Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
The Agency is looking forward to a third year of employee engagement through staff presentations at our All-Staff Meeting! Save Sept. 28, 2018 on your calendar for a “most of the day” meeting that will again feature an afternoon of presentations from YOU! This year, we’ve decided to take a little different approach. The feedback you provided says you enjoy learning from your colleagues, but you want more flexibility in presentation format. So this year, you’ll have the opportunity to present in any format you’d like that fits within a 20-minute time slot. (Good, right?!?) Some ideas to consider:
PechaKucha or Ignite Talk: Maybe you liked the PechaKucha format and want to try it again. Go for it! Remember a PechaKucha includes 20 images shown for 20 seconds each for a total presentation of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Images – not words! Ignite sessions are even shorter with slides rotating every 15 seconds for a total of 5 minutes.
TED Talk: Maybe you want to try a TED Talk-style presentation? Give it a shot! TED Talks are generally up to 18 minutes long and are just that—a talk—no other “stuff.” Get up there and tell us a great story!
Your Choice: You need a little more time to explain some important points, you can do that. Having a little extra time might be a perfect solution!
Here are some quick tips for a great presentation! How to Submit a Proposal If you or a team of your co-workers are interested in presenting, complete this presentation proposal by June 15, 2018. When planning your presentation, think about whether it reflects, educates, touches on or celebrates areas that we’ve emphasized as an organization, such as:
Core Values: Caring - Proactive - Collaborative
Mission: To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities.
Wellness: Heartland AEA’s Five Elements of Wellness: Career, Community, Financial, Social, Physical
Topics can be almost anything that is inspiring within our work throughout the Agency as well as personal topics that don’t fall too far outside the wellness/volunteering categories. This approach to learning during our All-Staff meeting gives us a unique opportunity to feel the pulse of the Agency in just a few hours, to celebrate together, learn together and get re-connected. These presentations showcase your expertise, your passion and your innovation. So don’t be shy—show your work, make an impact! Submit your presentation application by June 15, 2018! If you have any questions, contact the Communications Department.
The Agency is pleased to announce that Sara Mercer has been named the new Heartland AEA Special Education Supervisor. Sara has been working in education for 24 years, with 14 of those at Heartland AEA. She is currently serving the Agency in an agency-wide special education support role in which she supports Child Find, disproportionality, IEP training, general support to regional directors and staff on special education issues and Medicaid. Prior to this position, Sara was a team leader and program assistant for special education, as well as a school psychologist at the Agency. She brings extensive experience in the classroom, having taught both elementary and middle school students who have behavioral disorders. Sara has also held leadership positions in the Agency’s professional learning redesign efforts for the Child Find cadre and has led the IEP cadre in the design and delivery of training for both AEA and school district staff. She has also lead and coordinated numerous other projects at the Agency. Sara earned both her bachelor of arts degree in education/special education and her education specialist degree in school psychology from the University of Nebraska. She holds a Professional Service Administrator Endorsement from Drake University. Sara will begin her new role on July 2, 2018.
Effective July 1, 2018, the IPERS contribution rates for employees and employers will increase as mandated by law. For employees, the rate will increase from 5.95% to 6.29%, and for employers, the rate will increase from 8.93% to 9.44%. This change will be reflected beginning with your July 13th paycheck. The rate change will increase employee contributions by $3.40 per pay period for each $1,000 of wages, and the employer’s contribution will increase by $5.10 per pay period for each $1,000 of wages. If you have any questions about this change, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist at ext. 14908.
As you know, Heartland AEA’s 403(b) (tax sheltered annuity) program is part of the Iowa Department of Administrative Services’ Retirement Investors’ Club (RIC). Beginning July 1, 2018, RIC has added six new investment providers: AXA Equitable, EFS Advisors, GWN Securities, National Life Group, Security Benefit and TCG Administrators. These new providers are in addition to the existing providers of Horace Mann, MassMutual, VALIC and Voya. It's important to note there are some key differences between the existing providers and the new providers. The current providers (Horace Mann, MassMutual, VALIC, Voya) have been vetted through a stringent request for proposal process. In addition, the providers and their underlying investments are reviewed annually by RIC and an outside investment consultant to determine fund performance and objectives, management stability and fund diversity. Additionally, RIC has negotiated lower fees and expenses on behalf of participants, and there are no sales charges, annual contract fees, fund transfer fees or restrictions/penalties for eligible distributions and exchanges between the providers. The new providers being added July 1, 2018, have not been subjected to the same vetting process. Rather, the providers have met a few basic requirements to participate in RIC. There are no restrictions on the administrative fees/sales commissions that may be charged. Financial consultants may be inclined to sell investments with these new providers because the consultants receive higher sales commissions from them.
