Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
As we take time to enjoy family and friends this Thanksgiving season, I want to pass along my very best wishes to all of you, our Heartland AEA family. I count myself as more than fortunate to be part of such a great team that is doing such important work every day. I am thankful for all of our staff members and what you do for kids and families. Each one of you, regardless of position, is a difference maker for all those we serve and that's an opportunity for which we should always be grateful. Thank you for your selfless service to others and for being part of our Heartland AEA team! Enjoy this well-earned time with family and friends and know you have my sincerest appreciation. Happy Thanksgiving! - Jon
The Financial Fitness Challenge has been extended through Dec. 31, 2018. Take advantage of it today! As part of this year’s Wellness Program, we’re pleased to provide a new employee benefit for this year – a free financial fitness program to help you improve your financial well-being. This program is designed to provide a custom-tailored program just for you. Making changes may seem complicated, but you’ll be surprised how taking a few simple steps will boost your confidence. You can take control of your financial future with this award-winning financial fitness program that includes: • The Financial Fitness CHECKUP helps you understand where you are now. • The Financial Fitness ACADEMY includes hundreds of tools and tutorials that will guide you on how to make the most of your money. Don’t let the worry of financial mumbo-jumbo stop you. The resources were developed to be interesting and understandable! You will feel more empowered and capable of making changes and future financial decisions. Check it out today on the Financial Fitness Academy website. If you have any questions, contact Tony Chiaramonte, Director of Human Resources.
Trying to decide what you should do for an organized fitness event for the Wellness Program? Looking for an event, but not necessarily a team event? Remember Holiday Streakers! Streaker Nation not only helps you with fitness goals, but money raised helps support families who need a helping hand due to health conditions and other challenges.
Don’t forget, you can be reimbursed for $20 of your entry fee for any organized event. Once you have a payment confirmation statement from an event, email a copy to Juliette Houseman, and she will get it processed for your reimbursement. Note that the reimbursement will not show as redeemed in the Wellness Center and is not required in order to complete the Wellness Program.
Registration is now open for on-site biometric screenings from Hy-Vee. Reminder: Don’t wait for chronic diseases to sneak up on you. Take preventive measures by getting a health assessment from a Hy-Vee dietitian. Get quick and accurate results on cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat and body mass index. The dietitian will then explain what the results mean to you. If you would rather, you can always go to a Hy-Vee store that has a dietician or to your primary care physician to have your biometric screening done. You will need to make an appointment with a Hy-Vee dietitian if you do a screening on your own. Screening Dates & Locations Johnston REC Dec. 5 & Dec. 18, 2018 Jan. 10 & Jan. 24, 2019 Feb. 5 & Feb. 20, 2019 March 5 & March 28, 2019 Newton Regional Office Dec. 6, 2018 Ames Regional Office Dec. 11, 2018 Carroll Regional Office Jan. 22, 2019 Indianola Regional Office Jan. 15, 2019 Adel Regional Office Feb. 13, 2019 Registration These instructions guide you through how to register for an on-site screening using the Hy-Vee website.
Did you know our Benefits Specialist is available to talk with you as retirement starts to enter your mind? If you’re a few months, one year or even five years away from retirement, set up an appointment with Juliette Houseman to discuss your current situation, ask questions and see what your options might be. She’s here to help you figure out the details. Don’t hesitate to contact her!