Monday, January 7, 2019

Answering Your Questions From the Benefits Survey

Juliette Houseman, Benefits Specialist, continues to address some of the questions being submitted via the staff Benefits Survey.  

Q/Comment: At my previous workplace, we had an HSA [Health Savings Account] option that the Agency provided a financial incentive to join (reimbursed some insurance costs). Is that an option? 

A: The HSA is not an option provided by Heartland AEA at this time. The Agency offers an HRA (Health Reimbursement Arrangement) option, which is a contribution from Heartland AEA into an HRA account for you if you have a $1,500 deductible health insurance plan. The contribution is made in quarterly deposits, and you can use the money to be reimbursed for your and/or your spouse and/or dependents’ out-of-pocket vision, medical, dental and/or prescription expenses, regardless of whether you have single or family coverage. 

Since it is an HRA, you are unable to make contributions with your own money, and you are unable to take any balance with you when you terminate your employment with Heartland AEA (unless you are taking a bona fide retirement, which means receiving IPERs). Quarterly deposits are made into an account with 121 Benefits—the Agency’s HRA administrator. When you submit your claims, if there is money available in your account, you are reimbursed. If you submit more than is in your account, then every quarter when a deposit is made, you are reimbursed until the claim has been paid in full. Your HRA balance automatically rolls over annually with no cap. 

Q/Comment: I think this form is deceiving because you have to rank things that all are important, but have to rank. I am not really dissatisfied with any benefits at this time, but as I edge closer to retirement age, my priorities shift. It is important for those looking at this survey to remember that although retirement will not rank high for those who are not close, doesn't mean they are not concerned about it. 

A: This survey is not meant to deceive anyone; the Agency uses all responses as a tool when looking at insurance coverage(s) and premium correlation. We understand that every employee has a unique situation when considering benefits and options that change over time whether it is starting a family or considering retirement. We have tried to select important considerations in the hope that through the responses we can gauge whether or not we are on target within the benefit options we offer. 

Q/Comment: More competitive rates compared to other companies. 

A: Rates and coverages are compared annually, and Wellmark and Delta Dental both provide comparisons to the Book of Business, which shows how we are doing ranked against “like” employers. We also use a consultant firm, Perspective Consulting Partners, to help us remain competitive in the benefits marketplace.

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