The Iowa Digital Learning Plan, a collaborative effort between the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa’s Area Education Agencies and school districts, is ready to roll! The Plan includes sections relevant to all educators and administrators:
- Leadership
- Teaching with Technology
- Engaging and Empowering Learning through Technology
- Assessment
- Infrastructure
The Plan’s goal is to provide a vision for what digital learning could look like in Iowa with the hope of bridging the gap that exists between islands of excellence around the state. Through the stories and resources provided, a vision will be created for what digital learning could look like if fully implemented. Interested educators can draw upon the information contained herein to develop a picture of the desired state for their own classrooms or schools.
The effective use of digital learning will help districts address Iowa Core’s Universal Constructs and what is often referred to as the 4Cs. The 4Cs, according to the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (2017), include creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The Iowa Core’s Universal Constructs incorporate these four concepts and include flexibility and adaptability, and productivity and accountability. If used planfully, digital learning can aid districts in ensuring that all students are able to show mastery with each of these constructs. Teachers can plan lessons to address one or more of these constructs and use digital learning devices or resources as tools to allow a student to master the constructs being addressed.
Real Classroom Examples
The Plan includes real-life examples of digital learning and videos of teachers modeling instructional practices in their classrooms.
How Do I Get My Hands on the Plan?
Visit the Iowa’s AEAs website to download the Plan. Then reach out to the AEA instructional technology consultant who serves your district for guidance as you bring digital learning to life in your school or classroom! Printed copies of the plan will be available after Nov. 1, 2018, by contacting Stacy Behmer at Grant Wood AEA.
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