the homework assignment from training module one.
To access Heartland’s Iowa Core Curriculum web page, go to: Scroll to the far right of the page, and under “Featured Content,” click on the provided link.
Please keep in mind this is a work in progress. The page will continue to develop as we roll out additional training modules and resources. Please check back often for updates.
Clarification on Shirts to Wear with Jeans the Last Friday of the Month
Recently, we posted the agency policy regarding wearing jeans on the last Friday of the month. We received some great suggestions and comments about how to make this more inclusive.
Here is the result:
1. Individuals may wear Heartland logo clothing. We will have some additional choices for purchase shortly including sweaters and turtlenecks.
2. Individuals may wear the Heartland colors with their jeans.
3. Staff members may continue to wear district (school) shirts when they are in the schools. Supervisors will continue to make decisions regarding appropriate clothing for the office or in their department. If there are questions, ask in advance of the last Friday of the month.
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions and comments. We appreciate the open dialogue that helped us get to a better solution.
Here is the result:
1. Individuals may wear Heartland logo clothing. We will have some additional choices for purchase shortly including sweaters and turtlenecks.
2. Individuals may wear the Heartland colors with their jeans.
3. Staff members may continue to wear district (school) shirts when they are in the schools. Supervisors will continue to make decisions regarding appropriate clothing for the office or in their department. If there are questions, ask in advance of the last Friday of the month.
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions and comments. We appreciate the open dialogue that helped us get to a better solution.
Heartland Directories to Be Distributed This Week
The 2008-09 Heartland directories are hot off the press and are ready to be distributed. Regional and central office secretaries will be contacted to determine how many directories their office or team needs. If you don't receive a directory from your secretary in the next week, please contact Claire Spellman, Communications Administrative Assistant, at, and she will send you a directory.
October Board of Directors Meeting Summary
On the Monday following a Board meeting, The Connection will contain a short synopsis of the meeting. These will be unofficial minutes. The official minutes are approved at the following Board meeting and will be posted on the server.
Tuesday, October 14 Meeting
The meeting started with Jane Bell leading a discussion of the Board's goals and self evaluation.
Board Goal 1: To be responsible employers.
Goal 2: Finance Goal: To be fiscally accountable.
Goal 3: Partnerships.
Goal 4: Evaluation
Goal 5: Supporting a unified state AEA system.
As per Code of Iowa, Chapter 273.8, Ann Wilson was sworn in as the new Board president. Earl Bridgewater, Terrell Wycoff and Jenny Ugolini were sworn in as vice-president, treasurer and secretary respectively.
The Board determined that it would continue to meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month with an afternoon work session and an evening board meeting starting at 5:30 p.m.
Jane Bell was recognized for her service as Board president with a commemorative gavel.
Dave King, Director of Finance and Business Services, presented the Annual Report of Financial Information for 2007-2008 and the Supplemental Annual Financial Information for 2007-2008. The Board discussed and reviewed the information. Budget planning for 2008-2009 was reviewed.
Approval of the 500 and 600 Series Board policies were approved. These policies are predominately special education.
The Board had a second reading of the Post-Employment Policy 403.4. The Board voted to approve the policy.
The Board approved the Smoking Policy 400.13. This policy would make us in compliance with the new state law.
Steve Prall and Chris Pierson presented a revised compensation philosophy policy for a second reading which was approved by the Board. The Board worked on a compensation philosophy since June so that the agency has a foundation for agency and staff negotiations. Key elements of the philosophy include hiring and recruiting the best staff, continuing an emphasis on hiring that reflects the diverse population we serve, making competitive compensation in specific markets a priority and using a broad range of strategies for staff retention.
The Board approved the consent agenda and then went into closed session.
Tuesday, October 14 Meeting
The meeting started with Jane Bell leading a discussion of the Board's goals and self evaluation.
Board Goal 1: To be responsible employers.
Goal 2: Finance Goal: To be fiscally accountable.
Goal 3: Partnerships.
Goal 4: Evaluation
Goal 5: Supporting a unified state AEA system.
