Monday, October 3, 2016

Count Me In

Are you counting the days until the presidential election is over? As Iowans it sometimes feels like we’re in constant election mode, but the end is in sight—at least for this election cycle!

Did you know that Iowa is one of the top six states in the nation in terms of the number of registered voters that actually vote? Typically 61% of registered voters in Iowa vote. While that is great, it would, in my opinion, be even better if that number were higher.

I have heard more people this fall than ever comment, “I'm not sure my vote counts.” I strongly believe it does. As recently as last month, a school district in our agency service area held a referendum for facility improvements that passed by exactly one vote! Voters in that area have a renewed understanding of the importance of “every vote counts.”

I encourage you to plan now to have your voice be one that is counted. Even though most of the attention is focused on the presidential campaign, there are multiple state and local races and issues on the ballot, too. Vote early, mail an absentee ballot or plan an hour in your calendar to get to the polls on Nov. 8. Visit the Iowa Secretary of State’s website for information about the election, how to get registered and where to vote.

In addition to voting ourselves, each of us has the opportunity this fall to exercise an element of leadership to also encourage a colleague, neighbor or family member to vote. According to a non-profit voter technology firm that studies who votes and why, “people vote when they think it’s important to the people around them.” In the remaining few weeks prior to this year's elections, respectfully share your points of view on issues that are important to you. By engaging in productive dialogue, by voting and by encouraging others to vote, each of us can influence those around us, and on Nov. 8, I hope you will join me in saying, “count me in!”

And as you think about political activity, please remember the guidelines below.


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