2018-19 Staff Work Calendars Set-Up and Ready To Go
The 2018-19 calendar has been added to the Employee Dashboard for all staff who need to complete a work calendar. The link to this function is found in the Calendar Online Forms folder on the Leave Online tab. You may need to logout and log back in to your Dashboard before you start the calendar process.
The calendar presented will be the default calendar based on your individual pay assignment. This will look very similar to the Online Calendar View function. However, functionality is built into the interface to allow the personalization of the calendar to reflect your schedule. This is done by simply clicking on the day in question. Each time a day is clicked, it will change to one of the following:
Blue X – represents a non-working day
Green / – represents a half working day
White Space – represents a full working day
A yellow H represents unpaid holidays and a yellow H followed by an asterisk (*) represents paid holidays. Sundays and holidays cannot be changed.
At the top of the screen two numbers will be presented. The number on the left is the number of working days based on the days selected as such—in other words, the total of the white spaces (full days) and green slashes (half days). The second number is the number of days expected to work based on the pay assignment. These two numbers must match when the calendar is submitted. When the calendar is submitted, it will be routed to your supervisor just as a leave request would be. And, just as with a leave request, the supervisor will review and can approve or reject the calendar. Applicable emails are sent to you and your need-to-know person as well. A help doc named “Calendar Online Entry Documentation” is available on the Help tab. This document describes in detail all functions of the interface. Once approved, the 2018-19 calendar can be viewed by you, your supervisor and your need-to-know person. Also, all subsequent changes to the 2018-19 calendar must be submitted via the Calendar Exchange Online request system after July 1, 2018. The working days calendars are due before you leave for the summer or June 8, 2018, whichever comes first. If you have any questions, contact Whitney Anderson, Human Resources Generalist, at ext. 14432.
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