There have been several recent outbreaks of bed bugs in Polk County and in the surrounding area. Heartland would like to provide staff with access to educational materials regarding bed bugs. The Polk County Department of Public Health has created several education pieces that will prove useful to staff, especially those who are involved in home visits and visits to daycare centers.
To learn more, please use the following resources:
• Polk County Dept. of Public Health:
• Centers for Disease Control:
• Intranet Link under Human Resources > Public Health Updates
Monday, April 23, 2012
Reminder: 2012-13 Employment Settlements Reached for Agency Employee Groups
Although this information was included in last Monday’s Connection, we thought it might be helpful to print again as a majority of contracts and employment notices were mailed on Friday.
We are pleased to announce that the Heartland AEA Board of Directors has approved terms and conditions of employment for the Heartland Education Association (HEA), Classified Non-Union and Certified Non-Union employment groups for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. All package increases include the health insurance rate increase as well as the IPERS increase. The Agency’s health insurance rate will increase an average of 11.26% for the next fiscal year, and the IPERS employer contribution rate will increase from 8.07% to 8.67% for next year. Below is a summary of key points for each employment group.
Heartland Education Association – Certified Union
The settlement is a general fund package of 3.7% and a total package of 3.742% (compensation including Teacher Salary Supplement (TSS) plus benefits). A step 2 was added to the salary schedule across all lanes. All incoming employees with less than three years experience will be placed on step 2 of the salary schedule. Current employees will remain on step and receive a flat fixed dollar increase based on number of contract days worked.
Highlights of changes include Article 18 (H) Distribution of Teacher Salary Supplement moneys as described below.
In the 2011-12 contract year, each eligible employee represented by the Heartland Education Association received moneys based on the 2010-11 schedule. Each eligible employee received a step advancement on the schedule, and staff members on longevity for one year or more received $327. Payment was included in regular paychecks.
For the 2012-13 contract year, contingent upon receiving TSS, each eligible employee represented by the Heartland Education Association will receive moneys based on the 2011-12 schedule as described above, excluding the $327 longevity stipend. In addition, each cell on the 192-day TSS schedule is increased by $286.50, each cell on the 210-day TSS schedule is increased by $313.36 and each cell on the 225-day TSS schedule is increased by $335.74. The resulting 2012-13 TSS salary schedule utilizes all funds estimated to be available less the benefits estimated on those salaries.
Certified Non-Union
A total package increase was approved at 3.25% plus adjustments to reduce the compensation gap between regional directors. This group includes staff such as regional directors and other certified leadership positions within the Agency.
Classified Non-Union
A total package increase was approved at 3.769%. Highlights of changes for this group include a new salary banding structure, which was a result of a years-long study using outside data sources of salaries based on job descriptions and functions within this group.
We hope to be able to provide you with similar information for the Teamster’s settlement within the next few weeks.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact Laura Gillon, Executive Director of Human Resources, at or ext. 14416.
We are pleased to announce that the Heartland AEA Board of Directors has approved terms and conditions of employment for the Heartland Education Association (HEA), Classified Non-Union and Certified Non-Union employment groups for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. All package increases include the health insurance rate increase as well as the IPERS increase. The Agency’s health insurance rate will increase an average of 11.26% for the next fiscal year, and the IPERS employer contribution rate will increase from 8.07% to 8.67% for next year. Below is a summary of key points for each employment group.
Heartland Education Association – Certified Union
The settlement is a general fund package of 3.7% and a total package of 3.742% (compensation including Teacher Salary Supplement (TSS) plus benefits). A step 2 was added to the salary schedule across all lanes. All incoming employees with less than three years experience will be placed on step 2 of the salary schedule. Current employees will remain on step and receive a flat fixed dollar increase based on number of contract days worked.
Highlights of changes include Article 18 (H) Distribution of Teacher Salary Supplement moneys as described below.
In the 2011-12 contract year, each eligible employee represented by the Heartland Education Association received moneys based on the 2010-11 schedule. Each eligible employee received a step advancement on the schedule, and staff members on longevity for one year or more received $327. Payment was included in regular paychecks.
For the 2012-13 contract year, contingent upon receiving TSS, each eligible employee represented by the Heartland Education Association will receive moneys based on the 2011-12 schedule as described above, excluding the $327 longevity stipend. In addition, each cell on the 192-day TSS schedule is increased by $286.50, each cell on the 210-day TSS schedule is increased by $313.36 and each cell on the 225-day TSS schedule is increased by $335.74. The resulting 2012-13 TSS salary schedule utilizes all funds estimated to be available less the benefits estimated on those salaries.
