Next Step Challenge Through Live Healthy Iowa For those wanting to get signed up for the “Next Step Challenge” and take advantage of having your $10 registration paid for by the Agency, here’s what you need to do: 1. Get your 2-10 person team together and nominate a team captain. 2. The team captain will then go to, click on the area that says “start a team” on the right side of the page and enter LHIHAEA11 as the Group ID to register their team. 3. The team captain will register all of his or her team members, selecting ‘LHI Pedometer’ from the promotional item drop down box for each team member who needs a pedometer. 4. Team members will then log their steps through the Live Healthy Iowa website.
The contest will start September 10 and run through October 19. There will be prizes involved as well, so get a team together and sign up before August 28!!
If you have any questions about the program or about registering, contact Tony Chiaramonte, Human Resources Generalist, at or ext. 14534. Start Somewhere Walk Stepping Out on October 3 Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar for the “Start Somewhere Walk.” Last year the State of Iowa made history when more than 291,000 Iowans participated in Start Somewhere Walks that kicked off the Healthiest State Initiative. On Wednesday, October 3, we’re going to do it all again. Take time out of your day to walk a kilometer (0.62 miles) with friends, family, neighbors or co-workers and be part of this life-changing movement. You can visit to commit to walk that day or to help coordinate a walking route for your office.
Where? Prairie Lakes AEA, 824 Flindt Dr., Storm Lake, IA When? 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m., October 30, 31, & November 1, 2012 Cost? $900 per person which includes three days of training, a light breakfast & lunch each day, workshop materials, permission to use basic PowerPoint slides developed by Dr. Lanning and Dr. Erickson to use in coaching teachers Presenters? Lynn Erickson, Ed.D. and Lois Lanning, Ph.D.
Participants will: • Gain a solid understanding of concept-based curriculum • Complete a quality concept-based unit to use as a model • Learn how to develop strong concept-based lesson plans that meet the deeper intent of the Iowa Core • Receive basic PowerPoint slides for facilitating future unit and lesson design • Approach teacher coaching from a practical perspective – how to know what to look for in a teaching lesson • Learn how to develop concept-based graphic organizers that engage the conceptual thinking of students • Discuss other topics of concern to instructional coaches
Click here for more information and click here for a registration form.
Free apps can easily be added to the iPads before you pick them up. However, if you wish to use paid apps not already installed, they will have to be purchased through Judy Cleveland, Technology Specialist, at or ext. 14538. Please consult with Judy if a paid app is not already listed in the Google doc of installed apps.
Here are some additional guidelines related to the use of this iPad cart:
• Reserve the cart by e-mailing o List event, room or offsite location, beginning date & time and ending date & time o List specific apps that you need loaded prior to event • Select a category/folder so the apps can be organized o Art (e.g. Instagram, Doodle Buddy) o Audio (e.g. Dictation, Speak it!) o Books (e.g. iBooks, nook) o Browser (e.g. Firefox Home, Rover) o Create (e.g. Animoto, StoryKit) o Critical Thinking (e.g. Brain Fit, Angry Birds) o Lit/ELA (e.g. Scribble Press, Bluster) o Math (e.g. Protractor, Number Line) o Movies (e.g. Ted, iTunes U) o Practice (e.g. Flashcardlet, StudyBlue) o Productivity (e.g. Evernote, Moodle) o Research (e.g. Encyclopedia, My Library) o Science (e.g. Exoplanet, QuakeFeed) o Social (e.g. Diigo, Twitter) o Social Studies (e.g. National Mall, USA Today) o Storage (e.g. Dropbox, CloudOn) o Teacher (e.g. CommonCore, mxMobile HD) o Utility (e.g. Connect, FirstClass) o White Board (e.g. ShowMe, ScreenChomp) • Look for the “Installed on iPad” column on the following spreadsheet to determine which apps are currently installed. o Paid apps not already installed will have to be purchased through Judy Cleveland. Consult with her if a paid app is not already installed. After she purchases the app, the Internal Technology Department can install it. • You can checkout the iPads for up to seven days. • You can take the iPads off-site o A padded bag will be provided o A charger and cable for each iPad will be included o All items will be labeled “Property of Heartland AEA 11” o Any items not returned will be charged to your department. • Send an e-mail to Greg Wilcox to cancel the reservation if you are not going to use the devices. • Each iPad comes with an e-mail account that can be used to e-mail documents off the device. • All iPads will be restored to their pre-checkout state after you return the devices. This will erase every trace of the users’ interaction with the iPad. • Keep drinks at arms length from the iPad.
