Our Mission To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities. Our Goals • Increase learning growth for students • Decrease the gap in achievement • Increase annual graduation rates • Increase gateways to post-secondary success
Radon is an invisible radioactive gas found all over the U.S., but Iowa has some of the nation's highest levels of radon. Radon causes no immediate health symptoms; however, long-term exposure can lead to lung cancer. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, indoor radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., and according to the U.S. EPA, it is the first leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers. Each year, radon kills more people than drunk driving accidents, falls, in the home, drowning, and house fires. The good news is - you can fix a radon problem.
Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil. The only way to know the radon level in your home is to test. A simple test kit can reveal the amount of radon in any building. Buildings with high levels can usually be fixed safely and affordably, and new homes can be built with radon-resistant features. Every new home, however, should be tested after occupancy regardless of whether or not it was built to be radon-resistant.
Learn more about testing your home and how to obtain a kit.
The January 2020 issue of the School Leader Update from the Iowa Department of Education is available. ICYMI, Director Ryan Wise will be leaving the Department in the coming month to accept the role of Dean of the School of Education at Drake University.
Important Dates Registration: Dec. 30, 2019 – Jan. 13, 2020 Challenge Begins: Jan. 6, 2020 Challenge Ends: Feb. 2, 2020 LAST DAY TO RECORD ACTIVITY: Feb. 2, 2020 Description: Become a FITspiration as you work toward your weight loss goals! With great nutrition and exercise resources to assist you throughout the challenge, your FITspirational weight loss journey is about to begin! Start working toward your Personal Health Goal today. Challenge Goal: Aim to lose at least one pound of weight each week for four weeks (at least 4 pounds) to complete the challenge. See more in the informational flyer!
Each individual AEA Board of Directors in the AEA system has approved these legislative priorities this fall. This year our system is advocating for financial support and policies that provide critical services for Iowa students, including student behavior, mental health, and well-being, as well as access to equitable supports across Iowa’s AEAs. We believe a solid foundation in these areas will position Iowa students for a life well-lived. We will be working with legislators to understand the impact of these priorities on our work with local school districts, families and educators. PRIORITY: Well-being Iowa’s Area Education Agencies (AEAs) are committed to supporting schools in promoting healthy learning environments that address the social, emotional, behavioral and mental health needs of students. Iowa’s AEAs can ensure that services are aligned equitably to every student, in every county, and every school. PRIORITY: Future Ready Iowa’s Area Education Agencies can support a Future Ready vision for every child, in every county, in every Iowa school. Our agency is equipped to support teachers and districts with access to resources like the Work-Based Clearinghouse and ready them to embrace performance and work-based learning opportunities.
PRIORITY: Updated and Equitable Funding Just as school districts operate at different funding levels, the same funding challenge is hindering the effectiveness of the Iowa AEA system. The current funding formula for the AEAs was established by the Iowa legislature in 1974 and needs to be updated to reflect per pupil inequities and changes in student populations. PRIORITY: Supplemental State Aid (SSA) To truly provide the children of our state with the education they deserve, we have to move beyond the rhetoric about world-class education and fund education appropriately. PRIORITY: Fully Funding Iowa’s Area Education Agencies For many years the Department of Management has reduced the annual appropriation designated to the AEA system. This shortfall has been in place since 2002 and is impacting service delivery for Iowa’s students. Any staff with questions about these priorities is encouraged to reach out to Chief Administrator Jon Sheldahl.
Do you know someone who has made outstanding contributions to education and Iowa’s AEAs? Please take a few minutes to nominate this person for recognition! Iowa’s AEAs bestow three awards annually to outstanding candidates for their contributions to education and the work of Iowa’s AEAs. To submit a nomination, complete this application by Feb. 14, 2020. Anyone is welcome to submit a nomination. Awards will be presented during the annual Iowa’s AEAs Boards of Directors’ Conference, and the ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. on March 26, 2020, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Johnston. The three awards and criteria can be found below. Each nomination should include examples of why your nominee should receive the award. Friend of the AEA Award Acknowledges contributions by policymakers, citizens, board members, school district partners, businesses and organizations who have been great partners and demonstrate strong support for furthering the mission of Iowa’s AEAs. Open to all policymakers, citizens, board members, school district partners, businesses and organizations. E. Robert Stephens Award Dr. E. Robert Stephens, better known as “Dr. Bob” and the father of Iowa’s AEAs, acknowledges contributions in the area of innovation and support to local districts, AEAs, the Department of Education and other partners/organizations. There should be evidence of outstanding contributions to the well-being of the educational community including:
Benefits of this individual’s leadership;
Creative leadership in inspiring and motivating others to achieve and contribute;
Strong commitment to the profession by active participation in professional activities; and
• Evidence that the individual is respected by his/her colleagues and the community.
Open to AEA staff who serve in an administrative role and AEA board members. Innovative Creator Award Celebrates amazingly innovative and creative thinking and actions to get results for students, educators, Iowa’s AEAs, school districts and other partners. Open to all AEA staff, board members, educators, policymakers, students...we are all creators! For more information, contact Connie Johnson, Iowa’s AEAs Communications Director.