This At-A-Glance document gives you a high-level summary of all the 403(b) investment providers. If you are interested in using one of the new investment providers, you will need to complete a 403(b) Salary Reduction Form for payroll deductions beginning July 1, 2018, as well as open an account with your chosen provider. If you’d like to learn more about the 403(b) program, visit the RIC’s website. If you have any questions, contact Steve Jordan, Senior Payroll Specialist, at ext. 14908.
Last week the U.S. Department of Education approved Iowa’s plan for school accountability and support under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Iowa’s plan reflects a commitment to ensuring every student graduates ready for success in college and in the workplace. Iowa’s plan builds on bold education improvement efforts underway that align with ESSA requirements, including clear and rigorous standards for what students should know and be able to do, a school accountability system that steers support where and when schools need it most and a structure for professional learning that emphasizes teacher leadership and evidence-based practices. The plan also features unique measures of student engagement, safety and learning environment, as well as postsecondary readiness. “We have the right roadmap in place for education, and I’m proud of the collaborative spirit with which this plan was developed,” Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise said. The Iowa Department of Education submitted the state’s ESSA plan in September 2017, following more than a year of development and feedback from stakeholders. The plan was then revised based on feedback from the U.S. Department of Education. Iowa’s final plan is available on the Iowa Department of Education’s website, along with a letter of approval from U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and a summary of substantial revisions to Iowa’s plan. About the Every Student Succeeds Act: ESSA, a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, was signed in 2015 and requires each state to have a plan for implementing the law. ESSA maintains the former No Child Left Behind Act’s focus on school accountability and equity for all students while shifting decision-making back to states and local school districts.
FYI: The Center facilitates networks of stakeholders with a passion for meeting students where they are to co-create rigorous, authentic learning experiences. Visit The Center website for more information and to check out these summer learning opportunities! First Annual Summer Convening: Creating Schools of the Future, June 19 This summer convening is for teachers, coaches and administrators around the principles of Competency-based Education (CBE). Attend a full day of learning with and from students, teachers, teacher leaders, administrators, AEA consultants, professors and other leaders in education who are collaboratively creating Iowa's learner-centered future! View the conference flyer for more information. Pilot: Innovation Configuration Map for CBE, July 24 Join Iowa educators to explore how to effectively plan personalized learning pathways for educators and students. This learning experience includes immersion training with the Competency-based Education (CBE) Innovation Configuration (IC) Map Suite, which is aligned to the Characteristics of Effective Instruction and Iowa’s College and Career Ready Outcomes. Pilot teachers, teacher leaders, administrators, consultants and college instructors will design their own learning plan. View the conference flyer for more information.
Remember you are granted up to 4 hours of agency time per fiscal year to do volunteer/community service work. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to represent the Agency as a caring organization and help spread the message of our mission to improve the learning outcomes and well-being of children and youth in central Iowa! When you volunteer during work hours, remember:
There must be at least three Heartland AEA staff members (you and at least two other staff) working at the same volunteer opportunity together.
Staff members are encouraged to wear Heartland AEA-logo clothing or our “Heartland Cares” stickers that were created for this purpose. You can request stickers by contacting the Communications Department. (Please request your stickers so others can see who you are!)
Of course, you must approve your leave with your supervisor before taking the time off.
Volunteer leave should be recorded in the Leave Online system as Volunteer Leave.
Finally, to celebrate your work, take a photo of your group during the volunteer activity and send it to the Communications Department with information about the activity and who was involved.
We’ve had great representation again this year, and we look forward to seeing more of you out before the end of June. Thank you for representing the Agency and serving our communities!