Certified Non-Union
A total package increase was approved at 3.25% plus adjustments to reduce the compensation gap between regional directors. This group includes staff such as regional directors and other certified leadership positions within the Agency.
Classified Non-Union
A total package increase was approved at 3.769%. Highlights of changes for this group include a new salary banding structure, which was a result of a years-long study using outside data sources of salaries based on job descriptions and functions within this group.
We hope to be able to provide you with similar information for the Teamster’s settlement within the next few weeks.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact Laura Gillon, Executive Director of Human Resources, at or ext. 14416.
Reminder: Deadline for Benefits Enrollment is April 25
Our online benefit enrollment will be open to all full-time and 96-day employees until 4:00 p.m. on April 25. Full-time employees will be enrolling in health, dental and medical flex spending, and part-time employees (96-day) will just be enrolling in medical flex spending. We will need your enrollment selections even if you choose not to make any changes to your benefits for next year.
If you have any questions or would like to have someone help explain the differences in plans to you, don’t hesitate to contact Kathy Martin, Benefits Specialist, at or ext. 14385.
If you have any questions or would like to have someone help explain the differences in plans to you, don’t hesitate to contact Kathy Martin, Benefits Specialist, at or ext. 14385.
Update on Opening PDF Files From E-mail or Internet
If you’ve recently installed an update for Adobe Reader, you may be experiencing issues opening PDF files from e-mail messages or from the Internet. The update changed a setting in Firefox that is causing the issue. If you follow the instructions below you can restore your ability to open PDF files.
1. Open Firefox, go to the Firefox menu and choose Preferences.
2. Click the Applications icon (4th icon at the top).
3. If necessary, scroll through the list and locate “Adobe PDF Document.” If the action drop-down list is set to Use Adobe Acrobat NPAPI Plug-in, change the action drop-down list to Use Adobe Reader (default). If the action is set to Always ask then leave the setting alone and proceed to step 5. See the image below.

4. If you don’t have a line labeled “Adobe PDF Document,” then you will probably have several lines labeled “Portable Document Format.” If the action drop-down list is set to Use Adobe Acrobat NPAPI Plug-in for any of those lines, you will need to change the action drop down list to Use Adobe Reader (default) for each one. If you don’t have Use Adobe Reader (default) in the drop down list, then you will need to choose the Use other option. A window will open with a listing of applications. Locate and click on Adobe Reader in the list of applications and click the Open button to manually select the setting. Repeat as necessary.
5. Click the red close button in the upper left hand corner to finish. Now you can test to make sure the change was successful.
If this doesn’t solve your issue or you are having difficulty in making this change, contact one of the below members of the Internal Technology support team for assistance.
Mike Permann ( or ext. 14767)
Greg Wilcox ( or ext. 14618)
Judy Cleveland ( or ext. 14538)
1. Open Firefox, go to the Firefox menu and choose Preferences.
2. Click the Applications icon (4th icon at the top).
3. If necessary, scroll through the list and locate “Adobe PDF Document.” If the action drop-down list is set to Use Adobe Acrobat NPAPI Plug-in, change the action drop-down list to Use Adobe Reader (default). If the action is set to Always ask then leave the setting alone and proceed to step 5. See the image below.

4. If you don’t have a line labeled “Adobe PDF Document,” then you will probably have several lines labeled “Portable Document Format.” If the action drop-down list is set to Use Adobe Acrobat NPAPI Plug-in for any of those lines, you will need to change the action drop down list to Use Adobe Reader (default) for each one. If you don’t have Use Adobe Reader (default) in the drop down list, then you will need to choose the Use other option. A window will open with a listing of applications. Locate and click on Adobe Reader in the list of applications and click the Open button to manually select the setting. Repeat as necessary.
5. Click the red close button in the upper left hand corner to finish. Now you can test to make sure the change was successful.
If this doesn’t solve your issue or you are having difficulty in making this change, contact one of the below members of the Internal Technology support team for assistance.
Mike Permann ( or ext. 14767)
Greg Wilcox ( or ext. 14618)
Judy Cleveland ( or ext. 14538)
2012-2013 Agency Calendar Now Available
Click here to download the 2012-13 calendar of major agency meetings. The calendar has been updated as of April 20. If you have any questions, contact Jenny Ugolini, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary, at or ext. 14441.
April 2012 Board of Directors Meeting Recap
The regular meeting of the Heartland Board of Directors was held on April 10, 2012.
