Monday, October 10, 2016

Technology PD This Year—Continue Building Your Skills!

Our agency is going to invest in building your technology skills again this year! Professional learning time will be devoted to learning more in the areas of digital collaboration, digital citizenship and security and instructional resources.

As part of our ongoing Professional Development redesign efforts aligned to the work of our PD Cadre, the Technology Work Team has developed on-going content for this year. Our first learning opportunity will be about Zoom, a virtual collaboration tool we all have access to in our state.

Q: When will the Zoom training module be available?
A: Oct. 11. You will receive an email from our Communications Department that will start the learning process with Zoom Basic Training.

Q: Can we test out of the Zoom training module?
A:  Yes, this training will have a pre-assessment, which if passed, will allow participants to test out of taking this training module.

Q: How will the training work?
A: First, you will need to have an AEA PD Online account. (If you have an account, but don’t remember your login information, contact Shelley Christensen for assistance. This is the same system that you’ve used to take Bloodborne Pathogens, Mandatory Reporter, etc.)

If you haven’t created an account, follow the steps below:
1.    Begin on the AEA PD Online Learning System.
2.    First time user??? Click on Register here.
3.    Enter your first and last name.
4.    Enter your email address.
5.    Enter your BoEE folder number
If you don't know this number, you can look it up at the BoEE Website.
 If you don't have one, indicate N/A.
6.    Click Yes to indicate that you are an AEA or District Employee.
7.    Locate Heartland AEA from the district list.
8.    Enter the District Password - aea11
9.    You may complete the other fields, but they are not required.
10.  Click on Submit Registration Info.
11.  The screen will not appear to change, but you will see a Continue button under the Submit button.
12.  Click on Continue.

Q: Once I login, how will I know where to start?
A: Once logged in to the AEA PD Online Learning System, you will choose the catalog link in the upper left hand sidebar. Then, click on district modules, and all of Heartland AEA’s content for our capacity building training will be listed.

  • Begin by clicking on the course you want to take.
  • The pre-assessment will be the first screen.
  • If the pre-assessment demonstrates proficiency, you will be notified and can print a certificate of completion and move on to another training module that is available.
  • If more leaning is indicated, you will move on to the online learning module for the current Zoom Basics Training module.
Q: Where do I go to access the post-assessments?
A: The post-assessments will appear after each section of a training module. If the post-assessment demonstrates proficiency, the staff member will be notified and can print a certificate of completion and move on to another content area pre-assessment.

Q: What happens if I don’t pass the post-assessment?
A: If more leaning is indicated, you will return to the content module and do further study using the embedded resources. Then you can retake the post-assessment.

Q: Who will keep track of the learning modules I complete?
A: You will be able to print a certificate when you complete each learning module. The Agency will also keep a master record of the learning modules completed by each staff member, which will be shared with supervisors.

Q: Am I expected to complete all the learning modules on the chart?
A: You are expected to complete the trainings that are for all staff and any additional trainings you and your supervisor feel will benefit you and your role at Heartland AEA. The Agency has prioritized this as part of our shared professional learning this year. The trainings are designed to be completed over the course of the 2016-17 year. Please note that this is just an estimate, and some staff will take less time to complete than others. Staff members will work with their individual supervisors on final deadlines for completing the training.

Q: What supports are in place for me while I’m accessing these training modules?
A: We have a number of supports to offer.
•    You have agency time to experience an online learning environment and expand your technology skills.
•    You can collaborate with others who are working on the same content.
•    Significant resources are included within every learning module that you can access.
•    Tech Support Leads and agency Internal Technology staff continue their roles to provide technical support for routine questions and issues.

Q: When I finish the Zoom Basic Training, what’s next?
A: Keep watching The Connection for news about when new training modules will be released. If you are interested in learning more about Zoom, we expect the Zoom Advanced Training module to be available in November. The Digital Literacy Security and Privacy module will be available in early December for all staff to engage with.

Q: What if I test out of all the learning modules?
A: Wow, you are awesome! If that happens, talk with your supervisor about what other learning content areas may be a match for you this year.

Q: Have the Google Apps For Productivity training modules from 2015-16 been updated?

A: Yes, they were updated in July 2016 to reflect any changes to the Apps.

Q: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the learning system?
A: You can contact Lynn McCartney, Instructional Technology Consultant, or Mande Gamble, Technology Training Specialist.

Our Vision for Core Technology Skills at Heartland AEA
Heartland AEA staff will confidently use technology to support self-directed learning, to collaborate, to communicate, to create and to critically problem solve.

Our Expectations for Using Technology
Staff members are expected to use technology and be self-directed learners as part of each of our professional responsibilities. To provide support for staff members, the Agency will define core technology devices and applications that will be supported, as well as define a plan for how staff will access technology-related training, resources and supports.

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