As we begin to wind down the school year, we want to remind you of the requirements that must be met to complete this year’s Wellness Program. If you haven’t yet completed three of the five challenges, you’ll want to register for the upcoming Water Challenge! You have until June 30, 2018 to complete all the requirements and submit them on the Wellmark Wellness website. To complete the 2017-18 Wellness Program, you need to complete: *All Baseline Items • Biometrics • Health assessment • Dental screening • WebMD assessment • Annual physical • Volunteer time (at least 1 hour anytime/anywhere) *Three Activities in each Activity Category Preventive • Hearing exam • Eye exam • Flu shot • Self exam • Ergonomic challenge • Wellness assessment - cancer, cardiovascular, chronic fatigue • Current age and gender-specific exams Community/Social/Emotional • Attend Wellness Champions Lunch & Learn on (Face-to-face/Zoom) • Nutritional/Weight loss programs, e.g.: Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig • Watch a Ted Talk • Create a goal on the WebMD Online Healthy Coach • Donate blood • Stress management – EAP • Web assessment – Anxiety • Attend Lunch & Learn w/ Dr. Aaron Rector (Face-to-face/Zoom/recorded) Financial • Savings challenge • Attend financial Lunch & learn • Download a financial app • Use Wellmark cost savings estimator • Donate to local school • EAP – Financial • Watch a Ted Talk Physical • Achieve 10,000 steps per day for 14 consecutive days • Participate in an organized walk/run/bike event • Download a fitness app • Attend a nutritional Lunch & Learn (Face-to-face/Zoom/recorded) • Ergonomic challenge Career • Recognize another staff member in the Heartbeat • Use EAP - Career development podcast • Volunteer 4 hours on behalf of the Agency • Read the Agency Playbook • Read career-related book • Complete the Strengths Finder • Watch a Ted Talk on career/purpose *Three of the Five Challenges • Ready, Set, Move • 5 to Thrive • Stressless • The Invitational • Water Reminder: • New staff hired in 2017-18 will earn a Fitbit and $100 cash for completing the entire Wellness Program. • Staff hired prior to 2017-18 will receive $225 cash for completing the entire Wellness Program.
Teacher Quality (TQ) courses and study groups are offered as an optional format for professional learning for our Certified staff. TQ courses meet for 15 hours off contract time, and participants are eligible for a stipend upon completion of the course. All Certified staff members are eligible to register for these opportunities. Heartland AEA has a strong commitment to time spent in service to our partners. With this commitment in mind, beginning in 2018-19, TQ courses and study groups will be offered between Oct. 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 mainly outside of contract hours Monday through Friday or on weekends. A popular option offered in 2017-18 will again be offered in 2018-19--the ability for you to develop your own study group proposals. Study groups must have at least four participants, and one participant must agree to be the study group facilitator. The content must align with Heartland AEA’s four goals and/or support a specific job-alike function. Study group proposals can be submitted any time during the registration period from Aug. 20-Sept. 14, 2018. The Professional Learning Office will work with interested participants in writing their study group proposal if assistance is needed. Those who complete a TQ course or study group and meet eligibility requirements will be provided a stipend. The amount of the stipend is established after registration closes, as the stipend is determined by the number of participants. For reference, during the 2017-18 school year, eligible participants received $655 for completing a course/study group, and facilitators received a $705 stipend facilitating a course/study group. 2018-19 TQ Timeline
Deadline for job-alike facilitators to submit TQ course proposals: June 30, 2018
Window for TQ participants to submit study group proposals: Aug. 20-Sept. 14, 2018
TQ Registration: Aug. 20 - Sept. 14, 2018
TQ Courses and Study Groups: Oct. 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
Upcoming training sessions will give a number of you your first glimpse into the new statewide AEA Professional Learning Registration System. If you will remember, this is the system that each AEA will be using for professional learning course registration and payments, course proposals, instructor tools, transcripts, etc. -- the whole professional learning experience. It is scheduled to launch in each AEA throughout the spring and summer of 2018.