The Board entered into closed session to discuss the 2012-13 negotiations process. The Board entered into closed session at 3:01 p.m. and returned to public session at 3:54 p.m.
Discussion Items
Special Education Services
Dr. Jerry Gruba and Ms. Rachelle Dawson, Heartland AEA Regional Directors and Ms. Barb Rankin, Director of Behavior Programs & Youth Homes and Ms. Vicki McCool, Director of Special Education, from the Johnston Community Schools were present to speak about special education services; specifically what they have looked like historically and how they have evolved over the years. In the past, the focus was on identifying special education students to make sure they received the supports they needed to make achievement gains. This practice has evolved and the focus is more on helping students receive the right instruction to make gains. AEA staff members work closely with teachers to help build instruction and to monitor students’ progress. Ms. Rankin and Ms. McCool spoke about the partnership between the Agency and the Johnston district and how that has helped the district build capacity around instruction.
Appointment of Board Treasurer
Mr. Terry Wycoff was recognized for his years of service as Heartland AEA’s board treasurer. He is retiring after 30 years, having served the Agency as treasurer since 1982. Mr. John Linch was given the oath of office as the new Board Treasurer.
Public Forum and Correspondence
Dr. Vincent noted director district changes for the Dallas Center-Grimes and Winterset CSDs. As part of the 2010 census, some districts have had to reconfigure their director district boundaries due to shifts in population.
Board Committee Reports and Activities
• Board Policy Task Force – The task force is working its way through the 300 series. Before the task force moves further, work is being done to align the rules and regulations with the Agency’s staff handbook.
• Board Advisory Council – The council met at the end of March. They are honest and provide good input about the Agency’s work and services and will meet again on May 3.
• IEC/IAEP – Dr. Bridgewater will provide an update at the May board meeting.
Board Resolution – Heartland AEA Board of Directors’ Director Districts
As a result of the 2010 census, the AEAs will examine their director district boundaries as population changes could impact director district assignments. The University of Iowa is working on district maps for all of the AEAs and will submit its findings within the next week.
Board members were asked to consider if they wanted to stay with a nine-member board. If they wanted to increase or lower the number of directors that would have to be decided upon at the same time director district assignments are finalized.
Quarterly CAO Review
Board members held their quarterly review of the chief administrator.
• Board members are pleased with the progress that’s being made in Des Moines Public Schools to form a better partnership. The work and response from administrators has been good.
• Dr. Vincent is conscience of district sensitivity and treats each district respectfully.
• She keeps the Board informed about legislative issues and other areas of concern and members appreciate her perspective.
• The report this evening on special education was exemplary. It indicates the progress the Agency is making in districts, and the feedback was honest and direct. This may not be happening in every district, but it’s pleasing to see in Johnston.
• Dr. Vincent’s involvement with the Department of Education and the AEA system is important to the Agency. It would be helpful to learn more specifically about how she is showing her leadership in these areas.
Affirmative Action Plan Review
Ms. Gillon, Executive Director of Human Resources, and Mr. Tony Chiaramonte, Human Resource Generalist, reviewed the executive summary of the Agency’s Affirmative Action Plan. They reviewed the key findings and discussed the goals for June 30, 2014, that include increasing the number of minorities and balancing the gender equity across the Agency. The Affirmative Action Committee will meet quarterly to determine what actions are needed to accomplish these goals. Board members discussed the correlation between the Agency’s workforce and increasing student achievement. Having a richly diverse population within the organization could only help.
Action Items
Board Resolution – Director Districts
Approval of the 6445 Administration Center Roof Contract
A MOTION was made by Dr. Bridgewater and seconded by Ms. Sparks to accept the bid from Academy Roofing of $41,900 including the alternative bid for two extra inches of insulation at $9,950 for a total of $51,850. Motion passed.
Mr. Prall will follow-up with board members regarding the impact of extra insulation and thermal shock.
Consideration of Approval of the Certified Union (CU) Contract Contingent on Ratification
A MOTION was made by Mr. Christensen and seconded by Dr. Bridgewater to approve the certified union contract contingent on ratification by the Heartland Education Association. Motion passed.
Confirmation of Acceptance of the Classified Union (CLU) Tentative Agreement
A MOTION was made by Ms. Wilson and seconded by Ms. Sparks declaring the Board would have accepted and approved the classified union tentative agreement had it been ratified by the Teamster’s. Motion passed.
Approval of the Classified Non-Union (CLNU) Package Increase
A MOTION was made by Mr. Halliburton and seconded by Ms. Sparks to approve the recommended package increase of 3.77 percent for the classified non-union staff. Motion passed.
