Monday, March 4, 2013

Annual AEA Customer Survey Launched Today

A link to the annual AEA Customer Survey was sent to school district staff earlier today. The input collected in the survey will be used to measure our progress on our objectives and goals. The survey will remain open from March 4 to April 5, 2013. We ask that you encourage school administrators and educators you work with to participate in this survey. We had a rather disappointing year last year with only about 23% of educators in our area completing the survey. That means approximately 2 out of every 10 individuals’ thoughts were heard. 

If you have a workshop planned with area educators, consider building time into your agenda and have participants take the survey as their ticket out the door. Click here for a PowerPoint slide you can incorporate into your workshop presentations. 

If you get questions such as the ones below, there are answers you can use in reply. 

Q: Lots of people will be filling this survey out; one person won’t make a difference. 
A: Only 23% of our LEA staff filled out the survey last year. That means approximately 2 out of every 10 individuals’ thoughts were used to make decisions for everyone. We know that having more individuals filling out the survey gives us more representative data to make better decisions. 

Q: I have already filled out the survey this year. Why am I being reminded to take it? 
A: Since the survey responses are anonymous, the AEA has no way of knowing who has contributed and who has not. Educators are only asked to fill out the survey once. After a teacher/administrator completes the survey, he/she may disregard our reminder notices. 

Q: Will I be able to see the information gathered? 
A: Yes. Each year we report information from this survey in our annual progress report, which is then shared with the public after it has been approved by the Iowa Dept. of Education.

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