This initial training will introduce you to the system, show you how to log in, and specifically, how to enter a vita and create a course proposal. Course proposals for courses beginning after Aug. 3, 2018, will need to be submitted through the new system. Important: At the training, you will be asked to login to your own account on the AEA Professional Learning Registration System, using the same login you’ve used to access online trainings through AEA Learning Online (e.g. Mandatory Reporter and Bloodborne Pathogens trainings). Going forward this login will begin being referred to as “AEA Login.” If you can't remember your email and password, contact the Professional Learning Office. Vita & Course Proposal Training Audience: Staff who teach courses May 23, 2018 1 - 3:30 p.m. Johnston REC, Conference Rooms 152 A/B/C Available via Zoom (Session will be recorded) Vita & Course Proposal Training Audience: Staff who teach courses May 29, 2018 9 - 11:30 a.m. Johnston REC, Conference Rooms 152 A/B/C Available via Zoom (Session will be recorded) Vita & Course Proposal Training Audience: Professional Learning & Leadership Consultants at their meeting May 29, 2018 12:30 - 2 p.m. Johnston REC, Conference Rooms 152 A/B/C
This message was emailed to staff on May 18 and is being repeated here for your information. In a continuing effort to enhance the digital privacy, safety and security of our Heartland AEA systems, we are announcing two important changes that will go into effect on Tuesday, May 22 at 7 a.m.
New Wireless Network Specifically for Staff First, the Agency is introducing a new wireless network called HAEAstaff that we expect all Heartland AEA staff to use when you are accessing the Internet and agency systems at any Heartland AEA office or co-location. Beginning May 22 at 7 a.m., you will notice the new HAEAstaff wireless network listed when you click on the Wi-Fi status icon in the menu bar in the upper righthand corner of your computer. Select the HAEAstaff wireless network by clicking on it in the list and verify that there is a checkmark to the left of “HAEAstaff.” You should not be prompted for a password to join the network as this information will be automatically applied to your computer.
Employee Dashboard Access Limited to Agency Offices/Co-locations Next, the Information Systems Department will be changing the way you access the Employee Dashboard. Beginning May 22 at 7 a.m., staff must be located in a Heartland AEA office or co-location and be connected to the HAEAstaff network in order to log into the Employee Dashboard. We understand this will be a significant change in practice that will require some advanced planning for activities like requesting leaves, entering expenses and accessing the Intranet. Your understanding is appreciated as we enhance the digital privacy, safety and security of our agency systems. We are investigating options for making access to the Employee Dashboard outside the Heartland AEA network available again in the future.
Thank you for your attention to these important security enhancements, and we encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
I need help! Who can I contact? - Connecting an agency device to the HAEAstaff wireless network Marquis Jones, Technology Support Specialist Tuan Dao, Senior Network Administrator - Accessing the Employee Dashboard Rod Howell, Information Systems Manager
Thank you for your attention to the important security enhancements that were announced last Friday. We do understand the significance of these changes on staff. Unfortunately, the vulnerability to our system is significant, so we have to take action now to keep our data and systems secure. The Internal Technology and Information Systems Departments are actively researching alternatives to restore remote access for agency staff to the Employee Dashboard. We hope to have more information about that soon. In the meantime, beginning May 22 at 7 a.m., staff must be located in a Heartland AEA office or co-location and be connected to the HAEAstaff network in order to log into the Employee Dashboard. Several staff members have asked questions about these changes, and below you will find a Q & A to address them. Q: Why do we have to make these security enhancements now? Is there some way this change could be pushed to mid June, when most staff would be off contract? A: This vulnerability is considered critical, so immediate action is necessary to keep our systems and our data secure. Q: If I have an agency provided hotspot/cell card, can I use that to get to the Dashboard? A: No, you still have to be on the HAEAstaff network. Q: Can I access the Dashboard from my school's network? A: No Q: Where are the Agency’s co-locations? A: Our co-locations are at Delaware Elementary in the Southeast Polk district and at Parkview Middle School in the Ankeny district. Q: Will we be able to use a VPN (virtual private network) to connect to the Agency's wireless network remotely? A: The Internal Technology and Information Systems teams are considering all options at this time. Once a solution is identified that meets the connectivity needs of all staff, we will let you know. Q: Can my administrative assistant initiate leave for me in the online leave system? A: Yes, your "Need to Know" can initiate leave, and you can complete the leave request when you are on the agency network.