As per Code of Iowa, Chapter 273.8, Ann Wilson was sworn in as the new Board president. Earl Bridgewater, Terrell Wycoff and Jenny Ugolini were sworn in as vice-president, treasurer and secretary respectively.
The Board determined that it would continue to meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month with an afternoon work session and an evening board meeting starting at 5:30 p.m.
Jane Bell was recognized for her service as Board president with a commemorative gavel.
Dave King, Director of Finance and Business Services, presented the Annual Report of Financial Information for 2007-2008 and the Supplemental Annual Financial Information for 2007-2008. The Board discussed and reviewed the information. Budget planning for 2008-2009 was reviewed.
Approval of the 500 and 600 Series Board policies were approved. These policies are predominately special education.
The Board had a second reading of the Post-Employment Policy 403.4. The Board voted to approve the policy.
The Board approved the Smoking Policy 400.13. This policy would make us in compliance with the new state law.
Steve Prall and Chris Pierson presented a revised compensation philosophy policy for a second reading which was approved by the Board. The Board worked on a compensation philosophy since June so that the agency has a foundation for agency and staff negotiations. Key elements of the philosophy include hiring and recruiting the best staff, continuing an emphasis on hiring that reflects the diverse population we serve, making competitive compensation in specific markets a priority and using a broad range of strategies for staff retention.
The Board approved the consent agenda and then went into closed session.
Who Are You Thankful for at Heartland?
As we approach the Thanksgiving season, we'd like you to reflect on who you are thankful for here at Heartland, and we'd like everyone to know how great those individuals are. After you've come up with some thoughts on who you're thankful for, write them down and e-mail them to Your thank yous will be published in the November issue of the HeartBeat. Please send your submissions in by October 31.
Technology Update
PeopleBox Update
The Building and District Based Team distribution lists in the Kerio public folders have been removed from Kerio. Hopefully everyone has had an opportunity to create distribution lists in Kerio by now. You can verify or update your lists by doing a search in the online staff directory at
The new PeopleBox online e-mail system is a little behind schedule, but we still hope to have it ready by month end. When completed, PeopleBox will have the capability of creating e-mail groups, saving custom groups and sending e-mail to recipients directly from PeopleBox.
Creating Contact Groups in Kerio for Quickly Inviting Others to Meetings When using Kerio calendar to invite the same attendees to several meetings, the following instructions will provide information on how to create a contact folder with the attendees' information so you can quickly add them to a meeting invitation.
Currently Firefox 3 does not support right clicking with a mouse or using a two-finger click on a Macbook. You must use the following keyboard option. To perform a control click, hold down the control key on your keyboard (the one with "ctrl" or "control" written on it) and click your mouse, or if using a laptop, click on the trackpad button.
To create a new Contacts folder:
• On your folder tree, find the Contacts folder and ctrl + click on it.
• Select “New subfolder” from the drop down menu.
• Name your folder (example “Internal Tech”).
• Click OK.
To add contacts to your new Contacts folder:
• On your folder tree, go to the Public folder and select the Heartland Main folder which is located inside the Contacts folder.
• Using the “Search” field, search for contacts to be added to your new contact folder.
• Add the contact by dragging the contact name from the Heartland Main folder to your new folder.
To use the Contacts folder to invite multiple guests to a meeting:
• Create a new meeting.
• Click on the “Invite attendees” tab.
• Click on the “Select…” button to open the Contacts dialog box.
• Under the Folder drop down menu, select the name of the new folder (example Contacts/Internal Tech).
• Click on the “Search” button. A list of names will appear.
If all contacts in the list are required, click on the first name in the list, hold down the shift key, click on the last name in the list and then click on “Required.”
All contacts will be added to the “Required” field.
If you want to select multiple contacts, but not the whole list, while holding down the Command Key, click on the individual contact name(s). Once you have selected your contact(s), click on either “Required” or “Optional.” Click “OK” to close the Contacts dialog box.
