Monday, December 23, 2019

Podcast Q & A and More Staff Recommendations

Here's the next installment in the Instructional Technology Consultants' podcast series...

We thought we’d start this installment out with a bit of podcast trivia to test your knowledge. (Answers to each question can be found at the bottom of the article.)  

  1. How many active podcasts are there currently? 
  2. Which smartphone is used most often to listen to podcasts - iPhone or Android? 
  3. Podcast listeners subscribe to an average of ___ shows. 
  4. What percentage of podcast listeners speed up the playback?
  5. Podcast listeners are _____% more likely to earn $250,000+ annually. 

As promised, here are more podcast recommendations from Heartland AEA staff. If you are new to the world of podcasts, check out the November 11th Connection; we can help you get started. 

Jennifer Proctor
Jennifer Proctor (Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing/AD) -- Go Fact Yourself 
This podcast brings together “the smartest celebrities they know and makes them look dumb...and then smart again! Recorded before a live audience in downtown Los Angeles, this game show features comedians, actors and musicians answering arcane questions on topics they claim to be experts in.” 

Amy Grote
Amy Grote (Intake Coordinator/NE) and Terri Parker (Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/JO) -- Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell 
“Revisionist History is Malcolm Gladwell's journey through the overlooked and the misunderstood. Every episode re-examines something from the past—an event, a person, an idea, even a song—and asks whether we got it right the first time. Because sometimes the past deserves a second chance.” 

Terri Parker

Susan Klein

Susan Klein (School Psychologist/AD) -- Happier with Gretchen Rubin 
“Gretchen Rubin is HAPPIER, and she wants you to be happier too. The #1 bestselling author of the Happiness Project and Better Than Before gets more personal than ever as she brings her practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits to this lively, thought-provoking podcast.”  

Kerri Schwemm
Kerri Schwemm (Speech-Language Pathologist/JO) -- ASHA Voices 
“American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: A show about how we communicate and how that communication changes our lives.” 

Thanks again to those who have shared their recommendations. Feel free to add your podcast favorites to our list, and stay tuned to see if your recommendation makes it into an upcoming edition of the Connection.

  1. 700,000 shows for a total of 29 million episodes. iTunes alone has over 500,000 in over 100 different languages. 
  2. (iPhone 54%, Android 43%, Other 3%) 
  3. 6 shows 
  4. 19% 
  5. 45% 

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