Click here to download the 2012-13 van route list. If you have any questions, contact Sherise Ahlers, Central Office Administrative Assistant, at ext. 14437 or
We officially kicked off the Agency’s United Way campaign today! There are many fun things planned, and if you didn’t get all of it this morning, here’s the run down!
Heartland participates in an annual campaign because the United Way serves families and students in our communities in ways that are complimentary to our agency’s vision and mission. Your donations are directly applied to United Way community priorities in education, income and health. The United Way supports programs that help high school students graduate on time and support other programs that increase the learning growth and school readiness of early and middle-grade students. That’s quite comparable to our Agency’s educational goals! We hope you feel comfortable by choosing to donate to worthy causes through the United Way.
Our goal this year is to increase employee participation through pledge card giving and special events.
Pledge Your Continued Support Our agency’s leaders are supportive of our United Way campaign and would really like to improve participation through our pledge card donations. If you choose to donate, it can be as small as $2.50 per pay period (that’s just $5 a month!) or increasing your existing gift donations. Every bit helps!
It is important that if you choose to do a pay deduction, your total contribution is evenly divisible by 24 pay periods. Remember that pay deduction pledges from last year’s drive continue to be in effect until December 31, 2012. Deductions for this year’s drive will start in January and continue through December.
The pledge form does have an area at the bottom where you can designate donations of $50 and over to other United Way offices or any of the organizations listed on the United Way’s website at
As an added incentive, if you submit a completed pledge card with any donation amount by August 24 will get to leave 2 hours early on August 31, the Friday before Labor Day weekend. You will not have to submit vacation time for the 2 hours and if you fill out a timecard, you may mark it as normal time worked. Send your completed form via van mail to Claire Sowder in the Johnston Administration Center by August 24 to be eligible for the early leave incentive.
If for any reason you do not wish to donate to United Way, the Community Health Charities of Iowa and Iowa Shares are two other charity organizations in which you can donate. We are unable to do payroll deductions for these organizations at this time. If you choose to donate to these organizations, you can contact the agencies at the following numbers: - Community Health Charities of Iowa (877) 517-6266 - Iowa Shares (319) 338-1446
Blank pledge cards will be sent to each regional office this week if you didn’t get a chance to visit the United Way booth this morning.
Regional Events Soon you will hear from your Regional Director about fundraising events that will happen in the regional offices between now and September 28 (the last day of our campaign).
Online Auction Once again, we’ll be closing our United Way campaign with the Online Auction from September 24-28. Last year’s auction was our best yet, and we hope it will be quite the success again!
Each staff member will be able to donate items or go together with co-workers to submit a group item. (Please note: Private delivery arrangements must be made for items too large or heavy for Heartland van delivery.) Send a digital photo and short description of your item to the Communications Department at We ask that you keep items until the close of the auction.
Voluntary Participation Your participation in the Agency’s United Way events is voluntary. It is not the Agency’s intention to pressure any staff member into donating. We have tried our best to make this year’s campaign events fun and enjoyable, and we hope that you find United Way as an easy way to reach out and help the communities we live in.
A retirement reception will be held on August 16 from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Adel Office for Mary Ann Squires(Regional Administrative Assistant/AD). Stop by for refreshments and to wish Mary Ann well.