Monday, February 17, 2014

Reminder: Staff Members Have 4 Paid Hours of Volunteer Time

This fall it was announced that the Agency Planning Council (APC) would allow all staff members up to 4 hours of agency time per year to do volunteer/community service work. Some staff members have already taken advantage of this new opportunity and have been featured in recent HeartBeat issues and on the Agency’s social media sites. If you have not used your 4 hours of volunteer time, you may do so between now and June 30, 2014. 

Staff members must follow these procedures for volunteering during agency hours: 
  • There must be at least three Heartland AEA staff members (you and at least two other staff) working at the same volunteer opportunity together. 
  • Staff members are encouraged to wear Heartland AEA-logo clothing or our “Heartland Cares” stickers that were created for this purpose. You can request stickers by contacting Claire Sowder at
  • Of course, you must approve your leave with your supervisor before taking the time off. 
  • Finally, to celebrate our work, please take a photo of your group during the volunteer activity and send it to the Communications Department at with information about the activity and who was involved. 
As this is a new idea, we’ll pilot the volunteer leave for the remainder of this year. Thank you in advance for representing our agency in our communities and demonstrating that we’re proud to impact lives!

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