Approval of the Certified Non-Union (CNU) Package Increase
A MOTION was made by Ms. Sparks and seconded by Dr. Bell to approve the recommend package increase of 3.25 percent and resulting salaries for the certified non-union staff. The MOTION was AMENDED by Dr. Bell and seconded by Ms. Sparks to include approving additional funds for closing the salary gap between regional directors.
The original motion was voted upon and passed. The amended motion was voted upon and a roll call vote was taken. Amended motion passed 7 to 1. Seven ayes and one nay (Christensen).
Chief Administrator Comments
• The Agency is still trying to find a successor for the Chief Financial Officer. Dr. Vincent will keep the Board informed of any updates.
• The Agency is working on issuing contracts in a timely manner. Dr. Vincent is very pleased with the work of the negotiations team.
• Dr. Vincent will add as a future agenda item the work and collaboration of the AEA system and the Department of Education.
• Response to Intervention (RtI) will be a topic that the Board will hear more about over the next few months. It’s still too early to bring as an agenda item.
The Board entered into closed session to discuss the 2012-13 negotiations process. The Board entered into closed session at 3:01 p.m. and returned to public session at 3:54 p.m.
Discussion Items
Special Education Services
Dr. Jerry Gruba and Ms. Rachelle Dawson, Heartland AEA Regional Directors and Ms. Barb Rankin, Director of Behavior Programs & Youth Homes and Ms. Vicki McCool, Director of Special Education, from the Johnston Community Schools were present to speak about special education services; specifically what they have looked like historically and how they have evolved over the years. In the past, the focus was on identifying special education students to make sure they received the supports they needed to make achievement gains. This practice has evolved and the focus is more on helping students receive the right instruction to make gains. AEA staff members work closely with teachers to help build instruction and to monitor students’ progress. Ms. Rankin and Ms. McCool spoke about the partnership between the Agency and the Johnston district and how that has helped the district build capacity around instruction.
Appointment of Board Treasurer
Mr. Terry Wycoff was recognized for his years of service as Heartland AEA’s board treasurer. He is retiring after 30 years, having served the Agency as treasurer since 1982. Mr. John Linch was given the oath of office as the new Board Treasurer.
Public Forum and Correspondence
Dr. Vincent noted director district changes for the Dallas Center-Grimes and Winterset CSDs. As part of the 2010 census, some districts have had to reconfigure their director district boundaries due to shifts in population.
Board Committee Reports and Activities
• Board Policy Task Force – The task force is working its way through the 300 series. Before the task force moves further, work is being done to align the rules and regulations with the Agency’s staff handbook.
• Board Advisory Council – The council met at the end of March. They are honest and provide good input about the Agency’s work and services and will meet again on May 3.
• IEC/IAEP – Dr. Bridgewater will provide an update at the May board meeting.
Board Resolution – Heartland AEA Board of Directors’ Director Districts
As a result of the 2010 census, the AEAs will examine their director district boundaries as population changes could impact director district assignments. The University of Iowa is working on district maps for all of the AEAs and will submit its findings within the next week.
Board members were asked to consider if they wanted to stay with a nine-member board. If they wanted to increase or lower the number of directors that would have to be decided upon at the same time director district assignments are finalized.
Quarterly CAO Review
Board members held their quarterly review of the chief administrator.
• Board members are pleased with the progress that’s being made in Des Moines Public Schools to form a better partnership. The work and response from administrators has been good.
• Dr. Vincent is conscience of district sensitivity and treats each district respectfully.
• She keeps the Board informed about legislative issues and other areas of concern and members appreciate her perspective.
• The report this evening on special education was exemplary. It indicates the progress the Agency is making in districts, and the feedback was honest and direct. This may not be happening in every district, but it’s pleasing to see in Johnston.
• Dr. Vincent’s involvement with the Department of Education and the AEA system is important to the Agency. It would be helpful to learn more specifically about how she is showing her leadership in these areas.
Affirmative Action Plan Review
Ms. Gillon, Executive Director of Human Resources, and Mr. Tony Chiaramonte, Human Resource Generalist, reviewed the executive summary of the Agency’s Affirmative Action Plan. They reviewed the key findings and discussed the goals for June 30, 2014, that include increasing the number of minorities and balancing the gender equity across the Agency. The Affirmative Action Committee will meet quarterly to determine what actions are needed to accomplish these goals. Board members discussed the correlation between the Agency’s workforce and increasing student achievement. Having a richly diverse population within the organization could only help.
