Monday, February 2, 2015

Malware and Adware: Be Cautious When Downloading Programs on Your Computer

The Agency’s Internal Technology Department has been fielding a lot of calls and emails about problems caused by malware and adware. These types of programs cause a wide range of problems, including large numbers of pop-up ads, slowing down your computer and allowing hackers to steal your passwords and credit card information. Some examples of these programs that are showing up on agency computers in growing numbers include MacKeeper, Revir, Jacksbot, CallMe or MacSweeper. 

Unlike many schools and agencies, our agency allows employees to be the administrators of their computers and iPads, allowing more freedom in how they can be used. However, employees need to be very careful in downloading or installing programs on their machines. Please read any messages on the screen and any user agreements before installing a program. If friends or family sometimes use your devices, make sure they follow those guidelines, as well. 

If you suspect malware or adware has been installed on your computer, or if you have questions about software you want to install, contact Mike Permann, Greg Wilcox, Judy Cleveland or Julie Sypersma.

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