On March 31 at 10:00 p.m., Kerio Mail will be upgraded to version 7. Even though this is a major upgrade version for the e-mail server, most of the enhancements will be behind the scenes. Your user experience will remain much the same. The most noticeable change will be in the login screen and the title in the browser window. The login screen will present a graphic that says “Kerio Connect Webmail” instead of “KerioMailServer6 WebMail.” The window title will change to “Kerio Connect 7.0.0 patch 2 WebMail” from “Kerio MailServer 6.7.3 patch 1 WebMail.” Below are images to illustrate these changes. Kerio will also get support for a variety of new mobile devices with the installation of the upgrade.
The current login window looks like this:
The new login window will look like this:
If you have any questions or issues with logging in, please contact Jim Lagnese at ext. 14462 or jlagnese@aea11.k12.ia.us.
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