On the evening of May 27, 2011, all mail data from the current Kerio Mail Server will be migrated to the new one. This will take up to 36 hours and may cause the current e-mail system to be a little slower than usual. If you experience some e-mail performance issues during the weekend of May 27, keep this in mind.
On June 22, 2011 at 10:00 p.m., the final stage of the upgrade process should be completed. At this time, the new server will go live and a final data synchronization will take place. If the process is successful, the new server will be available on June 23. The Internal Technology staff up to and during this time will be testing the new Kerio Mail Server to see if there are any issues that would change this timeline. If there is any need to change it, that information will be communicated as soon as possible.
Even though this is a major upgrade for the e-mail server, most of the enhancements will be behind the scenes. Your user experience will be very similar to the previous version. The enhancements that will be apparent will be better support for mobile devices, better anti-virus, fewer problems with web browsers and improved performance. Kerio will also gain support for a variety of new mobile devices with the installation of the upgrade.
The most noticeable change for users will be in the login screen. The login screen will present a graphic that says “Kerio Connect Webmail” instead of “KerioMailServer6 WebMail.” Below are images that show what your login screen will look like after the change is complete. The current login window has authentication fields that look like this:
The new login window will look like this:
If you have any questions or issues with logging in, please contact Jim Lagnese at ext. 14462 or jlagnese@aea11.k12.ia.us.
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