Monday, March 2, 2009

Maxine’s Message

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Daylight saving time and spring flowers are just around the corner. Seed and garden catalogs are becoming well worn as summer flower and vegetable gardens are being carefully planned. So much is new and fresh. A sense of hope and optimism is in the air. Spring will bring positive and exciting news and improvements to the Agency.

First, the staff allocation formula has been run and partnership directors have regional allocations. Communications and opportunities for input about assignments have been going on and will continue during the first 10 days or so of March. And, unless there’s a major glitch, most certified union staff will know their assignment for next year and their contracts should be out by April 1. Employment notices for other groups will follow. As we move into spring and reflect on a year ago, we’re making progress. We know that a voice in placement and early contracts will be welcomed.

Second, the Agency is going even more “green!” We will do so by significantly reducing the use of paper and helping everyone learn to file electronically, and to do so as much as possible. We will be issuing a challenge to reduce mileage by 10% by setting monthly targets for each region. Right now, the Agency spends over $900,000 a year on mileage. When we reduce mileage, we support retention of staff. We will share strategies identified by a small group who met earlier this year. We are also planning to reduce the use of paper products throughout the Agency. We will gradually transition to regular dishes and flatware, which will reduce waste, costs and contribute to a cleaner environment.

The Cultural Competence and Diversity Council and the Agency Events Committee are both organizing volunteer activities in communities across the Heartland area. Watch for opportunities to do things such as packaging meals, working on a house or serving at a shelter. There’s a lot of excitement about giving back to the community. It’s a great way to live our values and count our blessings.
Your hard work is making a difference.

Recently I was at brown bag chat sessions in two regional offices, and a staff member shared increases in elementary reading and math scores of 11% and 5% respectively. Another shared that a student had been successful in managing behaviors and had had only one incident in several weeks. I also had the pleasure of greeting a family with two small children who were having hearing tests. One of the family members was hearing impaired, and I could tell there was some concern about what might be learned about the children. In all these cases, Heartland staff members make a difference—lifelong differences. In the midst of stress and fatigue, you can be proud of the work you have chosen. You’re impacting the future.


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