Monday, September 24, 2018

More Reasons to Live United and Consider Donating to United Way at the All-Staff Meeting

Central Iowa LIVES UNITED year-round, but United Way is extra special during the fall, when organizations like ours across the community run campaigns to raise money for the fight—the fight for the health, education and financial stability of all central Iowans. 

Heartland AEA and United Way are so grateful to you for the courage and compassion you’ve shown in the past toward this fight. You are truly an impact-maker for so many central Iowans in need! As a donor or volunteer, or as someone who wants to learn more about United Way’s work, you are joining the effort to ensure that everyone in Central Iowa gets a chance at a quality life. 

So, as you read a few examples below of how United Way has assisted those in need, consider filling out a pledge card at our All-Staff Meeting on Sept. 28. 

Through Health Issue, Syrian Mother Finds New Hope
After surviving war in her home country, battling cancer, and caring for four children as a single mother in a new country, Fadia says she feels like a newborn.

Guiding her to those next steps was Ann Cochran with Dallas County Health Navigators, a United Way-funded partner. Ann first met Fadia as she was ready to turn the page on the many struggles she had faced. With Ann's initial help, Fadia and her children (a son in his 20s, another son in high school, and two daughters in elementary school) are now finding their own path in a new country.

A Diploma for Mom
Cecelia Fink wants to be the parent her son, Ezequiel, age 1, looks up to.

Growing up, Cecelia says her mother did drugs and was mean to her and her brothers. She encouraged Cecelia to fight, drink, and do drugs at a young age. Eventually, Cecelia turned to foster care, so she could get her life on track. She continued to make mistakes, and eventually, dropped out of high school.

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