As you know, our agency is engaging in an ongoing process to redesign professional learning for our staff. Heartland AEA is committed to high-quality, timely and meaningful professional learning for staff, and the redesign effort is intended to enhance our commitments and efforts. The Agency embarked on the journey of professional learning redesign for a number of reasons, including:
- Maintaining highly skilled staff is critical to Heartland AEA’s success.
- Staff members said they want differentiated learning opportunities.
- Ongoing professional learning is valued.
- The Agency is committed to providing the services we are required and expected to provide.
Our vision for the redesigned professional learning system at Heartland AEA is to create differentiated learning pathways for staff to support the Agency’s mission while developing the knowledge and skills specific to their role in the Agency. Our Professional Learning System Map provides a visual piece that shows our redesigned process specifically for Certified staff.

As the Agency began this work, it recognized the varied areas of learning focus our staff have based on roles, functions and assignments. While we all support our agency’s mission and goals, our individual professional learning needs differ. Therefore, we have dedicated time to hear from many staff and leaders along the way. Agency leadership listened to input, considered priority services and the varied responsibilities of our staff and determined eight areas of learning for our Professional Learning System for Certified staff. These eight areas are bolded below next to Professional Learning Cadre team members.
Karla Day & Kathy Scebold
Problem Solving
Nikki Roorda
Early Childhood/Early Learning
Carlene Lodermeier & Wendy Robinson
Mande Gamble
Sara Mercer
Child Find
Berrett Rice
Sue Schirmer
Adult Facilitation
Stacy Volmer
Brandie Gean
Licensure and Conference Center Manager
Lisa Smith
Physical Therapist; representative from Professional Learning Committee
Kevin Fangman
Chief Academic Officer
Martha Condon
Director of Professional Learning
Each of these Certified staff cadre members leads a workgroup of staff to support our redesign efforts. Workgroups began by identifying key components of learning, competencies and learning targets for each area of learning. The workgroups are currently designing, vetting and refining professional learning opportunities aligned with our agency’s foundational, concentrated and specialized competencies of learning. Over the course of the redesign process, more than 100 staff and leaders have been active contributors to the workgroups.
This fall, Certified staff were asked to participate in a survey about our agency’s current professional learning. The survey addresses the seven standards of professional learning identified by Learning Forward, an international organization leading research and innovations in professional learning. The Standards for Professional Learning outline the characteristics of professional learning that leads to effective teaching practices, supportive leadership and improved student results. The standards include:
- Learning Communities
- Resources
- Learning Designs
- Outcomes
- Leadership
- Data
- Implementation
For more information on the Standards, visit the Learning Forward website. The survey provided an overarching view of the current state of professional learning in our agency. The survey items are arranged by Professional Learning Standard. Results can be viewed by Standard or by individual item. The Aug. 2017 survey results are provided here for your review.
This year, two new exciting things are underway:
Professional Learning System pilot: Our Professional Learning System is being piloted with all regional directors and approximately 100 Certified staff. Pilot participants are representative of our agency’s Certified job-alike groups. A tremendous “thank you” to all of our pilot participants for engaging in our Professional Learning System and new processes this year. We are looking forward to the feedback and impact our pilot participants will have as we further refine our Professional Learning System.
Classified Staff Professional Learning Cadre: A Professional Learning Cadre for Classified staff has been formed for work which began in Dec. 2017. Members of our Professional Learning Cadre represent the various Classified workgroups in our agency and are listed below:
Group Represented
Heng Fongkhamdeng
Business Office
Juliette Houseman
Human Resources
Sean Boyle
Information Systems
Marquis Jones
Internal Technology
Connie Kellogg
Carol Naylor
Licensure/Conference Center
Steve Howard
Jill Lawrence
Shelter Care
Jill Crees
Communications/Creative Services
Sue Dunsmoor
Special Education Data Specialists
Kate Boonstra
Family & Educator Coordinators
Brenda Pierce
Audiometrists/Speech-Language Assistants
Sandy Anderson, Victoria Clemons & Sonia Nulle
Regional Administrative Assistants
Colleen Miller
Central Office Administrative Assistants
Jenny Ugolini
Executive Administrative Assistants
Sheila King
Chief Information Officer
Tony Chiaramonte
Human Resources Manager
Martha Condon
Director of Professional Learning
Sue Daker
Look for continued updates on our professional learning system through The Connection. If you have any questions or would like additional information, contact Martha Condon, Director of Professional Learning, at ext. 14416.
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