Monday, October 17, 2016

Library Space2learn is Coming Soon!

October 17 is here, which means the reshaping of the agency library is moving full steam ahead! You’ve read the past Connection article about why the library is going through this transition. Now, the Library Planning Council wanted to share some of its excitement as it changes to meet the needs of new programs and services. Let's take a walk with this map.

1. iBooths are coming: Our visitors will now have a private place for phone calls, webinars and quiet work. Journals were along this wall.

2. Collaboration area: This unique space will have a large screen monitor, a table for four plus an "upper level" for more seating.

3. Lower shelves: This allows our visitors and staff to have a better sightline so assistance is readily available.

4. Collaboration area: This collaboration and teaching area is easily movable for our visitors. It will include a wall-mount touch screen TV, soft seating and tables (existing), table and chairs, portable whiteboard and glass wall board.

5. Copier remains.

6. Work area: For Breanna, Lisa and Nichole.

7. Collaboration area: With power and portable whiteboard.

8. Journals: You'll find fewer paper titles because most of them are now available to be sent directly to your email.

9. Work area: For Brenda, Connie, Gina and Melanie.

Just a reminder that the library will remain open during the construction phase of our project. We can’t wait to show you the finished product in a few weeks!

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