Monday, September 30, 2013

New Wellness Center and Wellness Assessment Available Through WebMD

The Heartland AEA Wellness Committee is pleased to announce a new wellness resource and wellness assessment available to all employees who use Wellmark’s health insurance. As a Wellmark member, you have access to the Wellness Center, powered by WebMD®, where you’ll find online tools and resources to help you reach your health goals. You can log on directly through or through the Wellness tab on the Employee Dashboard. Below are some of the tools you now have access to, including the new wellness assessment. 

Start down the road to better health today with: 
Wellness assessment, which is a short questionnaire that gives you an accurate, confidential and personalized report about the state of your health and the next steps forward. 
Health and medical news and information to help you control your weight, stop smoking, reduce your stress and make smarter choices about nutrition to improve your overall health status. 
Health topics provide in-depth assessments and information about specific health conditions such as asthma, high cholesterol, depression, chronic fatigue and diabetes. 
Trackers to help you monitor your progress. Whether your goal is to keep track of daily glucose levels, lower your blood pressure or keep a regular exercise schedule, trackers are an easy way to chart your activity. 
Search for information on any health topic from A to Z and get fast results from reliable, up-to-date sources. 
Symptom Checker that gives you information to help determine what to do about your symptoms after you answer some questions. 

Complete the Wellness Assessment and earn a Visa gift card! 
Now’s the time to start learning more about your well-being and learn what you can do to improve it. Start by completing your annual physical and then taking a wellness assessment. If you participate, you will receive a $25 or $50 Visa gift card! (All participants will receive a $25 gift gift card. If your region/group has over 50% participation, all participants in that group will receive one $50 gift card. All gift cards are treated as taxable income according to law.) If you have any questions, contact Tony Chiaramonte, Human Resources Manager, at or ext. 14534. 

Ready? Here’s what you need to do to get started today! 

Step 1: Get your annual physical, including biometric data and lab results by December 31st, 2013. Collect the health information you need to complete the wellness assessment. The information needed includes: height, weight, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and blood pressure. You’ll need to have routine blood work as well as your annual physical to collect this information. If you’ve had a physical with blood work in 2013, you can call your doctor’s office for the information. 

Step 2: Log on to myWellmark at with your User ID and password. Not a registered member of It’s easy and takes just a few minutes. Go to and select “Member” from the “Register Now” drop-down menu. Or enter from the Wellness tab on the Employee Dashboard. Follow the instructions to complete your registration. 

Step 3: Take the wellness assessment before January 31, 2014. Take 15-20 minutes to answer questions that will give you an accurate, confidential and personalized report that summarizes what you’re doing well and where to improve, including personalized steps to reduce your health risk factors. Be sure to enter your biometrics and lab results as you complete the wellness assessment for a complete picture of your health. 

Step 4: Use the personalized tools and resources to achieve your wellness goals. 

Step 5: Be rewarded. Each participant will receive a $25 or $50 visa gift card. (All participants will receive a $25 gift card. If your region/group has over 50% participation, all participants in that group will receive one $50 gift card. All gift cards are treated as taxable income according to law). Gift cards will be issued with the last pay date in February 2014.

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