The Building and District Based Team distribution lists in the Kerio public folders have been removed from Kerio. Hopefully everyone has had an opportunity to create distribution lists in Kerio by now. You can verify or update your lists by doing a search in the online staff directory at
The new PeopleBox online e-mail system is a little behind schedule, but we still hope to have it ready by month end. When completed, PeopleBox will have the capability of creating e-mail groups, saving custom groups and sending e-mail to recipients directly from PeopleBox.
Creating Contact Groups in Kerio for Quickly Inviting Others to Meetings When using Kerio calendar to invite the same attendees to several meetings, the following instructions will provide information on how to create a contact folder with the attendees' information so you can quickly add them to a meeting invitation.
Currently Firefox 3 does not support right clicking with a mouse or using a two-finger click on a Macbook. You must use the following keyboard option. To perform a control click, hold down the control key on your keyboard (the one with "ctrl" or "control" written on it) and click your mouse, or if using a laptop, click on the trackpad button.
To create a new Contacts folder:
• On your folder tree, find the Contacts folder and ctrl + click on it.
• Select “New subfolder” from the drop down menu.
• Name your folder (example “Internal Tech”).
• Click OK.
To add contacts to your new Contacts folder:
• On your folder tree, go to the Public folder and select the Heartland Main folder which is located inside the Contacts folder.
• Using the “Search” field, search for contacts to be added to your new contact folder.

• Add the contact by dragging the contact name from the Heartland Main folder to your new folder.
To use the Contacts folder to invite multiple guests to a meeting:
• Create a new meeting.
• Click on the “Invite attendees” tab.
• Click on the “Select…” button to open the Contacts dialog box.
• Under the Folder drop down menu, select the name of the new folder (example Contacts/Internal Tech).
• Click on the “Search” button. A list of names will appear.
If all contacts in the list are required, click on the first name in the list, hold down the shift key, click on the last name in the list and then click on “Required.”
All contacts will be added to the “Required” field.
If you want to select multiple contacts, but not the whole list, while holding down the Command Key, click on the individual contact name(s). Once you have selected your contact(s), click on either “Required” or “Optional.” Click “OK” to close the Contacts dialog box.
"Go Green" Tip of the Week
Water efficiency, together with reducing pollutants such as pesticides, can be an effective way to reduce pollution caused by excessive watering and water use. Efficient water use can also reduce the amount of energy needed to treat wastewater, resulting in less energy demand and fewer harmful byproducts from power plants.
By making just a few small changes to your daily routine, you can save a significant amount of water, which will help you save money and preserve water supplies for future generations. Water-efficient plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems provide the same performance and quality you've come to expect, but with the added benefit of water savings. You can adopt the following water-efficient practices to save money and protect the environment:
Fix That Leak!
Challenge: Leaky faucets that drip at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water each year.
Solution: If you're unsure whether you have a leak, read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, you probably have a leak.
Challenge: A leaky toilet can waste about 200 gallons of water every day.
Solution: To tell if your toilet has a leak, place a drop of food coloring in the tank; if the color shows in the bowl without flushing, you have a leak.
Turn It Off!
Challenge: The average bathroom faucet flows at a rate of two gallons per minute. Solution: Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the morning and at bedtime can save up to 8 gallons of water per day, which equals 240 gallons a month!
By making just a few small changes to your daily routine, you can save a significant amount of water, which will help you save money and preserve water supplies for future generations. Water-efficient plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems provide the same performance and quality you've come to expect, but with the added benefit of water savings. You can adopt the following water-efficient practices to save money and protect the environment:
Fix That Leak!
Challenge: Leaky faucets that drip at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water each year.
Solution: If you're unsure whether you have a leak, read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, you probably have a leak.
Challenge: A leaky toilet can waste about 200 gallons of water every day.
Solution: To tell if your toilet has a leak, place a drop of food coloring in the tank; if the color shows in the bowl without flushing, you have a leak.
Turn It Off!
Challenge: The average bathroom faucet flows at a rate of two gallons per minute. Solution: Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the morning and at bedtime can save up to 8 gallons of water per day, which equals 240 gallons a month!
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