Monday, October 29, 2012

Medicaid Billing Q & A From Oct. 17 Meeting With Timberline

Below are answers to many questions we are currently receiving about Medicaid and the new T-TRAK billing system. Highlighted items include information that we hope to have updated in the near future. 

Q: How do I login to create an account in T-TRAK?
  1. Go to the Timberline website at
  2. Click on T-TRAK in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Select Iowa.
  4. For first time users, you will need to select “Register.”
  5. Add your first name and last name.
  6. Select a username and password (follow the requirements listed for passwords).*
  7. Choose “I accept” for the electronic signature.
  8. Enter the captcha security code.
  9. You will then enter the site and will need to choose the organizations you will need: Heartland AEA Part B and/or Heartland Part C.
  10. Click on Profile and you will see the request pending for access to those organizations.

* T-TRAK will require you change your password every six months for security purposes.

Q: How do I create my caseload?
  1. Go directly to the “Case load” tab. 
  2. To create a caseload, start under the Student Search tab. 
  3. Since you have been granted access to Heartland AEA, you will see all the children within your district. While seeing all the children might make some nervous about the confidentiality of the child, the staff member is still bound by the same confidentiality agreement as before.
  4. At the Student Search tab, you can either scroll through the list and click on the green checkmark beside your client’s name or type in the client’s name and click filter.
  5. Click on the green checkmark. This action moves the student to the staffer’s Case Load. Once you create a Case Load, you can go directly to the Case Load tab bypassing the Student Search tab. You will then see only the children you serve.

Q: I created a caseload, but I can’t find my student list.
A: Make sure you do not still have information in your filter settings.

Q: How do I know who is on my caseload?
A: Each month your administrative assistant will send you a list of Medicaid eligible students. This list is generated monthly. Any information that has been changed recently may not be updated and in the system for at least two cycles.

Q: I requested access to the system but have not been given access yet.

A: Sue Dunsmoor is the Heartland AEA administrator giving access to Heartland staff. This is one of her many duties. If you haven’t received access in two or more days, please contact Sue at or ext. 11202.

Q: I can’t remember my username or password OR I got set up in the T-TRAK system but I’m having problems logging in.
A: The system has a tab for supporting forgotten passwords on the login screen. If you have forgotten your username or feel there is a technical error, please contact Yvette Whitt toll free at (855) 222-0827 ext. 121, locally at (515) 222-0827 ext. 121 or

Q: I would like to watch the webinars that are on Timberline’s website but they take too long to download to my desktop.
A: Sara Mercer has downloaded the T-TRAK webinars to a flash drive. You may request that drive from her at any time.

Q: How do I know what to put in when it asks for the child’s diagnosis?
A: If the LEA also bills for this student, they will have a diagnosis on file. Please check with the school to get the diagnosis. We are waiting for an answer from Timberline on what to do if only AEA bills, as there is often no diagnosis.

Q: I am getting error code messages such as “No IEP on file.” What do I do?
A: This appears to be a problem on Medicaid’s end. They are working to update their files so this does not occur. Please be patient. We will let you know when Timberline has updated the files.

Q: Follow-up: Since I can’t enter info in until Timberline gets it right, what should I do with my October claims? Can I do them on paper and give them to my administrative assistant?
A: Please hold on to them for now. We expect this problem to be corrected in the very near future.
Q: I get the message “No Student” when applying the filter OR I can’t find students on the list.

A: If you know a child is Medicaid eligible, but they are not showing up in your list, it is most likely that the student does not have a current parental consent signed. Please obtain parent consent and return the form to your administrative assistant. If you know of a current parent consent form, please obtain a copy and provide that to the administrative assistant. Additionally, if a name is misspelled, it will also not show up in the list. Please double-check the spelling of the name.

Q: “Serving school” and “service provided” drop downs are blank on the Template Form (Creating a Template in T-TRAK).
A: We weren’t able to recreate this problem. Therefore, the following answer is how to create a template in T-TRAK: 

From your Case Load Tab, you will click on the pencil icon beside the student for whom you are creating a template. Once you click on the pencil icon beside your student’s name, you will be directed to a screen entitled “Manage Case Load & Service Templates.” Beneath this heading, you should see “Service Templates for (student name) and “No Templates.”  You will click on the Add Service Template button on the far right side of the page. This should bring you to another screen with the same heading “Manage Case Load & Service Templates” with your student’s name at the top left of the page. You would choose the Provider Organization where you have an affiliation.  The choice of Provider Organization should then populate the Service School drop down box with those schools or place of service that would be appropriate for your chosen Provider Organization.  The Provider Organization choice should also populate the dropdown box for Diagnostic code and service provided.

Q: I’m very busy. Can input be completed by administrative assistants?
A: No. Staff will have to input their own students due to the online security and password protections.

Q: What do I do with kids who show up on my list that I’m not serving?
A: Please inform the administrative assistant of any students who are on your list who you are not serving so they can make the appropriate changes in IMS. Also, please remember it takes up to two cycles for the names to be removed from the listings. If after two months, the students continue to show up on the list, inform the administrative assistant again.

Q: What do I do with students who have no billable services?
A: Students with no billable services do not have to be entered into the T-TRAK system. No further action is required.

Q: What do I do with the roster list the administrative assistant gives to me?
A: At this time, you are not required to return these forms to your administrative assistant. In the future, we may ask for forms to be returned to verify completion of billing. As a reminder, Iowa Administrative Code 256B.15 6 states: “Effective November 1, 1988, all area education agencies in the state shall participate in the program and begin billing for and collecting for the covered services and shall bill for services provided retroactive to July 1, 1988.”
Q: Currently Medicaid doesn’t pull names of students who receive Developmental Services only.
A: At this time, no further action is required. Heartland is working with Timberline to resolve this issue.

Q: A new service has been added to the student’s IEP. How do I get that to show up on T-TRAK? 
A: If a service is added or deleted, this should be updated within one cycle (month) automatically. If changes that are made are not showing in T-TRAK after a full cycle, please contact Sue Dunsmoor at or ext. 11202.

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