The Agency now has a cart of 20 iPads in the Johnston REC that may be checked out. Please e-mail Greg Wilcox, Technology Support Specialist, at gwilcox@aea11.k12.ia.us to reserve the iPad cart. List the date and time, event title and room for the reservation in the e-mail. A list of applications currently loaded on the iPads can be found at https://docs.google.com/a/aea11.k12.ia.us/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AodmIe5QMX6MdDhkeExTaVNQNVhPSmtJT1daTHVOQVE#gid=0
Free apps can easily be added to the iPads before you pick them up. However, if you wish to use paid apps not already installed, they will have to be purchased through Judy Cleveland, Technology Specialist, at jcleveland@aea11.k12.ia.us or ext. 14538. Please consult with Judy if a paid app is not already listed in the Google doc of installed apps.
Here are some additional guidelines related to the use of this iPad cart:
• Reserve the cart by e-mailing gwilcox@aea11.k12.ia.us.
o List event, room or offsite location, beginning date & time and ending date & time
o List specific apps that you need loaded prior to event
• Select a category/folder so the apps can be organized
o Art (e.g. Instagram, Doodle Buddy)
o Audio (e.g. Dictation, Speak it!)
o Books (e.g. iBooks, nook)
o Browser (e.g. Firefox Home, Rover)
o Create (e.g. Animoto, StoryKit)
o Critical Thinking (e.g. Brain Fit, Angry Birds)
o Lit/ELA (e.g. Scribble Press, Bluster)
o Math (e.g. Protractor, Number Line)
o Movies (e.g. Ted, iTunes U)
o Practice (e.g. Flashcardlet, StudyBlue)
o Productivity (e.g. Evernote, Moodle)
o Research (e.g. Encyclopedia, My Library)
o Science (e.g. Exoplanet, QuakeFeed)
o Social (e.g. Diigo, Twitter)
o Social Studies (e.g. National Mall, USA Today)
o Storage (e.g. Dropbox, CloudOn)
o Teacher (e.g. CommonCore, mxMobile HD)
o Utility (e.g. Connect, FirstClass)
o White Board (e.g. ShowMe, ScreenChomp)
• Look for the “Installed on iPad” column on the following spreadsheet to determine which apps are currently installed.
o Paid apps not already installed will have to be purchased through Judy Cleveland. Consult with her if a paid app is not already installed. After she purchases the app, the Internal Technology Department can install it.
• You can checkout the iPads for up to seven days.
• You can take the iPads off-site
o A padded bag will be provided
o A charger and cable for each iPad will be included
o All items will be labeled “Property of Heartland AEA 11”
o Any items not returned will be charged to your department.
• Send an e-mail to Greg Wilcox to cancel the reservation if you are not going to use the devices.
• Each iPad comes with an e-mail account that can be used to e-mail documents off the device.
• All iPads will be restored to their pre-checkout state after you return the devices. This will erase every trace of the users’ interaction with the iPad.
• Keep drinks at arms length from the iPad.
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