Monday, June 5, 2017

Be Curious, Learn and Take Action...and A Fond Farewell to Heartland AEA

Books and reading have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a child, one of my favorite summer activities included the weekly trip to town and the opportunity to spend a few hours in the library. My sisters and I especially loved the reading challenges from whatever summer reading program was in place. 

Access to books has certainly changed over time, but most libraries still promote summer reading as noted by this banner on the Johnston Public Library website: “Build a Better World Summer Reading Program…to encourage kids of all ages to read and keep their brain active throughout the summer.” I hope your summer plans include time for reading! As I write my final note for you, our Heartland AEA staff, I’d like to share a few of my favorite “book-related” quotes and reflections with you.

Of all the things we can apply to our work from sayings about books, perhaps the one quote that I value the most is, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Easy to say and harder to practice, this quote holds many essential ideas about work in a service organization. Whether applied to the individuals with whom we work or systems that we are trying to support, it has been helpful to me to consciously enter new situations with curiosity. A simple strategy taught to me by a valued mentor that helps develop the skill of curiosity rather than judgment is to ask questions rather than make statements. It has been my experience that more diverse thoughts are expressed and a whole new world of information and ideas emerge when you lead with inquiry. Questions also lead to a deeper understanding of situations over time that first impressions may have missed. In other words, take time to see beyond the surface and explore. You likely will be amazed.

Another wonderful quote that applies to service agency work comes from none other than Dr. Seuss. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” As we all strive to do our best work and contribute to “building a better world,” there is no substitute for honing our own skills. I have much appreciated the talented work force at Heartland AEA and the culture of continuous learning. Our agency provides a wealth of resources we can tap into to continue our own learning. Whether you take advantage of a professional learning class, small group discussion, online learning module or other professional resource, I encourage you to deepen your skills this summer. Reading is a wonderful mechanism for new learning and catalyst for creative thought.

My final saying comes from the book The Essential Gandhi“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” How many times do we catch ourselves complaining about a circumstance we would like to change? There are always situations over which we have little or no influence, which can be frustrating; however, we do control whether we choose to focus on the frustration or choose to identify what action we might take. I’m guilty of grumping about the potholes on the road near my home, which hasn’t made one bit of difference in the quality of the roadway. A more productive step would be to write or call a member of the city council. Most of our work has far more significance than filling in a few potholes. The potential difference that can be made everyday by simply taking the action that we can is boundless.

I’m guessing you have book-related quotes of your own that have meaning for you. The three quotes above have been helpful to me in my work, and I summarize them here as my wish for you in the days and weeks ahead…be curious, learn and take action to build the world you want to live in. In doing so, Heartland AEA will continue to be the caring, collaborative and proactive organization that I have experienced. Thank you for all you have helped me learn and experience during the past seven years; it has been my privilege to work with you.


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