Action Items
Board Resolution – Director Districts
Approval of the 6445 Administration Center Roof Contract
A MOTION was made by Dr. Bridgewater and seconded by Ms. Sparks to accept the bid from Academy Roofing of $41,900 including the alternative bid for two extra inches of insulation at $9,950 for a total of $51,850. Motion passed.
Mr. Prall will follow-up with board members regarding the impact of extra insulation and thermal shock.
Consideration of Approval of the Certified Union (CU) Contract Contingent on Ratification
A MOTION was made by Mr. Christensen and seconded by Dr. Bridgewater to approve the certified union contract contingent on ratification by the Heartland Education Association. Motion passed.
Confirmation of Acceptance of the Classified Union (CLU) Tentative Agreement
A MOTION was made by Ms. Wilson and seconded by Ms. Sparks declaring the Board would have accepted and approved the classified union tentative agreement had it been ratified by the Teamster’s. Motion passed.
Approval of the Classified Non-Union (CLNU) Package Increase
A MOTION was made by Mr. Halliburton and seconded by Ms. Sparks to approve the recommended package increase of 3.77 percent for the classified non-union staff. Motion passed.
Approval of the Certified Non-Union (CNU) Package Increase
A MOTION was made by Ms. Sparks and seconded by Dr. Bell to approve the recommend package increase of 3.25 percent and resulting salaries for the certified non-union staff. The MOTION was AMENDED by Dr. Bell and seconded by Ms. Sparks to include approving additional funds for closing the salary gap between regional directors.
The original motion was voted upon and passed. The amended motion was voted upon and a roll call vote was taken. Amended motion passed 7 to 1. Seven ayes and one nay (Christensen).
Chief Administrator Comments
• The Agency is still trying to find a successor for the Chief Financial Officer. Dr. Vincent will keep the Board informed of any updates.
• The Agency is working on issuing contracts in a timely manner. Dr. Vincent is very pleased with the work of the negotiations team.
• Dr. Vincent will add as a future agenda item the work and collaboration of the AEA system and the Department of Education.
• Response to Intervention (RtI) will be a topic that the Board will hear more about over the next few months. It’s still too early to bring as an agenda item.
Administration Center Roofing Project to Take Place April 30-May 4
During the week of April 30-May 4, the roof of the Administration Center in Johnston will be replaced. As with all roofing projects, this will cause some disruption to normal business taking place. During this week, no meetings are scheduled in the building, and staff may be working in alternate sites to avoid the noise and dust that will result from the project.
A number of staff may be working at the Johnston REC—if so, they will check in at the front desk in the morning and will then work in various conference rooms and hotel spaces throughout the building. It is recommended to e-mail staff members who work in the Administration Center to see where they are working that week if you need to meet with them in person.
The rain date for the project is the week of May 21-25.
If you have any questions, contact Dustin Gean, Operations Manager, at or ext. 14460.
A number of staff may be working at the Johnston REC—if so, they will check in at the front desk in the morning and will then work in various conference rooms and hotel spaces throughout the building. It is recommended to e-mail staff members who work in the Administration Center to see where they are working that week if you need to meet with them in person.
The rain date for the project is the week of May 21-25.
If you have any questions, contact Dustin Gean, Operations Manager, at or ext. 14460.
AEA Legislative Update
Click here to read the weekly legislative update from the AEAs’ lobbyists, Matt Eide and John Pederson, of the Eide & Heisinger firm.
Upcoming Staff Retirement Receptions
We have decided to forgo having an agency-wide retirement reception since many retiring staff members told us that they’d rather have receptions in their regions, closer to their colleagues and school staff. Below you will find information for retirement receptions that will be taking place in the coming weeks.
Anita Davids & Mavis Hoogers
April 27
2:00-4:30 p.m.
Johnston REC, Conference Room 13
Allen Peterson & Joan Schooley
May 4
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Adel Office
Marg Clark, Monica Simons & Judy Stockbridge
May 9
2:30-4:30 p.m., program at 3:15 p.m.
Carroll Office
Joyce Reams
May 9
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Newton Office
Sandi Callison
May 22
4:00-6:00 p.m.
THE STUDIO, Indianola
Anita Davids & Mavis Hoogers
April 27
2:00-4:30 p.m.
Johnston REC, Conference Room 13
Allen Peterson & Joan Schooley
May 4
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Adel Office
Marg Clark, Monica Simons & Judy Stockbridge
May 9
2:30-4:30 p.m., program at 3:15 p.m.
Carroll Office
Joyce Reams
May 9
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Newton Office
Sandi Callison
May 22
4:00-6:00 p.m.
THE STUDIO, Indianola
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